Map of Chapter 27.
Location | Objective |
Shirasagi: Throne Room | Defeat the boss |
Enemies Present |
Empty Vessel |
Lancer |
Merchant |
Swordmaster |
Shrine Maiden |
Berserker |
Master Ninja |
Spear Master |
Sniper |
Sorcerer |
As you can see by looking at the field, you have six units that can be placed close to the max-level enemies on the left and right (three on each side).
This gives you a chance to pair up your strongest units with someone they are strong against. Overall, you should be able to muster up six units for each of the enemies. It’s recommended to pair up a fast unit (horse, flyer) with a healer in your main group, so you can assist whoever may need helping. Still, you should have enough strong units to take out the six enemies here (especially the Sniper and Sorcerer). If nothing else, use high defense units on the other melee units to guarantee survival and perhaps your own Ninja for the Master Ninja.
Each kill unlocks the door nearby to the stairs up near Garon, giving you a handy way to get to him faster once your champions have taken care of business. The main group of course will have to take on the middle units. Of note here are the three Lancer enemies who have both Counter and Countermagic, which will make you pay if you attack them. This is one instance where letting them get in the first hit will let you survive, as you counterattacking will not trigger their skill. Be careful about letting anyone other than your strongest characters take them on however, as their numbers mean they can gang up on you.
Once you’ve taken on the enemy champions and let the lancers fling themselves at your strongest units in vain, it is time to face off with King Garon . He has a few skills that guarantee you won’t one-shot him (such as Dragonskin), but heal up and gather your strongest fighters just outside his range and get ready to attack. Send in your strongest units one after another (just as long as they don’t die in the counter-attack) and Garon will be taken down, ending this mad king’s threat once and for all. His weapon can hit up to 3 tiles of range so be very careful of your healers.
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