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Genshin Impact

Vimana Agama

Jessica Dillon
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Varuna Gatha is an interesting world quest that drops important lore about Ruin Machines. The lore revolves around a giant Ruin Guard that is now resting at Devantaka Mountain. The guide below walks you through the quest and helps you get a step close to completing the Aranyaka quest line.

Ararycan’s introduction in Varuna Gatha.


You heard from Araja that the Aranara were investigating a suspicious Nara near Devantaka Mountain. You wonder if it has anything to do with the missing kids at Vimara Village…

Into the Mountain

Jazari’s introduction in Vimana Agama.

To start this quest, you will need to complete The World of Aranara. Afterward, teleport to Devantaka Mountain If you haven’t been here, then the area is extremely easy to notice as there is a giant Rune Guard. Once there, head to the quest marker to find Ararycan, who is hiding behind a pillar-like object.

After speaking with him, follow the quest markers inside the mountain, investigating the glowing locations that are marked on your mini-map along the way. You will want to grab the waypoint on the way over to Jazari, an NPC located in the uppermost part of the cave. Once this is done, talk to Jazari, he will inform you that he is researching the mountain and trying to get inside of the Ruin Guard. To do so, he needs to find a device to allow him inside.

Bidding slider in Port Ormos.

You will now head to Port Ormos to speak with a vendor named Royinjan. This will bring up a barter mini-game. Keep to around 450,000 mora to complete the transaction.

Royinjan’s Chapter

Secret base location in Vimara Village.

Learning that the device you received from Royinjan won’t work, you will now need to head back to Vimara Village. There will be two glowing spots to investigate inside the small cave. The second one will give you the Amiti Device. The device isn’t complete, so you will need to go to two separate locations to recover the missing fragments.

Royinjan’s Chapter: Linga ( Dendro Needed)

Dendro Ring puzzle in Devantaka Mountain.

Head back to Devantaka Mountain and enter the cave on the north side of the area. You will want to jump down next to the Seelie that’s resting on a large gear. Once he begins moving, follow him around the room to his pedestal. You should now be able to see the second Seelie. He can be found in the small area below the cube mechanism. Follow the last Seelie to the pedestal to completely empty the room of water.

Drop down and go to the quest marker. Here you will use your Vintage Lyre to open a new path. You will find a few sealed Dendro Pillars. Shoot the nearby Dendro Rings with Dendrogana to unlock the pillars and proceed onward. The next area will have a glowing marker on the ground. This is the Amiti Fragment. Grab it and move to the location of the Yoni chapter.

Royinjan’s Chapter: Yoni

This time you will want to teleport back to the waypoint you unlocked right before meeting Jazari at Devantaka Mountain. Jump down to the marker. Here you will find a rock marked with Dendro. Use the nearby Dendrogana to break it and then head inside.

Here you will find a Withering Zone. Clear it to make the last Amiti Fragment appear. Tell Jazari of your success, and then get ready to enter the giant Ruin Guard.

Vimana Agama: Jazari’s Chapter (Pyro or Cryo Recommended)

Inactive power relay on the Ruin Guard’s lower level.

You will now enter the Ruin Guard, where you will be greeted by a simple puzzle. You will want to jump down the hole in the center of the room to reach the bottom floor. Here you will find three energy relay pillars. You will want to clear out the Ruin Cruisers, and then grab the energy blocks that are laying around the ground.

You will place these inside each of the pillars. This will reactivate the rooms elevator, and use it to go to the middle floor. It’s here that the puzzle tries to become a bit tricky, but it’s simple to follow with these steps.

    • Go to the active relay and take the power core out.
    • Go next door, and slot the relay into the gate.
    • Once the gate opens, take the power core from the relay, and then grab the core you used to open the gate.
    • Go southwest, and use the two energy cores to open the gate, grab the relay that’s inside.
    • Head across the room, and use your three cores to open the next gate.
    • Grab the energy core that’s inside the room and place it in the nearby power relay.
    • Now that the relay is active, exit the room and pick your three cores.
    • You will now head back across the room and place the power core back in the previous relay
    • After this, go to the second gate you opened and place the core back in the relay.
    • Finally, go back to the first non-gated relay, and place the power core inside it.

(1 of 5) First power relay.

After this, a Black Serpent Knight will spawn. This is the Windcutter version, and he uses Anemo attacks, quickly defeat him and use the elevator to head to the last floor.

  1. The last floor is easy to complete.
  2. Go into the open room and grab the relay, then run across the platform and use it to open the gate. There will be another core inside.
  3. Grab it and place it in the room’s power relay. Exit the room, grabbing the relay you used to open the gate along the way.
  4. You will now head back across the platform and place the relay in the energy relay.
  5. This will open the cockpit.

Once the cockpit is open, head inside and take control of the Ruin Guard, you will want to try and fire the beam a couple of times. This will prompt the Ruin Guards arm to malfunction and break open a cave in the ground. Speak with Jazari and then head out through the arms opening and jump down into the cave.

Vimana Agama: Dev Delver ChapterVimana Agama: Dev Delver Chapter

Vimana Agama Electro Abyss Lector fight.

Once you’re in the ruins, grab the waypoint and dig up the clipboard at the glowing spot. Head deeper inside, and you will find three sets of Abyss Mages. Follow the quest markers and finish them all off. Once this is done, use the Four-Leaf Sigils to head up to the core. A short cutscene will play when you arrive, and you will be knocked off the platform by an Electro Abyss Lector.

You will want to use a Pyro or Cryo character to quickly take him down and break through his shield. Afterward, you will need to head back up to the core and choose to shut it down. Once this is done, simply leave the cave and speak with Ararycan again to end the quest.

If you are playing on PlayStation, this will unlock the Journey: “…Let Me Fade With Memory” trophy.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    Android, iOS, PC, PS4, PS5, Switch
  • Genre
    Action RPG, Adventure
  • Guide Release
    30 October 2020
  • Last Updated
    31 July 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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This guide for Genshin Impact includes the following:

  • Based on version 3.0.
  • An interactive Map of Teyvat showing the location of all; Anemoculus, Geoculus, Statues of the Seven, World Quests, Shrines, Plants, Monsters, Enemies, Chests and Minerals.
  • Knowledge on all of the current known regions of Teyvat.
  • Detailed Character pages of all playable characters showing talent trees, skill builds and Ascension tables.
  • Character Tier Lists.
  • Combat Information and Elemental Effects & Combinations.
  • Weapons - Showing the current best and highest rated weapons in the game.
  • All Archon Quests including the new Sumeru Archon Quests.
  • All World Quests that are unlocked by speaking to NPCs through Teyvat. They give insight into the various locations and stories of the world.
  • All Story Quests consisting of chapters related to the background and personalities of each playable character.
  • All Domains laid bare with expert strategies including the new Sumeru Domains.
  • How to conquer the Spiral Abyss.
  • All Weekly Bosses covered with expert strategies.
  • How to get all the optimal outcomes on Hangout Events
  • Housing guide using the Serenitea Pot including a full blueprint and furnishings list.
  • All details on Gardening and Fishing.
  • Bonus Content, including Interviews from voice actors.

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