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Gotham Knights

All Nightwing Abilities

Matt Chard
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In Gotham Knights you’ll have two ways to progress your character, one of them will be your standard skill tree which gives you passives that increase the strength of your character, which is gained by leveling your character or completing specific missions. The other is Momentum abilities which you can read about here. This page will show you all of Nightwing’s skills.

Raptor Tree

Nightwing’s Raptor tree covers his Pounce ability as well as passives that affect his overall damage including skills like critical chance and damage passives. This tree will increase your overall damage, and is worth investing your ability points into.

Icon Name Description AP Cost
Perfect_Evade_Nightwing_Skills_Gotham_Knights.png Perfect Evade Nightwing performs a perfectly-timed evade that generates Momentum and allows for a Perfect Attack follow-up. 1 AP
Critical_Expertise_Nightwing_Skills_Gotham_Knights.png Critical Expertise Increases Nightwing’s Critical damage by 20%. 1 AP
Trampoline_Nightwing_Skills_Gotham_Knights.png Trampoline Nightwing’s Pounce Ability is automatically followed by a high-jump on the enemy. This Ability cannot be used if Nightwing is under a low ceiling. 1 AP
Assassings_Mark_Nightwing_Skills_Gotham_Knights.png Assassin’s Mark Marks an enemy, increasing Nightwing and his allies’ damage to the foe by 10%. Hold DualSense-DPad-Down-Filled + Hold DualSense-ButtonTriangle-Filled while aiming at an enemy. 2 AP
Precise_Strikes_Nightwing_Skills_Gotham_Knights.png Precise Strikes Increases Nightwing’s chance to land a Critical hit by 10%. 2 AP
Aerial_Bounce_Nightwing_Skills_Gotham_Knights.png Aerial Bounce Nightwing bounces off an enemy following an aerial attack to propel himself back into the air. Can be used up to 3 times in succession. 2 AP
Critical_Distance_Nightwing_Skills_Gotham_Knights.png Critical Distance Hitting an enemy with a Melee Attack from a large distance increases the Critical chance and Critical damage by 15%. 3 AP

Acrobat Tree

Nightwing’s Acrobat tree predominantly covers increasing his Momentum or Momentum gain with a few evasion based skills thrown in. The first skill in the tree gives you a flat 20% aerial attack damage bonus which is a great skill for little to no investment. You’ll definitely want to get the Momentum related skills. For the rest, it’s more build related.

Icon Name Description AP Cost
Aerial_Damage_Plus_Nightwing_Skills_Gotham_Knights.png Aerial Damage + Increases Nightwing’s aerial damage by 20%. 1 AP
Extra_Momentum_Bar_Nightwing_Skills_Gotham_Knights.png Extra Momentum Bar Grants Nightwing an extra Momentum bar. 1 AP
Momentum_Gain_Plus_Nightwing_Skills_Gotham_Knights.png Momentum Gain + Increases Nightwing’s Momentum gain by 15%. 1 AP
Evade_Chain_Nightwing_Skills_Gotham_Knights.png Evade Chain Nightwing chains evades by performing a quick succession of back jumps. 3 AP
Halys_Favorite_Nightwing_Skills_Gotham_Knights.png Haly’s Favorite Completing an Evade Chain knocks down all nearby enemies. 2 AP
Evade_Chain_Momentum_Nightwing_Skills_Gotham_Knights.png Evade Chain Momentum Performing an Evade Chain during combat restores a portion of Nightwing’s Momentum. 2 AP
Mind_and_Body_Nightwing_Skills_Gotham_Knights.png Mind and Body Using Momentum Abilities restores a portion of Nightwing’s health. 2 AP

Pack Leader Tree

Nightwing’s Pack Leader tree is the best tree when playing co-op. It has various passives that’ll affect the team by boosting their Critical chance, Defense, Momentum regeneration, and it even has the ability to revive teammates with your darts. Although predominantly a team base tree, it does have some personal benefits just for Nightwing.

Icon Name Description AP Cost
Family_Ties_Nightwing_Skills_Gotham_Knights.png Family Ties Increases Nightwing’s defense and resistance by 10%. Working with allies also grants him additional bonuses: Batgirl: Melee damage +15% Red Hood Ranged damage +15% Robin: Stealth damage +15%. 1 AP
Health_Bolstered_Defense_Nightwing_Skills_Gotham_Knights.png Health Bolstered Defense When Nightwing’s health is at least +70%, he gets a +5% defense bonus scaling up to +20% at full health. 1 AP
Momentum_Regen_Nightwing_Skills_Gotham_Knights.png Momentum Regen Nightwing’s Momentum regenerates over time. Regeneration stops after filling 1 Momentum segment. Gaining any Momentum activates regeneration again. Working with allies increases the regeneration speed. 1 AP
Shared_Skill_Nightwing_Skills_Gotham_Knights.png Shared Skill Passive Skills increasing Damage, Critical chance, Defense, Momentum regeneration, and Ultimate cooldown are shared with allies at 50% of their value. 3 AP
Elemental_Smart_Darts_Nightwing_Skills_Gotham_Knights.png Elemental Smart Darts Nightwing’s darts inflict Elemental Effect build up on enemies or heal allies over time. 2 AP
Elemental_Smart_Darts_Plus_Nightwing_Skills_Gotham_Knights.png Elemental Smart Darts + Nightwing’s darts also reduce the enemies’ defense by 10% and increase damage inflicted by allies by 5% for 10 seconds. 2 AP
Revive_Darts_Nightwing_Skills_Gotham_Knights.png Revive Darts Nightwing’s darts can be used to instantly revive an ally from afar. Maximum 1 per night. 2 AP

Knighthood Tree

Nightwing’s Knighthood tree makes you stronger across the board. It’ll increase the effectiveness of your melee, ranged, and your nest ability. These strong skills won’t be available until you complete your first patrol around Gotham and complete the following challenges: Timed Strike Training, Against All Odds, and One Step Ahead. After that, each skill will require specific challenges to be completed to unlock them.

Icon Name Description
Flying_Trapeze_Nightwing_Skills_Gotham_Knights.png Flying Trapeze Nightwing uses his Flying Trapeze to glide through the air. He can also rebound off of walls to gain altitude and speed. Hold DualSense-R2-Filled while airborne to use Flying Trapeze.
Triple_Darts_Nightwing_Skills_Gotham_Knights.png Triple Darts Nightwing shoots 3 darts at once instead of 1.
Strike_Distance_Plus_Nightwing_Skills_Gotham_Knights.png Strike Distance + Nightwing’s Melee Attacks can strike enemies from farther away.
Guardian_Nightwing_Skills_Gotham_Knights.png Guardian Defeating an enemy reduces Nest Ability cooldown by 15%.
Combat_Expertise_Nightwing_Skills_Gotham_Knights.png Combat Expertise Increases the number of attacks in Nightwing’s Melee combo by 1. The last hit is a knockdown.
Nest_Buffs_Plus_Nightwing_Skills_Gotham_Knights.png Nest Buffs + Nest damage is increased by 150%, and the healing effect is increased by 100%.
Bigger_Nest_Nightwing_Skills_Gotham_Knights.png Bigger Nest Increases the size of Nightwing’s Nest.
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS5, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    19 October 2022
  • Last Updated
    10 July 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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Gotham Knights is an open world RPG released on October 21st, 2022. Batman is dead and Gotham City is vulnerable, leaving the burden of its protection in the hands of four protagonists that you’ll have the opportunity to play as: Batgirl, Nightwing, Red Hood, and Robin, each with unique abilities and playstyles. As you play through the story you’ll be uncovering some of Batman’s last cases, leading to a conflict with the ancient Court of Owls.

This guide offers information for all of the essential aspects of the game, including:

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