During the Prologue, pick a flower from the waterside and give it to June to unlock ‘Flower in Her Hair’.
During the Prologue, pick a flower from the waterside and give it to June to unlock ‘Flower in Her Hair’.
Carl and June are a young couple living the perfect life together in an idyllic mediterranean-esque rural village. The sun always seems to shine on them, but on a day when their first child begins to manifest through June’s pregnancy, the rain begins to fall leading to her catastrophic death in a car crash. Where light once shone now sorrow overwhelms. Carl is left alone in an irrevocably marred world, powerless to do anything other than dwell on his sudden misery. His thoughts linger on the moment of the crash; what could he have done to save her? As time and space seem to cease, a number of portals reveal themselves through June’s paintings, allowing Carl to trace the events of the tragedy from the perspective of those who played some key role leading up to the crash. With this unexpected power, he must now work through the memories contained within the portals to save his beloved June and their child.
This guide will take you through the story of Last Day of June in a way which allows you to collect all the achievements and memories associated with each character without having to go back through the story unnecessarily. In addition, the guide ensures that the player does not miss any of the hidden achievements that can be overlooked along the way.
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