This page is a walkthrough on how to complete the UNSC Distress Call, Cayman Squad. It’ll navigate you through the necessary steps to saving the Cayman Squad.
Head to this location on the map to find the Cayman Squad.
Begin the Main Mission: Recovery.
Distress call received from Cayan Squad. Rendezvous at their position immediately to provide assistance.
Where to find the Cayman Squad¶
Once you begin the fourth mission, Recovery in Halo Infinite, you’ll arrive at a small island which has a few UNSC Distress Calls. One of which is the Cayman Squad which can be found northeast of FOB Golf.
(1 of 2) Make your way behind the enemies
Make your way behind the enemies (left), and take out the enemies from behind when they’re distracted. (right)
How to Complete Cayman Squad¶
As you arrive you’ll find the Marines which are a part of the Cayman Squad fighting against several enemies, such as Grunts and Elites. The easiest way of dealing with this situation is to flank the enemies from behind whilst they’re distracted by the marines and melee them down. If you find yourself being crowded, then use the grapple shot to get out of the area and wait for your health to regenerate.
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