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No. 10 Haruka's Gambler Instincts

Maybe because of her lack of interest, Haruka was blessed with…

Inside the Gambling Den (go down the ladder at the bridge and…

Chapter 8

Body +50

Icon for <span>Body +50</span> Body +50

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No. 11 Our Queen, Seonhee

Seonhee, the current leader of both Geomijul and the Yokohama…

At the Alley west of the Fukutokucho taxi.

Chapter 8

Soul +50

Icon for <span>Soul +50</span> Soul +50

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No. 12 Nothing Like a Good Game

I used to play games at the arcade back in the day. It’s easy…

Head inside of Sasaki Arcade to find the spot near some machines.…

Chapter 8

Tech +50

Icon for <span>Tech +50</span> Tech +50

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No. 13 Man Versus the Sea

Sometimes, when I look out over the water and take in the salty…

Found outside the Gindaco Highball Tavern (Isezaki Rd.).

Chapter 8

Soul +50

Icon for <span>Soul +50</span> Soul +50

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No. 16 The Usual Place

Back in Onomichi, I would always look forward to stopping by…

South of The Harbor Light restaurant in the Bar District.

Chapter 8

Tech +50

Icon for <span>Tech +50</span> Tech +50

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No. 17 Highway Trauma

I’ve been attacked by the Snake Flower Triad, the Jingweon Mafia,…

Head north of Kinka Bridge.

Chapter 8

Soul +50

Icon for <span>Soul +50</span> Soul +50

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No. 21 Attention to Style

No matter how I’m dressed, I’m still me. Though, as much as I…

Inside the Hustle Boutique store in the Bar District.

Chapter 8

Body +50

Icon for <span>Body +50</span> Body +50

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No. 25 Yokohama Connection

I have a bit of history with Yokohama. Even though I’ve been…

The north entrance to Isezaki Rd.

Chapter 8

Tech +50

Icon for <span>Tech +50</span> Tech +50

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No. 26 The Entertainment Capital of the West

Sotenbori is considered the entertainment capital of the west.…

Overlooking the river to the east of Oka Charger (Bar District).…

Chapter 8

Soul +50

Icon for <span>Soul +50</span> Soul +50

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No. 30 From Foe to Friend

The Jingweon Mafia… An old enemy I once faced in a bloody feud.…

Just outside Eomeoni’s Vow restaurant.

Chapter 8

Soul +50

Icon for <span>Soul +50</span> Soul +50

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No. 31 Butterflies of the Night

I’ve been to my share of cabaret clubs, and behind all the pomp…

Head to the corner of Rose Blossom Cabaret, just east of taxi…

Chapter 8

Soul +50

Icon for <span>Soul +50</span> Soul +50

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No. 33 Dreams of a Past Life: The Swordmaster

Dreams really are strange. In one of them I was the great swordsman,…

To the east of Wette Kitchen (N. Isezaki Rd.).

Chapter 8

Body +50

Icon for <span>Body +50</span> Body +50

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No. 34 Dreams of a Past Life: The Revolutionary

Dreams really are strange. In one of them, I was Sakamoto Ryoma,…

On the corner of Tsurukame Bridge and the Homeless Camp.

Chapter 8

Tech +50

Icon for <span>Tech +50</span> Tech +50

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No. 4 Reliable Allies

Some battles in life you can’t afford to lose, and in those times,…

Found just outside the Welcome Pharmacy.

Chapter 8

Soul +50

Icon for <span>Soul +50</span> Soul +50

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No. 7 Bridge over Troubled Waters

Ijincho might not be the prettiest town, but it’s got some nice…

Make your way to Sunrise Bridge to find the spot.

Chapter 8

Soul +50

Icon for <span>Soul +50</span> Soul +50

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No. 8 Memories of Youth

I was a typical delinquent back in my school days. Embarrassing,…

Gates of the high school, across the bridge to the northwest…

Chapter 8

Tech +50

Icon for <span>Tech +50</span> Tech +50

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No. 9 An Old Flame

One of my fondest memories is the time I went golfing with Kaoru.…

Inside Heaven’s Golf.

Chapter 8

Tech +50

Icon for <span>Tech +50</span> Tech +50

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No.1 Stars Shine Brightest in the Dark

Il Yu-Jin, a Korean superstar I became friends with by chance…

Just south of the You Tian restaurant near Restaurant Row.

Chapter 8

Soul + 50

Icon for <span>Soul +50</span> Soul +50

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No.14 In My Next Life

Heh. I just remembered the time I dressed Mitsuo up. He was trying…

Found outside the Hustle Boutique shop in the Bar District. …

Chapter 8

Tech +50

Icon for <span>Tech +50</span> Tech +50

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No.5 What's a Soapland?

When I first met Haruka, she asked me what a soapland was… I…

Along the street to the northeast of Rose Blossom Cabaret taxi.…

Chapter 8

Tech +50

Icon for <span>Tech +50</span> Tech +50

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No. 23 A Man Named Taiga Saejima

Taiga Saejima… An absurdly huge man setting absurdly huge standards…

Up the street to the north of the Heaven’s Golf taxi.

Chapter 8

Body +50

Icon for <span>Body +50</span> Body +50

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No. 15 One Last Game

I made many fond memories at the sandlot with my friends back…

Outside of the Batting center.

Chapter 8

Body +50

Icon for <span>Body +50</span> Body +50

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No. 19 Grandchildren...

Haruto… Haruka and Yuta sure made a precious little boy. If only…

South of the Hero’s Harvest (Carriage Highway) crafter.

Chapter 8

Soul +50

Icon for <span>Soul +50</span> Soul +50

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No. 18 A Perfectly Strange Combination

Some things in life just make for a strange combination. For…

Inside Cafe Brave.

Chapter 8

Tech +50

Icon for <span>Tech +50</span> Tech +50

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No. 32 Superior Convenience

When it comes to convenience stores, Poppo and M Store dominate…

Outside Poppo (Jinnai Station).

Chapter 8

Soul +50

Icon for <span>Soul +50</span> Soul +50

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No. 27 Memories of Fukuoka

Nagasugai, Fukuoka, where I once lived and worked as Taichi Suzuki,…

Outside The Bee’s Taxi.

Chapter 8

Tech +50

Icon for <span>Tech +50</span> Tech +50

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No. 29 Yumi's Dream

A wedding ceremony held in a Hawaiian church… Yumi described…

Outside large building on corner of Carriage Hwy. and Bayside…

Chapter 8

Body +50

Icon for <span>Body +50</span> Body +50

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No. 24 The Castle Within

There are countless wonders in the world. I know for a fact I’ve…

Just north of the East Carriage Hwy. taxi.

Chapter 8

Soul +50

Icon for <span>Soul +50</span> Soul +50

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No. 3 I'm Glad We Could Michi

I used to think Ono Michio was some tacky, gaudy local mascot.…

Inside Kai Xin Specialty Store. You’ll have to defeat a group…

Chapter 8

Body +50

Icon for <span>Body +50</span> Body +50

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No. 6 The Dragon of the Ring

I often go by other names this lifetime: Taichi Suzuki, Joryu,…

To the east of Hamakita Park.

Chapter 8

Body +50

Icon for <span>Body +50</span> Body +50

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No. 2 Days by the Okinawan Sea

I’ll never forget the time I lived in Okinawa, the time when…

To the left of Hama Wagon Cafe in Hamakita Park.

Chapter 8

Tech +50

Icon for <span>Tech +50</span> Tech +50

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No. 38 Memories of Hamako

The people of Ijincho seem to see Hamako-san as a brash, no-nonsense…

West of Sunrise Bridg,e after Saeko joins the party.

Chapter 8

Body +70, Hamako Guest for Dondoko Island (S Rank).

Icon for <span>Body +70</span> Body +70

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No. 20 What's in a Song

I may not be passionate about much, but when it comes to karaoke,…

Outside Survive Bar once it becomes day in Chapter 8.

Chapter 8

Tech +50

Icon for <span>Tech +50</span> Tech +50

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No. 40 Memories of Munan Suzuki

So Munan Suzuki’s a streamer now… I was surprised at first, but…

North of the park once it becomes day, involves a battle against…

Chapter 8

Tech +70, Munan Suzuki Guest for Dondoko Island (S Rank).

Icon for <span>Tech +70</span> Tech +70

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No. 42 Memories of Taichi

Thanks to Date-san’s scheming, I was able to reunite with Taichi-sort…

Unlocks as part of the story in Yokohama.

Chapter 8

Soul +70, Taichi as guest of Dondoko Island (D rank).

Icon for <span>Soul +70</span> Soul +70

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No. 22 The Tojo Clan

I never thought I’d live to see the Tojo Clan gone. After all…

Outside the Love Magic shop to the southeast.

Chapter 10

Tech +50

Icon for <span>Tech +50</span> Tech +50

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No. 43 Memories of Date

I’m glad to see Date-san hasn’t changed - still sticking his…

Speak to Date at the Harbor Light restaurant near Survive.

Chapter 10

Tech +70

Icon for <span>Tech +70</span> Tech +70

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No. 44 Memories of Stardust

I saw Kazuki and Yuya over in Kamurocho. Though the club is a…

Speak to Date at The Harbor Light near Survive after completing…

Chapter 10

Soul +70, Kazuki & Yuya as a Poundmate, Kazuki and Yuya to Dondoko…

Icon for <span>Soul +70</span> Soul +70

Item icon
No. 45 Memories of the Hirose Family

I drank with Matsunaga and Tagashira, members of the Hirose Family.…

Speak to Date at The Harbor Light restaurant near survive after…

Chapter 10

Body +70, Tagashira and Matsunaga (both E) as guests for Dondoko…

Icon for <span>Body +70</span> Body +70

Item icon
No. 46 Memories of Nakajima

I got to see Nakajima-san, better known as the chief of Nagasu…

Speak to Date at The Harbor Light restaurant near survive after…

Chapter 10

Tech +70, Nakajima as guest for Dondoko Island (B rank).

Icon for <span>Tech +70</span> Tech +70

Item icon
No. 47 Memories of Sayama

I got to see Sayama, who I spent most of my time with in Osaka.…

Speak to Date at The Harbor Light restaurant near survive after…

Chapter 10

Soul +70, Kaoru Sayama Poundmate, Kaoru Sayama as guest for Dondoko…

Icon for <span>Soul +70</span> Soul +70

Item icon
No. 28 Thoughts on Onomichi

Onomichi, a calm, shipbuilding town surrounded by the sea and…

North of Hamakita Park, behind a Lv 41 Star enemy.

Chapter 8

Body +50

Icon for <span>Body +50</span> Body +50

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No. 35 Memories of the Bartender

If the day ever comes where we can speak freely, we’ll start…

Speak to the Bartender in Survive.

Chapter 12

Soul +70, Survive Bartender Poundmate, Guest at Dondoko (S).…

Icon for <span>Soul +70</span> Soul +70

Item icon
No. 48 Memories of Akiyama

I met up with Akiyama… Though it would be more accurate to say…

Speak to Date at The Harbor Light restaurant near Survive after…

Chapter 12

Tech +70, Akiyama Poundmate

Icon for <span>Tech +70</span> Tech +70

Item icon
No. 49 Memories of Haruka

…I never thought I’d hear Haruka’s voice again. She’s become…

Receive a call from Date when all Awakening stats are at Rank…

Chapter 12

Body +70, Makoto Date Poundmate, Kiryu (2016) as guest to Dondoko…

Icon for <span>Body +70</span> Body +70

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No. 36 Memories of Yuki

Yuki hasn’t changed much since her cabaret club days in Sotenbori…

After Kamurocho memoir No.39 Memories of Koyuki, go behind The…

Chapter 12

Tech +70

Icon for <span>Tech +70</span> Tech +70

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No. 50 Memories of Hanawa

Hanawa and I both knew that death could come for us in this line…

Automatically from the story at the start of Chapter 10.

Chapter 10

Soul +50

Icon for <span>Soul +50</span> Soul +50

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No. 37 Memories of the Chief

Not only did the chief inherit his role from his predecessor,…

Homeless Camp


Body +70, Chief as Guest to Dondoko Island (F).

Icon for <span>Body +70</span> Body +70

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