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Horizon Forbidden West

Forgefall (Legendary)

Nathan Garvin
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Information about Forgefall in Horizon Forbidden West, including how to obtain it, how to upgrade it, and what the strengths and weaknesses of the Forgefall are.

Forgefall Description

“Forged by the Oseram to deliver powerful Plasma attacks, this long-range bow is rumored tobe the same weapon that decimated mercenary forces in the Battle of Three Chains.”“

Trade Dukkah 80 Arena Medals to get Forgefall.

How to Get Forgefall

Location Cost
The Maw of the Arena, Dukkah 80x Arena Medals

You can purchase Forgefall by trading with Dukkah at The Maw of the Arena. To earn the 80 Arena Medals you’ll need to purchase Forgefall you must complete all four trials in the Amatuer and Intermediate categories, as well as the first trial in the Skilled category. For more information on how the arena functions, check out the page What is the Arena?.

To unlock the arena, you must first complete the main quest The Broken Sky, then it’s followup The Kulrut. After this you may also be locked into the main quest Cradle of Echoes, unless you completed it earlier. Once all those are finished, however, the arena will be open.

How to Use Forgefall

The ultimate Sharpshot Bow, Forgefall is in many ways an upgraded Glowblast Sharpshot Bow inasmuch as both weapons are primed to deal Plasma Damage, inflict Plasma Blast, and prime said Plasma Blast for potent explosions. Forgefall takes this to an extreme, with Advanced Precision Arrows replacing the standard Sharpshot Bow ammunition, and Advanced Plasma Precision Arrows coexisting alongside their lesser counterparts. If anything, this is too much of a good thing, as if you’re not keen on inflicting Plasma damage, Forgefall’s overspecialization will leave you… well, with incredibly powerful Advanced Precision Arrows, but having Tear Precision Arrows instead of a redundant Plasma damage option would have been nice.

Quibbles aside, Forgefall is incredibly powerful, capable of setting up and priming Plasma Blasts with very few shots. This is especially useful considering how expensive this bow’s arrows are. This is a bow designed for big game, best used on foes where your primary concern is survival, not thrift and economy.

As a Legendary weapon, it earns its pretentious classification with a whopping five perks (Draw Speed, Concentration Damage, Overdraw Damage, Aerial Enemy Damage and Shocked Enemy Damage) and a potential of five Coil Slots. Whether you can manage to scrape together the junkyard’s worth of Metal Scraps and rare machine parts to fully upgrade this weapon is another matter.

How to Upgrade Forgefall

Rank Effect Upgrade Cost
I Increased Weapon Stats, 1x Perk Improvement 600x Metal Shards, 1x Luminous Brainstem, 2x Dreadwing Primary Nerve, 5x Dreadwing Metal Fang, 2x Slitherfang Circulator
II Increased Weapon Stats, 1x Perk Improvement, Unlocks Coil Slot 800x Metal Shards, 2x Luminous Brainstem, 2x Slitherfang Primary Nerve, 6x Slitherfang Earthgrinder, 2x Stormbird Primary Nerve
III Increased Weapon Stats, 2x Perk Improvement 1000x Metal Shards, 3x Luminous Brainstem, 1x Apex Frostclaw Heart, 3x Frostclaw Sac Webbing, 3x Thunderjaw Tail
IV Increased Weapon Stats, 2x Perk Improvement 1200x Metal Shards, 4x Luminous Brainstem, 2x Thunderjaw Circulator, 1x Apex Thunderjaw Heart, 3x Apex Snapmaw Heart
V Increased Weapon Stats, 1x Perk Improvement, Unlocks Coil Slot 1500x Metal Shards, 5x Luminous Brainstem, 2x Slaughterspine Circulator, 2x Apex Tremortusk Heart, 1x Apex Slaughterspine Heart.

(1 of 2) You can find Dreadwings and Stormbirds in the mountains southeast of Cliffwatch.

You can find Dreadwings and Stormbirds in the mountains southeast of Cliffwatch. (left), You can knock three Earthgrinders off a Slitherfang’s upper underbelly. (right)

Forgefall Rank I Upgrades

  • Metal Shards: Common drop from all machines.
  • Luminous Brainstem: Very Rare drop from all Heavyweight machines, as well as [Scorchers], [Apex Frostclaws] and [Specters].
  • Dreadwing Primary Nerve: Rare drop from [Dreadwings]. Dreadwings can be found near LATOPOLIS after the quest [Seeds of the Past]. Alternatively, you may be able to find a Dreadwing earlier in the mountains southeast of Cliffwatch, in the blacked-out, supposedly “inaccessible” part of the mountain range.
  • Dreadwing Metal Fang: Very Rare drop from Dreadwings. Must be detatched before the machine is destroyed.
  • Slitherfang Circulator: Uncommon drop from [Slitherfangs]. Slitherfangs will only spawn after the main quest The Kulrut is finished. You can subsequently find a Slitherfang Site along the northern end of The Stillsands.

Forgefall Rank II Upgrades

  • Slitherfang Primary Nerve: Rare drop from Slitherfangs.
  • Slitherfang Earthgrinder: Very Rare drop from Slitherfangs. Must be detached before the machine is destroyed.
  • Stormbird Storm Cannon: Legendary drop from [Stormbirds]. Must be detaches before the machine is destroyed. Stormbirds are very rare until you travel to an island to the far west during the main quest [Faro’s Tomb]. Alternatively, you may be able to find a Stormbird earlier in the mountains southeast of Cliffwatch, in the blacked-out, supposedly “inaccessible” part of the mountain range.

Forgefall Rank III Upgrades

  • Apex Frostclaw Heart: Very Rare drop from Apex [Frostclaws].
  • Frostclaw Sac Webbing: Rare drop from Frostclaws. You must avoid destroying the Chillwater Unit to loot this component.
  • Thunderjaw Tail: Legendary drop from [Thunderjaws]. Must be detached before the machine is destroyed.

Forgefall Rank IV Upgrades

  • Thunderjaw Circulator: Uncommon drop from Thunderjaws.
  • Apex Thunderjaw Heart: Very Rare drop from Apex Thunderjaws.
  • Apex Snapmaw Heart: Very Rare drop from Apex Snapmaws.

Forgefall Rank V Upgrades

  • Slaughterspine Circulator: Uncommon drop from [Slaughterspines].
  • Apex Tremortusk Heart: Very Rare drop from Apex [Tremortusks]. You can find a Tremortusk at the Raintrance Hunting Grounds, but it will never be an Apex model. These won’t start spawning until Tremortusks appear globally, which will occur after you complete the main quest The Broken Sky. You can find a Tremortusk Site northeast of The Bulwark.
  • Apex Slaughterspine Heart: Very Rare drop from Apex Slaughterspines.

Forgefall Stats

Advanced Precision Arrows Base Rank I Rank II Rank III Rank IV Rank V
Impact_Status_Icon_Horizon_Forbidden_West.png Impact 179 184 192 201 217 241
Tear_Status_Icon_Horizon_Forbidden_West.png Tear 179 186 196 202 224 243
Plasma Precision Arrows Base Rank I Rank II Rank III Rank IV Rank V
hfw_plasma_damage_icon.jpg Plasma 25 26 27 28 31 34
hfw_plasma_damage_buildup_icon.jpg Plasma Buildup 232 240 254 262 290 315
Advanced Plasma Precision Arrows Base Rank I Rank II Rank III Rank IV Rank V
hfw_plasma_damage_icon.jpg Plasma 51 52 54 57 61 68
hfw_plasma_damage_buildup_icon.jpg Plasma Buildup 464 481 507 524 581 629

Forgefall Perks

Perks Base Rank I Rank II Rank III Rank IV Rank V
hfw_draw_speed_perk_icon.jpg Draw Speed +25% +25% +65% +65% +65% +65%
hfw_concentration_damage_perk_icon.jpg Concentration Damage +10% +10% +10% +25% +25% +25%
hfw_perk_overdraw_icon.jpg Overdraw Damage +25% +25% +25% +25% +25%
hfw_aerial_enemy_damage_perk_icon.jpg Aerial Enemy Damage - - +15% +40% +40%
hfw_shocked_enemy_damage_perk_icon.jpg Shocked Enemy Damage - - - - +10% +25%
  • Draw Speed: Increase the speed at which you fully draw and overdraw arrows. The longer you draw an arrow, the more damage it deals. Forgefall has a base +25% Draw Speed, which increases to +65% at Rank II.

  • Concentration Damage: Deals extra damage while Concentration is in use. Starts out at +10% and increases to +25% at Rank III.

  • Overdraw Damage: Deals extra damage when a shot is “Overdrawn”. Unlocks at Rank I.

  • Aerial Enemy Damage: Deals extra damage to flying enemies. Unlocks at Rank III and improves to +40% at Rank IV.

  • Shocked Enemy Damage: Deals extra Impact and Explosive damage against enemies afflicted with the Shocked debuff. Unocks at Rank IV and improves to +25% at Rank V.

Forgefall Ammo Types

Icon Name Effect
hfw_advanced_precision_arrow_icon.jpg Advanced Precision Arrows Deals Impact_Status_Icon_Horizon_Forbidden_West.png Impact and Tear_Status_Icon_Horizon_Forbidden_West.png Tear damage
hfw_plasma_precision_arrow_icon.jpg Plasma Precision Arrows Deals hfw_plasma_damage_icon.jpg Plasma damage and hfw_plasma_damage_buildup_icon.jpg Plasma Buildup
hfw_advanced_plasma_precision_arrow.jpg Advanced Plasma Precision Arrows Deals hfw_plasma_damage_icon.jpg Plasma damage and hfw_plasma_damage_buildup_icon.jpg Plasma Buildup
  • Advanced Precision Arrows: More powerful Precision Arrows, these deal massive Impact and Tear damage. Expensive to craft due to requiring Volatile Sludge, these arrows should be saved for the most opportune shots made on the most powerful of enemies.

  • Plasma Precision Arrows: Heavy arrows rigged with Glowblast canisters, inflicts minor Plasma damage and heavy Plasma Buildup. Hit an enemy until they’re affected by the Plasma Blast debuff. When the debuff wears off an explosion will trigger, dealing additional damage to the target. Switch to Impact damage while the target is under the effects of the Plasma Blast debuff to increase the damage the exlosion deals.

  • Advanced Plasma Precision Arrows: Heavy arrows rigged with Glowblast canisters, inflicts moderate Plasma damage and massive Plasma Buildup. Useful for when you really need to trigger a Plasma Blast quickly - ideally in a single arrow. The expense of crafting these should deter you from using them against anything that’s not an Apex Heavyweight machine.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Sony Interactive Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PS4, PS5
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    15 February 2022
  • Last Updated
    31 March 2022
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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This guide for Horizon Forbidden West includes the following:

  • A Walkthrough for Main Quest
  • A Guide for all Errands, Side Quests and Cauldrons
  • An in depth analysis for Weapons and Armor.
  • Information on all new and returning Machines
  • How to find and complete all four Melee Pits
  • How to unlock and complete all stages of the Arena
  • How to find and override all five Tallnecks
  • Locations on all Collectibles
    • Ornaments
    • War Totems
    • Vista Points
    • Survey Drones
    • Signal Towers
    • Black Boxe

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