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Every Skill in Fire Emblem Engage falls into certain classes, with certain units being able to access said classes. Confused? Don’t worry, it’s a lot to take in. First, start off with the unit that needs some work and pick a suitable Class for them. From there certain skills will be available to said unit, which can all be found in this handy guide.

Every Skill In Fire Emblem Engage

There’s plenty of different skills for players to get their hands on including:

  • Class Skill: Unlocked when reaching Level 5 in Advanced Class, players can equip one at a time.
  • Engage Attack: Can be used once after Engaging with an Emblem.
  • Engage Skill: Usable after Engaging with an Emblem.
  • Personal Skill: A skill assigned to Characters that cannot be changed.
  • Inheritable Skills: Skills learned from Emblems after surpassing a Level 5 bond with it.
  • Sync Skill: Accessed by equipping Emblems which may also be inherited.

We’ve provided a full table of every Skill in Fire Emblem Engage below. Need more information? JUst click on the skill name to find a detailed FEE Database entry which will have all the information players need, included which Classes said skill falls under:

Skill Name Description
"Adaptable" iconAdaptable If foe initiates combat, unit counters with the best weapon available (in terms of range, weapon advantage, effective bonus, etc.).
"Adaptable" iconAdaptable If foe initiates combat, unit counters with the best weapon available (in terms of range, weapon advantage, effective bonus, etc.). [Armored] Def+5 during combat.
"Adaptable" iconAdaptable If foe initiates combat, unit counters with the best weapon available (in terms of range, weapon advantage, effective bonus, etc.). [Backup] Crit+10 during combat.
"Adaptable" iconAdaptable If foe initiates combat, unit counters with the best weapon available (in terms of range, weapon advantage, effective bonus, etc.). [Covert] Avo+20 during combat.
"Adaptable" iconAdaptable If foe initiates combat, unit counters with the best weapon available (in terms of range, weapon advantage, effective bonus, etc.). [Dragon] Hit+30 during combat.
"Adaptable" iconAdaptable If foe initiates combat, unit counters with the best weapon available (in terms of range, weapon advantage, effective bonus, etc.). [Flying] Res+5 during combat.
"Admiration" iconAdmiration If two female allies are adjacent within 2 spaces, this unit takes 2 less damage during combat.
"Advance" iconAdvance Use to move 1 space toward a foe that is 2 spaces away and attack.
"Air Raid" iconAir Raid If unit initiates combat from a space a foe cannot enter, grants Spd+5 during combat.
"Alabaster Duty" iconAlabaster Duty If unit is adjacent to the "Divine Dragon" iconDivine Dragon, grants Crit+5 during combat to both of them.
Alacrity++ If unit initiates combat with a Spd advantage of 5 or more, unit’s follow-up (if possible) occurs before foe can counterattack.
Alacrity+ If unit initiates combat with a Spd advantage of 7 or more, unit’s follow-up (if possible) occurs before foe can counterattack.
Alacrity If unit initiates combat with a Spd advantage of 9 or more, unit’s follow-up (if possible) occurs before foe can counterattack.
"All for One" iconAll for One Use to make a sword attack against an adjacent foe. All allies within 2 spaces chain attack.
"All for One" iconAll for One Use to make a sword attack against an adjacent foe. All allies within 2 spaces chain attack. [Backup] Range +1.
"All for One" iconAll for One Use to make a sword attack against an adjacent foe. All allies within 2 spaces chain attack. [Dragon] Ally chain attacks are guaranteed to hit.
"Allied Defense" iconAllied Defense If unit is between an ally and a foe, reduces damage to unit by 3 during combat with that foe.
Anchor Unit cannot be moved by skills, smash weapons, etc.
Armored Blow When unit initiates combat, unit takes 10 less physical damage during combat.
"Arms Shield++" iconArms Shield++ When unit has weapon advantage, unit takes 7 less damage.
"Arms Shield+" iconArms Shield+ When unit has weapon advantage, unit takes 5 less damage.
"Arms Shield" iconArms Shield When unit has weapon advantage, unit takes 3 less damage.
Artbreaker If unit’s HP is 50% or higher at start of combat and foe has an art equipped, unit can follow up and foe cannot follow up.
"Art Focus 1" iconArt Focus 1 Grants Hit+10 at a cost of Ddg-10 when using an art.
"Art Focus 2" iconArt Focus 2 Grants Hit+15 at a cost of Ddg-10 when using an art.
"Art Focus 3" iconArt Focus 3 Grants Hit+20 at a cost of Ddg-10 when using an art.
"Art Focus 4" iconArt Focus 4 Grants Hit+25 at a cost of Ddg-10 when using an art.
"Art Focus 5" iconArt Focus 5 Grants Hit+30 at a cost of Ddg-10 when using an art.
"Aspiring Hero" iconAspiring Hero If no other units are within 1 space of unit or foe, grants Hit+20 at a cost of Avo-10 during combat.
"Astra Storm" iconAstra Storm Use to launch 5 bow attacks at 20% damage, up to range 10.
"Astra Storm" iconAstra Storm Use to launch 5 bow attacks at 20% damage, up to range 10. [Qi Adept] Breaks the target.
"Astra Storm" iconAstra Storm Use to launch 5 bow attacks at 30% damage, up to range 10.
"Astra Storm" iconAstra Storm Use to launch 5 bow attacks at 30% damage, up to range 10. [Covert] Range +10.
"Astra Storm" iconAstra Storm Use to launch 5 bow attacks at 30% damage, up to range 10. [Dragon] Range +5.
"Astra Storm" iconAstra Storm Use to launch 5 bow attacks at 30% damage, up to range 10. [Qi Adept] Breaks the target.
"Attuned" iconAttuned If unit initiates combat and defeats foe, grants engage partner +4 to all seven basic stats while engaged.
"Attuned" iconAttuned If unit initiates combat and defeats foe, grants engage partner +4 to all seven basic stats while engaged. [Armored] Extra +2 to Def.
"Attuned" iconAttuned If unit initiates combat and defeats foe, grants engage partner +4 to all seven basic stats while engaged. [Backup] Extra +2 to Str.
"Attuned" iconAttuned If unit initiates combat and defeats foe, grants engage partner +4 to all seven basic stats while engaged. [Cavalry] Extra +2 to Dex.
"Attuned" iconAttuned If unit initiates combat and defeats foe, grants engage partner +4 to all seven basic stats while engaged. [Covert] Extra +2 to Spd.
"Attuned" iconAttuned If unit initiates combat and defeats foe, grants engage partner +4 to all seven basic stats while engaged. [Dragon] Extra +1 to all stats.
"Attuned" iconAttuned If unit initiates combat and defeats foe, grants engage partner +4 to all seven basic stats while engaged. [Flying] Extra +2 to Res.
"Attuned" iconAttuned If unit initiates combat and defeats foe, grants engage partner +4 to all seven basic stats while engaged. [Mystical] Extra +2 to Mag.
"Attuned" iconAttuned If unit initiates combat and defeats foe, grants engage partner +4 to all seven basic stats while engaged. [Qi Adept] Extra +2 to Lck.
"Augment" iconAugment Grants staff range +5 and area of effect +1.
"Augment" iconAugment Grants staff range +5 and area of effect +1. [Dragon] Additional staff range +1.
"Augment" iconAugment Grants staff range +5 and area of effect +1. [Qi Adept] +20% to HP healed by staves.
"Avoid +10" iconAvoid +10 Grants Avo+10.
"Avoid +15" iconAvoid +15 Grants Avo+15.
"Avoid +20" iconAvoid +20 Grants Avo+20.
"Avoid +25" iconAvoid +25 Grants Avo+25.
"Avoid +30" iconAvoid +30 Grants Avo+30.
Axebreaker If unit’s HP is 50% or higher at start of combat and foe has an axe equipped, unit can follow up and foe cannot follow up.
"Axe Power 1" iconAxe Power 1 Grants Atk+2 at a cost of Avo-10 when using an axe.
"Axe Power 2" iconAxe Power 2 Grants Atk+4 at a cost of Avo-10 when using an axe.
"Axe Power 3" iconAxe Power 3 Grants Atk+6 at a cost of Avo-10 when using an axe.
"Axe Power 4" iconAxe Power 4 Grants Atk+8 at a cost of Avo-10 when using an axe.
"Axe Power 5" iconAxe Power 5 Grants Atk+10 at a cost of Avo-10 when using an axe.
"Back at You" iconBack at You When countering, unit may deal extra damage = half of damage taken. Trigger %=Dex.
Bane May reduce foe’s HP to 1. Trigger %=half of Dex. (Certain foes are immune to this effect.)
Battlewise Grants a stacking Crit+1 each time unit initiates combat and defeats a foe. Bonus lasts for the rest of the battle. (Max +10)
"Big Personality" iconBig Personality When unit uses a healing staff, grants range +1.
"Blazing Lion" iconBlazing Lion Use to attack adjacent foe and an area 3 spaces wide. Target area and the 2 rows beyond it are set on fire. Sword only.
"Blazing Lion" iconBlazing Lion Use to attack adjacent foe and an area 3 spaces wide. Target area and the 2 rows beyond it are set on fire. Sword only. [Dragon] Expands attack area.
"Blazing Lion" iconBlazing Lion Use to attack adjacent foe and an area 3 spaces wide. Target area and the 2 rows beyond it are set on fire. Sword only. [Mystical] Expands flame area.
"Blinding Flash" iconBlinding Flash If unit initiates combat, inflicts Avo-10 on foe during combat.
"Blood Fury" iconBlood Fury If unit’s HP is not at max after combat, grants Crit+10 as long as unit’s HP stays below max.
Blue Skies+ Unit takes 5 less damage and deals +5 damage.
Blue Skies Unit takes 3 less damage and deals +3 damage.
Bond Blast Use to make a sword attack from the unit and engage partner followed by a magic beam attack against an adjacent foe.
Bond Blast Use to make a sword attack from the unit and engage partner followed by a magic beam attack against an adjacent foe. [Backup] +20% of Str to sword.
Bond Blast Use to make a sword attack from the unit and engage partner followed by a magic beam attack against an adjacent foe. [Dragon] +20% damage.
Bond Blast Use to make a sword attack from the unit and engage partner followed by a magic beam attack against an adjacent foe. [Mystical] +20% of Mag to beam.
Bond Blast Use to make a sword attack from the unit and engage partner followed by a magic beam attack against an adjacent foe. [Qi Adept] Breaks foe.
Bond Breaker Makes enemy chain attack accuracy always 30%. Reduces damage taken.
"Bonded Shield" iconBonded Shield Use to prevent first attacks on adjacent allies until your next turn. Trigger %=80.
"Bonded Shield" iconBonded Shield Use to prevent first attacks on adjacent allies until your next turn. Trigger %=80. [Armored] Trigger %=100 for armored allies.
"Bonded Shield" iconBonded Shield Use to prevent first attacks on adjacent allies until your next turn. Trigger %=80. [Cavalry] Trigger %=100 for cavalry allies.
"Bonded Shield" iconBonded Shield Use to prevent first attacks on adjacent allies until your next turn. Trigger %=80. [Dragon] +10% to trigger rate.
"Bonded Shield" iconBonded Shield Use to prevent first attacks on adjacent allies until your next turn. Trigger %=80. [Flying] Trigger %=100 for flying allies.
"Bonded Shield" iconBonded Shield Use to prevent first attacks on adjacent allies until your next turn. Trigger %=80. [Qi Adept] Trigger %=100.
Bond Forger+ Grants Hit/Avo+30 to unit and allies within 2 spaces that are synced or engaged with an Emblem.
Bond Forger+ Grants Hit/Avo+30 to unit and allies within 2 spaces that are synced or engaged with an Emblem.
Bond Forger Grants Hit/Avo+20 to unit and allies within 2 spaces that are synced or engaged with an Emblem.
Bond Forger Grants Hit/Avo+20 to unit and allies within 2 spaces that are synced or engaged with an Emblem.
Boon of Elyos If unit initiates combat, grants bonus to Crit and Ddg equal to 2× the number of allies who have acted this turn.
"Bow Agility 1" iconBow Agility 1 Grants Avo+10 at a cost of Crit-10 when using a bow.
"Bow Agility 2" iconBow Agility 2 Grants Avo+15 at a cost of Crit-10 when using a bow.
"Bow Agility 3" iconBow Agility 3 Grants Avo+20 at a cost of Crit-10 when using a bow.
"Bow Agility 4" iconBow Agility 4 Grants Avo+25 at a cost of Crit-10 when using a bow.
"Bow Agility 5" iconBow Agility 5 Grants Avo+30 at a cost of Crit-10 when using a bow.
Bowbreaker If unit’s HP is 50% or higher at start of combat and foe has a bow equipped, unit can follow up and foe cannot follow up.
Bow Focus 1 Grants Hit+10 at a cost of Ddg-10 when using a bow.
Bow Focus 2 Grants Hit+15 at a cost of Ddg-10 when using a bow.
Bow Focus 3 Grants Hit+20 at a cost of Ddg-10 when using a bow.
Bow Focus 4 Grants Hit+25 at a cost of Ddg-10 when using a bow.
Bow Focus 5 Grants Hit+30 at a cost of Ddg-10 when using a bow.
"Brave Assist" iconBrave Assist If unit’s HP is at max while unit makes a chain attack, unit attacks twice.
Bravery+ Unit deals +5 damage.
Bravery Unit deals +3 damage.
"Break Defenses" iconBreak Defenses If unit’s attack breaks foe, unit makes an extra attack at 50% damage.
"Build +3" iconBuild +3 Grants Bld+3.
"Build +4" iconBuild +4 Grants Bld+4.
"Build +5" iconBuild +5 Grants Bld+5.
Bushido If unit’s level is higher than foe’s, grants Crit+10 during combat, and unit deals +2 damage and takes 2 less damage.
"Call Doubles" iconCall Doubles Creates four illusory doubles that can make chain attacks with unit.
"Call Doubles" iconCall Doubles Creates four illusory doubles that can make chain attacks with unit. [Dragon] +1 double created.
"Call Doubles" iconCall Doubles Creates four illusory doubles that can make chain attacks with unit. [Flying] Doubles have +10 Avo
"Canter+" iconCanter+ Unit can move 3 spaces after acting.
"Canter" iconCanter Unit can move 2 spaces after acting.
"Careful Aim" iconCareful Aim If unit initiates combat without moving first, grants Hit+40 during combat.
Certain Blow When unit initiates combat, grants Hit+40 during combat.
"Chaos Style" iconChaos Style If unit initiates combat with a physical attack against a foe armed with magic or vice versa, grants Spd+3 during combat.
"Charmer" iconCharmer During combat with a foe who was also unit’s most recent opponent, inflicts Crit-10 on that foe.
Chivalry If unit initiates combat while foe’s HP=100%, unit deals +2 damage and takes 2 less damage.
"Clear the Way" iconClear the Way Unit’s space and adjacent spaces have a movement cost of 1 for allies.
Cleric++ Unit can equip staves up to level A.
Cleric+ Unit can equip staves up to level B.
Cleric Unit can equip staves up to level C.
"Contemplative" iconContemplative If unit uses Wait without attacking or using items, grants Def+2 for 1 turn.
Cornered Beast If unit’s HP is 50% or less at start of combat, grants Crit+30 during combat.
"Crimson Cheer" iconCrimson Cheer If unit is adjacent to the "Divine Dragon" iconDivine Dragon, grants Avo+10 during combat to both of them.
"Curious Dance" iconCurious Dance At start of turn, allies within 2 spaces of unit recover 10% of their max HP.
Dark "Augment" iconAugment Grants staff range +3 and area of effect +1.
Dark Barrier+++ A barrier created by Dark Emblems. Prevents 80% of damage to unit.
Dark Barrier++ A barrier created by Dark Emblems. Prevents 60% of damage to unit.
Dark Barrier+ A barrier created by Dark Emblems. Prevents 40% of damage to unit.
Dark Barrier A barrier created by Dark Emblems. Prevents 20% of damage to unit.
Dark "Gallop" iconGallop Grants Mov+3.
Dark Spirit Inflicts -1 to the engage meters of foes within 2 spaces at the start of the turn.
Dark "Warp" iconWarp Use to warp up to 5 spaces and make a powerful magic attack.
Darting Blow When unit initiates combat, grants Spd+5 during combat.
Darting Stance If foe initiates combat, grants Spd+6 during combat.
Deadly Blade If unit initiates combat with a sword, grants Crit+10 during combat.
Death Blow When unit initiates combat, grants Crit+20 during combat.
"Defense +1" iconDefense +1 Grants Def+1.
"Defense +2" iconDefense +2 Grants Def+2.
"Defense +3" iconDefense +3 Grants Def+3.
"Defense +4" iconDefense +4 Grants Def+4.
"Defense +5" iconDefense +5 Grants Def+5.
"Demolish" iconDemolish Break destructible terrain in a single blow when using Destroy.
"Dexterity +1" iconDexterity +1 Grants Dex+1.
"Dexterity +2" iconDexterity +2 Grants Dex+2.
"Dexterity +3" iconDexterity +3 Grants Dex+3.
"Dexterity +4" iconDexterity +4 Grants Dex+4.
"Dexterity +5" iconDexterity +5 Grants Dex+5.
Diabolical Dance Use to grant another action to allies within 2 spaces.
"Diffuse Healer" iconDiffuse Healer When unit is healed by a staff, all adjacent allies also recover 50% of the HP that the unit recovered.
Dire "Thunder" iconThunder When unit initiates combat with "Thunder" iconThunder equipped, unit attacks twice. (Excludes "Elthunder" iconElthunder and "Thoron" iconThoron.)
"Disarming Sigh" iconDisarming Sigh If foe is male, inflicts Hit-20 on that foe during combat.
"Divinely Inspiring" iconDivinely Inspiring Adjacent allies deal +3 damage and take 1 less damage.
"Divine Pulse+" iconDivine Pulse+ May turn a missed attack into a hit. Trigger %=50. Chance increases with high Lck.
"Divine Pulse" iconDivine Pulse May turn a missed attack into a hit. Trigger %=30. Chance increases with high Lck.
"Divine Speed" iconDivine Speed Unit performs an extra attack at 50% damage in combat.
"Divine Speed" iconDivine Speed Unit performs an extra attack at 50% damage in combat. [Covert] If extra attack hits, poisons foe.
"Divine Speed" iconDivine Speed Unit performs an extra attack at 50% damage in combat. [Dragon] Unit recovers HP equal to damage dealt by extra attack.
"Divine Spirit" iconDivine Spirit Unit’s engage meter is shortened one step.
"Dodge +10" iconDodge +10 Grants Ddg+10.
"Dodge +15" iconDodge +15 Grants Ddg+15.
"Dodge +20" iconDodge +20 Grants Ddg+20.
"Dodge +25" iconDodge +25 Grants Ddg+25.
"Dodge +30" iconDodge +30 Grants Ddg+30.
"Draconic Hex" iconDraconic Hex If unit initiates combat, inflicts -4 to all of foe’s basic stats after combat. (Penalties shrink by 1 each turn.)
"Dragon Blast" iconDragon Blast Use to make two attacks against an adjacent foe with a sword and powerful magic beam.
"Dragon Blast" iconDragon Blast Use to make two attacks against an adjacent foe with a sword and powerful magic beam. [Backup] Adds 20% of Str to sword attack.
"Dragon Blast" iconDragon Blast Use to make two attacks against an adjacent foe with a sword and powerful magic beam. [Dragon] +20% damage.
"Dragon Blast" iconDragon Blast Use to make two attacks against an adjacent foe with a sword and powerful magic beam. [Mystical] Adds 20% of Mag to beam attack.
"Dragon Blast" iconDragon Blast Use to make two attacks against an adjacent foe with a sword and powerful magic beam. [Qi Adept] Breaks foe.
Dragon Vein Use to add a special effect to certain spaces.
Dragon Vein Use to add a special effect to certain spaces. [Armored] Creates vines that grant immunity to break.
Dragon Vein Use to add a special effect to certain spaces. [Backup] Creates stone pillars that increase Def/Res.
Dragon Vein Use to add a special effect to certain spaces. [Cavalry] Creates water that decreases Avo.
Dragon Vein Use to add a special effect to certain spaces. [Covert] Creates fog that increases Avo.
Dragon Vein Use to add a special effect to certain spaces. [Dragon] Choose any Vein effect.
Dragon Vein Use to add a special effect to certain spaces. [Flying] Creates healing glow that restores HP.
Dragon Vein Use to add a special effect to certain spaces. [Mystical] Creates flames that inflict damage.
Dragon Vein Use to add a special effect to certain spaces. [Qi Adept] Creates ice pillars that hinder movement.
Draw Back Use to move 1 space away from adjacent ally and pull the ally along.
"Dreadful Aura" iconDreadful Aura If unit initiates combat, target foe and all foes within 1 space of it cannot move for 1 turn after combat.
"Dreadful Aura" iconDreadful Aura If unit initiates combat, target foe and all foes within 1 space of it cannot move for 1 turn after combat. [Covert] Also Avo-20 on target.
"Dual Assist+" iconDual Assist+ If unit is able to chain attack, unit will do so when allies attack foes unit could reach by moving. Trigger %=70.
"Dual Assist" iconDual Assist If unit is able to chain attack, unit will do so when allies attack foes unit could reach by moving. Trigger %=35.
Dual Strike Unit participates in chain attacks as if it were a backup unit.
"Dual Support" iconDual Support Grants a bonus to Avo that increases with unit’s support level with adjacent allies. (Max +90)
Duelist’s Blow When unit initiates combat, grants Avo+30 during combat.
"Echo" iconEcho Use to attack with magic at 50% damage. Use a second time to launch another 50% attack.
"Echo" iconEcho Use to attack with magic at 50% damage. Use a second time to launch another 50% attack.
"Echo" iconEcho Use to attack with magic at 50% damage. Use a second time to launch another 50% attack. [Dragon] Range +1.
"Echo" iconEcho Use to attack with magic at 50% damage. Use a second time to launch another 50% attack. [Mystical] +10% damage.
Eclipse Brace+ If unit initiates combat, unit deals extra damage=30% of foe’s Def with physical attacks and recovers HP=50% of damage dealt.
Eclipse Brace If unit initiates combat, unit deals extra damage=20% of foe’s Def with physical attacks and recovers HP=30% of damage dealt.
"Energized" iconEnergized When unit recovers HP using an item, grants Str+2 for 1 turn.
"Expertise" iconExpertise Grants unit enhanced stat growth when leveling up.
"Fair Fight" iconFair Fight If unit initiates combat, grants Hit+15 to unit and foe if foe is able to counterattack.
"Fairy-Tale Folk" iconFairy-Tale Folk If a male and a female ally are adjacent within 2 spaces, unit deals +2 damage during combat.
"Favorite Food" iconFavorite Food When unit eats a packed lunch, its engage meter is maxed out.
Fell Barrier+++ A barrier created by Dark Emblems. Nullifies Effective: Fell Dragon and prevents all damage to unit.
Fell Barrier++ A barrier created by Dark Emblems. Nullifies Effective: Fell Dragon and prevents 85% of damage to unit.
Fell Barrier+ A barrier created by Dark Emblems. Nullifies Effective: Fell Dragon and prevents 70% of damage to unit.
Fell Barrier A barrier created by Dark Emblems. Nullifies Effective: Fell Dragon and prevents 50% of damage to unit.
"Fell Protection" iconFell Protection Adjacent allies deal +1 damage and take 3 less damage.
"Fell Spirit" iconFell Spirit At the start of each turn, unit’s engage meter is filled by 1.
Fierce Stance If foe initiates combat, grants Str+6 during combat.
Flickering Flower If unit initiates combat, freezes foe. Trigger % = total damage dealt.
"Fortify" iconFortify Def Grants Def+2 to adjacent allies for 1 turn at start of player phase.
"Gallop" iconGallop Grants Mov+5.
"Gallop" iconGallop Grants Mov+5. [Cavalry] Grants another Mov+2.
"Gallop" iconGallop Grants Mov+5. [Covert] Unit does not pay extra movement cost on any terrain.
"Gallop" iconGallop Grants Mov+5. [Dragon] Grants another Mov+1.
"Generosity" iconGenerosity When this unit uses a healing item, adjacent allies also recover the same amount of HP.
"Gentility+" iconGentility+ Unit takes 5 less damage.
"Gentility" iconGentility Unit takes 3 less damage.
"Gentle Flower" iconGentle Flower Recovery items used by allies within 2 spaces heal +50% HP.
"Get Behind Me!" iconGet Behind Me! When an ally within 2 spaces is attacked, grants Str+3 to unit for 1 turn.
Giga "Excalibur" iconExcalibur If unit initiates combat with "Excalibur" iconExcalibur, deals +20% damage.
"Goddess Dance" iconGoddess Dance Use to grant another action to all adjacent allies.
"Goddess Dance" iconGoddess Dance Use to grant another action to all adjacent allies. [Armored] Grants Def+5 to targets for 1 turn.
"Goddess Dance" iconGoddess Dance Use to grant another action to all adjacent allies. [Backup] Grants Str+4 to targets for 1 turn.
"Goddess Dance" iconGoddess Dance Use to grant another action to all adjacent allies. [Cavalry] Grants Dex+10 to targets for 1 turn.
"Goddess Dance" iconGoddess Dance Use to grant another action to all adjacent allies. [Covert] Grants Spd+5 to targets for 1 turn.
"Goddess Dance" iconGoddess Dance Use to grant another action to all adjacent allies. [Dragon] Grants +3 to all targets’ basic stats for 1 turn.
"Goddess Dance" iconGoddess Dance Use to grant another action to all adjacent allies. [Flying] Grants Res+5 to targets for 1 turn.
"Goddess Dance" iconGoddess Dance Use to grant another action to all adjacent allies. [Mystical] Grants Mag+4 to targets for 1 turn.
"Goddess Dance" iconGoddess Dance Use to grant another action to all adjacent allies. [Qi Adept] Grants Lck+10 to targets for 1 turn.
"Golden Lotus" iconGolden Lotus During combat, may prevent 50% of physical damage taken. Trigger %=Dex.
"Grasping Void" iconGrasping Void When attacking with a tome, unit may deal extra damage = half of foe’s Mag. Trigger %=Dex.
"Great Aether" iconGreat Aether Use to grant Def/Res+5, but unit can’t counter for 1 turn. Next turn, attack a 2-space area, heal HP=30% of damage dealt. Sword/axe only.
"Great Aether" iconGreat Aether Use to grant Def/Res+5, but unit can’t counter for 1 turn. Next turn, attack a 2-space area, heal HP=30% of damage dealt. Sword/axe only. [Armored] Grants an extra Def+5.
"Great Aether" iconGreat Aether Use to grant Def/Res+5, but unit can’t counter for 1 turn. Next turn, attack a 2-space area, heal HP=30% of damage dealt. Sword/axe only. [Dragon] +1 damage per hit taken.
"Great Aether" iconGreat Aether Use to grant Def/Res+5, but unit can’t counter for 1 turn. Next turn, attack a 2-space area, heal HP=30% of damage dealt. Sword/axe only. [Flying] Grants an extra Res+5.
"Great Sacrifice" iconGreat Sacrifice Use to restore full HP to all allies, even those not under the player’s control. After use, unit’s HP=1.
"Great Sacrifice" iconGreat Sacrifice Use to restore full HP to all allies, even those not under the player’s control. After use, unit’s HP=1. [Armored] Grants Def+1 to all healed during their next combat.
"Great Sacrifice" iconGreat Sacrifice Use to restore full HP to all allies, even those not under the player’s control. After use, unit’s HP=1. [Dragon] Unit’s HP=30% current.
"Great Sacrifice" iconGreat Sacrifice Use to restore full HP to all allies, even those not under the player’s control. After use, unit’s HP=1. [Qi Adept] Also cures status.
Great "Thunder" iconThunder If unit uses "Thunder" iconThunder, "Elthunder" iconElthunder, or "Thoron" iconThoron, deals +20% damage.
"Headlong Rush" iconHeadlong Rush Grants immunity to freeze.
"Healing Light" iconHealing Light When unit heals an ally with a staff, unit also recovers HP=50% of the amount healed.
Healtouch When unit heals an ally with a staff, restores +5 HP to target.
"Hit +10" iconHit +10 Grants Hit+10.
"Hit +15" iconHit +15 Grants Hit+15.
"Hit +20" iconHit +20 Grants Hit+20.
"Hit +25" iconHit +25 Grants Hit+25.
"Hit +30" iconHit +30 Grants Hit+30.
"Hobble" iconHobble If unit initiates combat with a knife, inflicts Mov-2 on foe for 1 turn.
"Hold Out+++" iconHold Out+++ If unit had 2 HP or more at start of combat, unit always survives combat with at least 1 HP.
"Hold Out++" iconHold Out++ If unit had 10% HP or more at start of combat, unit always survives combat with at least 1 HP.
"Hold Out+" iconHold Out+ If unit had 20% HP or more at start of combat, unit always survives combat with at least 1 HP.
"Hold Out" iconHold Out If unit had 30% HP or more at start of combat, unit always survives combat with at least 1 HP.
Holy Aura Unit is Effective: Fell Dragon. Allies within 2 spaces with Effective: Dragon gain Effective: Fell Dragon.
Holy Shield Neutralizes Effective against this unit.
"Holy Stance++" iconHoly Stance++ If a Corrupted attacks unit, deals 50% of damage taken back to foe.
"Holy Stance+" iconHoly Stance+ If a Corrupted attacks unit, deals 30% of damage taken back to foe.
"Holy Stance" iconHoly Stance If a Corrupted attacks unit, deals 10% of damage taken back to foe.
"HP +5" iconHP +5 Grants max HP+5.
"HP +7" iconHP +7 Grants max HP+7.
"HP +10" iconHP +10 Grants max HP+10.
"HP +12" iconHP +12 Grants max HP+12.
"HP +15" iconHP +15 Grants max HP+15.
"Ignis" iconIgnis During combat, may add half of Str to magic damage or half of Mag to all other damage. Trigger %=Dex.
"Instruct" iconInstruct Use to grant allies within 2 spaces a stat bonus based on user’s type. Bonus lasts for 1 turn.
"Instruct" iconInstruct Use to grant allies within 2 spaces a stat bonus based on user’s type. Bonus lasts for 1 turn. [Armored] Def+5.
"Instruct" iconInstruct Use to grant allies within 2 spaces a stat bonus based on user’s type. Bonus lasts for 1 turn. [Backup] Str+4.
"Instruct" iconInstruct Use to grant allies within 2 spaces a stat bonus based on user’s type. Bonus lasts for 1 turn. [Cavalry] Dex+10.
"Instruct" iconInstruct Use to grant allies within 2 spaces a stat bonus based on user’s type. Bonus lasts for 1 turn. [Covert] Spd+5.
"Instruct" iconInstruct Use to grant allies within 2 spaces a stat bonus based on user’s type. Bonus lasts for 1 turn. [Dragon] All seven basic stats +3.
"Instruct" iconInstruct Use to grant allies within 2 spaces a stat bonus based on user’s type. Bonus lasts for 1 turn. [Flying] Res+5.
"Instruct" iconInstruct Use to grant allies within 2 spaces a stat bonus based on user’s type. Bonus lasts for 1 turn. [Mystical] Mag+4.
"Instruct" iconInstruct Use to grant allies within 2 spaces a stat bonus based on user’s type. Bonus lasts for 1 turn. [Qi Adept] Lck+10.
Knifebreaker If unit’s HP is 50% or higher at start of combat and foe has a knife equipped, unit can follow up and foe cannot follow up.
"Knife Precision 1" iconKnife Precision 1 Grants Hit/Avo+3 when using a knife.
"Knife Precision 2" iconKnife Precision 2 Grants Hit/Avo+5 when using a knife.
"Knife Precision 3" iconKnife Precision 3 Grants Hit/Avo+7 when using a knife.
"Knife Precision 4" iconKnife Precision 4 Grants Hit/Avo+10 when using a knife.
"Knife Precision 5" iconKnife Precision 5 Grants Hit/Avo+15 when using a knife.
"Knightly Escort" iconKnightly Escort When 2 or more female allies are within 2 spaces, grants Hit/Avo+5 to unit and those allies.
"Laguz Friend" iconLaguz Friend Unit takes 50% less damage, but sets unit’s Avo to 0.
"Laguz Friend" iconLaguz Friend Unit takes 50% less damage, but sets unit’s Avo to 0. [Dragon] Extra -10% to damage.
"Lance Agility 1" iconLance Agility 1 Grants Avo+10 at a cost of Crit-10 when using a lance.
"Lance Agility 2" iconLance Agility 2 Grants Avo+15 at a cost of Crit-10 when using a lance.
"Lance Agility 3" iconLance Agility 3 Grants Avo+20 at a cost of Crit-10 when using a lance.
"Lance Agility 4" iconLance Agility 4 Grants Avo+25 at a cost of Crit-10 when using a lance.
"Lance Agility 5" iconLance Agility 5 Grants Avo+30 at a cost of Crit-10 when using a lance.
Lancebreaker If unit’s HP is 50% or higher at start of combat and foe has a lance equipped, unit can follow up and foe cannot follow up.
"Lance Power 1" iconLance Power 1 Grants Atk+2 at a cost of Avo-10 when using a lance.
"Lance Power 2" iconLance Power 2 Grants Atk+4 at a cost of Avo-10 when using a lance.
"Lance Power 3" iconLance Power 3 Grants Atk+6 at a cost of Avo-10 when using a lance.
"Lance Power 4" iconLance Power 4 Grants Atk+8 at a cost of Avo-10 when using a lance.
"Lance Power 5" iconLance Power 5 Grants Atk+10 at a cost of Avo-10 when using a lance.
Lethality When landing a critical hit, instantly kills foe. Trigger %=30. (Excludes certain powerful foes.)
Life and Death Unit deals +10 damage and takes +10 damage during combat.
"Lodestar Rush" iconLodestar Rush Use to launch 7 consecutive sword attacks at 30% damage. Adjacent foe only.
"Lodestar Rush" iconLodestar Rush Use to launch 7 consecutive sword attacks at 30% damage. Adjacent foe only. [Backup] +1 attack.
"Lodestar Rush" iconLodestar Rush Use to launch 7 consecutive sword attacks at 30% damage. Adjacent foe only. [Dragon] +2 attacks.
"Lodestar Rush" iconLodestar Rush Use to launch 7 consecutive sword attacks at 30% damage. Adjacent foe only. [Mystical] Damage based on Mag.
"Lost & Found" iconLost & Found If unit finishes an action or waits next to an ally, may find an item and increase support with that ally. Trigger %=Lck.
"Luck +2" iconLuck +2 Grants Lck+2.
"Luck +4" iconLuck +4 Grants Lck+4.
"Luck +6" iconLuck +6 Grants Lck+6.
"Luck +8" iconLuck +8 Grants Lck+8.
"Luck +10" iconLuck +10 Grants Lck+10.
"Luck +12" iconLuck +12 Grants Lck+12.
"Lunar Brace+" iconLunar Brace+ If unit initiates combat with a physical attack, deals extra damage=30% of foe’s Def.
"Lunar Brace" iconLunar Brace If unit initiates combat with a physical attack, deals extra damage=20% of foe’s Def.
"Luna" iconLuna While making an attack, may ignore half of foe’s Def/Res. Trigger %=Dex.
"Magic +2" iconMagic +2 Grants Mag+2.
"Magic +3" iconMagic +3 Grants Mag+3.
"Magic +4" iconMagic +4 Grants Mag+4.
"Magic +5" iconMagic +5 Grants Mag+5.
"Make a Killing" iconMake a Killing May obtain 500G when unit defeats a foe. Trigger %=Lck.
"Meditation" iconMeditation If unit uses Wait without attacking or using items, grants Res+2 for 1 turn.
"Mentorship" iconMentorship Grants 1.2× EXP modifier to unit and adjacent allies.
"Merciless" iconMerciless Unit deals +50% damage against broken foes.
Mercy If dealing enough damage to defeat foe, instead leaves foe with 1 HP.
Miracle Avoids foe’s attack when unit would be defeated. Trigger %=Lck. (Max 50%)
"Momentum+" iconMomentum+ Grants Atk+1 to first attack during combat for each space unit moved before attacking.
"Momentum" iconMomentum Grants Atk+1 to first attack during combat for each space unit moved before attacking. (Max +10)
"Moved to Tears" iconMoved to Tears When an ally joins a chain attack in this unit’s combat, unit deals +2 damage.
Movement +1 Grants Mov+1.
Name Description
Night and Day Use to switch Emblems and swap between "Lunar Brace" iconLunar Brace/"Gentility" iconGentility and Solar Brace/Bravery for all allies.
"No Distractions" iconNo Distractions Grants Crit+10 during combat with a foe that can’t counter.
Not Quite If foe initiates combat, inflicts Hit-10 on that foe during combat.
"Override" iconOverride Use to attack and move through a line of adjacent foes. Sword/lance only.
"Override" iconOverride Use to attack and move through a line of adjacent foes. Sword/lance only. [Armored] 10% chance of breaking target.
"Override" iconOverride Use to attack and move through a line of adjacent foes. Sword/lance only. [Dragon] +20% damage.
"Override" iconOverride Use to attack and move through a line of adjacent foes. Sword/lance only. [Mystical] Deals extra damage=25% of Mag.
"Override" iconOverride Use to attack and move through a line of adjacent foes. Sword/lance only. [Qi Adept] 20% chance of breaking target.
"Pair Up" iconPair Up Prevents damage from foes’ chain attacks against unit.
Paraselene Use to make an attack against an adjacent foe, then move 1 space away from that foe after combat.
"Party Animal" iconParty Animal Grants a bonus to Hit and Avo equal to 3× the number of allies and foes within 2 spaces.
"Pass" iconPass Foes do not block this unit’s movement.
"Perceptive+" iconPerceptive+ If the unit initiates combat, grants Avo+30 during combat. Avo increases with high Spd.
"Perceptive" iconPerceptive If the unit initiates combat, grants Avo+15 during combat. Avo increases with high Spd.
"Pincer Attack" iconPincer Attack If unit initiates combat while an ally is on the opposite side of the foe, always follow up (if weapon allows).
"Pivot" iconPivot Use to move to the opposite side of an adjacent ally.
Poison Strike If unit initiates combat, deals damage to foe equal to 20% of their max HP after combat.
"Quadruple Hit" iconQuadruple Hit Use to attack once each with sword, lance, axe, and bow.
"Quadruple Hit" iconQuadruple Hit Use to attack once each with sword, lance, axe, and bow. [Covert] Foes may drop 1,000G. Trigger %=Lck.
"Quadruple Hit" iconQuadruple Hit Use to attack once each with sword, lance, axe, and bow. [Dragon] +20% damage.
"Quadruple Hit" iconQuadruple Hit Use to attack once each with sword, lance, axe, and bow. [Qi Adept] Breaks foe.
"Quality Time+" iconQuality Time+ After unit acts or waits, restores 10 HP to adjacent allies and slightly increases support with them.
"Quality Time" iconQuality Time After unit acts or waits, restores 5 HP to adjacent allies and slightly increases support with them.
"Racket of Solm" iconRacket of Solm Inflicts Crit-5 on foes within 3 spaces.
Raging "Fire" iconFire If unit uses "Fire" iconFire, "Elfire" iconElfire, or "Bolganone" iconBolganone, deals +20% damage.
"Ragnarok" iconRagnarok "Warp" iconWarp Use to make a powerful magic attack, then warp somewhere else on the map.
"Reforge" iconReforge If unit’s HP is 11 or more and an adjacent ally is broken after combat, sacrifices 10 HP and removes the break status from that ally.
Renewal Unit recovers 5 HP each turn.
"Reposition" iconReposition Use to move an adjacent ally to the opposite side of unit.
"Resistance +2" iconResistance +2 Grants Res+2.
"Resistance +3" iconResistance +3 Grants Res+3.
"Resistance +4" iconResistance +4 Grants Res+4.
"Resistance +5" iconResistance +5 Grants Res+5.
"Resolve+" iconResolve+ If unit’s HP is 75% or less after combat, grants Def/Res+7 as long as unit’s HP stays below 75%.
"Resolve+" iconResolve+ If unit’s HP is 75% or less after combat, grants Def/Res+7 as long as unit’s HP stays below 75%.
"Resolve" iconResolve If unit’s HP is 75% or less after combat, grants Def/Res+5 as long as unit’s HP stays below 75%.
"Resolve" iconResolve If unit’s HP is 75% or less after combat, grants Def/Res+5 as long as unit’s HP stays below 75%.
"Resonance+" iconResonance+ When equipped with a tome, if unit’s HP is 2 or more, unit loses 1 HP at start of combat and deals +3 damage during combat.
"Resonance" iconResonance When equipped with a tome, if unit’s HP is 2 or more, unit loses 1 HP at start of combat and deals +2 damage during combat.
Rightful Ruler Adds +5% to trigger rate for all skills with trigger rates.
"Rise Above" iconRise Above Grants Lvl+5.
"Rise Above" iconRise Above Grants Lvl+5. [Armored] Max HP+5.
"Rise Above" iconRise Above Grants Lvl+5. [Cavalry] Mov+1.
"Rise Above" iconRise Above Grants Lvl+5. [Dragon] Additional Lvl+1.
"Run Through" iconRun Through Use to attack an adjacent foe, then move to the space opposite that foe.
"Sacred Twins" iconSacred Twins While engaged with Eirika, changes "Lunar Brace" iconLunar Brace to Eclipse Brace and "Gentility" iconGentility to Blue Skies for all allies.
"Sandstorm" iconSandstorm While making a physical attack, may calculate damage with 150% of Def instead of Str. Trigger %=Dex.
Savage Blow If unit initiates combat, deals damage to foes within 2 spaces equal to 20% of their max HP after combat.
Seal Defense If unit initiates combat, inflicts Def-6 on foe after combat. (Penalty shrinks by 1 each turn.)
Seal Magic If unit initiates combat, inflicts Mag-6 on foe after combat. (Penalty shrinks by 1 each turn.)
Seal Resistance If unit initiates combat, inflicts Res-6 on foe after combat. (Penalty shrinks by 1 each turn.)
Seal Speed If unit initiates combat, inflicts Spd-6 on foe after combat. (Penalty shrinks by 1 each turn.)
Seal Strength If unit initiates combat, inflicts Str-6 on foe after combat. (Penalty shrinks by 1 each turn.)
"Seconds?" iconSeconds? On eating a packed lunch, unit may obtain another of the same item. Trigger %=Lck.
Self-Destruct If unit’s HP is 50% or less at the start of player phase, unit dies and deals 50% of its max HP to foes within 2 spaces.
"Self-Healing" iconSelf-Healing Unit can target itself with healing staves.
"Self-Improver" iconSelf-Improver If unit uses Wait without attacking or using items, grants Str+2 for 1 turn.
"Share Spoils" iconShare Spoils If there is an ally within 1 space, grants Hit/Avo+10 at a cost of Crit-10 to unit.
Shove Use to push an adjacent ally with less Bld 1 space away.
"Silence Ward" iconSilence Ward Grants immunity to silence.
"Single-Minded" iconSingle-Minded During combat with a foe who was also unit’s most recent opponent, grants Hit+20.
Sink Below Grants Lvl+3.
"Smash+" iconSmash+ When making a smash attack, push the target 2 spaces instead of 1.
Solar Brace+ If unit initiates combat, unit recovers HP=50% of damage dealt.
Solar Brace If unit initiates combat, unit recovers HP=30% of damage dealt.
"Sol" iconSol Unit may recover HP=50% damage dealt. Trigger %=Dex.
Soulblade When attacking with a sword, damage is calculated using average of foe’s Def and Res.
"Special Dance" iconSpecial Dance If unit uses Dance, grants Dex/Spd/Lck+3 to target for 1 turn.
Speed +1 Grants Spd+1.
Speed +2 Grants Spd+2.
Speed +3 Grants Spd+3.
Speed +4 Grants Spd+4.
Speed +5 Grants Spd+5.
Speedtaker Grants a stacking Spd+2 each time unit initiates combat and defeats a foe. Bonus lasts for the rest of the battle. (Max +10)
"Spell Harmony" iconSpell Harmony If unit initiates combat with a tome, grants Atk equal to the number of adjacent allies with tomes.
Spirit Strike When unit hits with an attack, inflicts -5 to foe’s engage meter.
Spur Attack Grants Atk+2 to adjacent allies.
Spur Res Grants Res+2 to adjacent allies.
"Staff Mastery 1" iconStaff Mastery 1 Grants Hit+10 when using a staff. Staves also heal an additional 3 HP.
"Staff Mastery 2" iconStaff Mastery 2 Grants Hit+15 when using a staff. Staves also heal an additional 5 HP.
"Staff Mastery 3" iconStaff Mastery 3 Grants Hit+20 when using a staff. Staves also heal an additional 7 HP.
"Staff Mastery 4" iconStaff Mastery 4 Grants Hit+25 when using a staff. Staves also heal an additional 10 HP.
"Staff Mastery 5" iconStaff Mastery 5 Grants Hit+30 when using a staff. Staves also heal an additional 15 HP.
Stalwart Reduces damage from effectiveness.
Steady Stance If foe initiates combat, grants Def+6 during combat.
"Strength +1" iconStrength +1 Grants Str+1.
"Strength +2" iconStrength +2 Grants Str+2.
"Strength +3" iconStrength +3 Grants Str+3.
"Strength +4" iconStrength +4 Grants Str+4.
"Strength +5" iconStrength +5 Grants Str+5.
"Strength +6" iconStrength +6 Grants Str+6.
"Strength +6" iconStrength +6 Grants Str+6.
Strong Arm Grants Hit+20 while unit is equipped with a smash weapon.
"Stunning Smile" iconStunning Smile If foe is male, inflicts Avo-20 on that foe during combat.
Sure Strike If unit initiates combat, attacks are guaranteed to hit. Trigger %=Dex
"Swap" iconSwap Use to switch places with an adjacent ally.
"Sword Agility 1" iconSword Agility 1 Grants Avo+10 at a cost of Crit-10 when using a sword.
"Sword Agility 2" iconSword Agility 2 Grants Avo+15 at a cost of Crit-10 when using a sword.
"Sword Agility 3" iconSword Agility 3 Grants Avo+20 at a cost of Crit-10 when using a sword.
"Sword Agility 4" iconSword Agility 4 Grants Avo+25 at a cost of Crit-10 when using a sword.
"Sword Agility 5" iconSword Agility 5 Grants Avo+30 at a cost of Crit-10 when using a sword.
Swordbreaker If unit’s HP is 50% or higher at start of combat and foe has a sword equipped, unit can follow up and foe cannot follow up.
"Sword Focus 1" iconSword Focus 1 Grants Hit+10 at a cost of Ddg-10 when using a sword.
"Sword Focus 2" iconSword Focus 2 Grants Hit+15 at a cost of Ddg-10 when using a sword.
"Sword Focus 3" iconSword Focus 3 Grants Hit+20 at a cost of Ddg-10 when using a sword.
"Sword Focus 4" iconSword Focus 4 Grants Hit+25 at a cost of Ddg-10 when using a sword.
"Sword Focus 5" iconSword Focus 5 Grants Hit+30 at a cost of Ddg-10 when using a sword.
"Sword Power 1" iconSword Power 1 Grants Atk+2 at a cost of Avo-10 when using a sword.
"Sword Power 2" iconSword Power 2 Grants Atk+4 at a cost of Avo-10 when using a sword.
"Sword Power 3" iconSword Power 3 Grants Atk+6 at a cost of Avo-10 when using a sword.
"Sword Power 4" iconSword Power 4 Grants Atk+8 at a cost of Avo-10 when using a sword.
"Sword Power 5" iconSword Power 5 Grants Atk+10 at a cost of Avo-10 when using a sword.
Sympathetic If foe initiates combat and if unit’s HP is 50% or less, unit takes 5 less damage.
Tomebreaker If unit’s HP is 50% or higher at start of combat and foe has a tome equipped, unit can follow up and foe cannot follow up.
"Tome Precision 1" iconTome Precision 1 Grants Hit/Avo+3 when using a tome.
"Tome Precision 2" iconTome Precision 2 Grants Hit/Avo+5 when using a tome.
"Tome Precision 3" iconTome Precision 3 Grants Hit/Avo+7 when using a tome.
"Tome Precision 4" iconTome Precision 4 Grants Hit/Avo+10 when using a tome.
"Tome Precision 5" iconTome Precision 5 Grants Hit/Avo+15 when using a tome.
"Torrential Roar" iconTorrential Roar Use to attack 3 spaces in a line, turning those spaces into water terrain.
"Torrential Roar" iconTorrential Roar Use to attack 3 spaces in a line, turning those spaces into water terrain. [Dragon] Range +1.
"Trained to Kill" iconTrained to Kill While unit occupies terrain that provides an Avo bonus, grants Crit+15.
Triangle Adept When unit has weapon advantage, always follows up. When unit has disadvantage, foe always follows up.
"Twin Strike" iconTwin Strike Use to make a sword attack followed by a lance attack from Ephraim on adjacent foe. Effective: Corrupted.
"Twin Strike" iconTwin Strike Use to make a sword attack followed by a lance attack from Ephraim on adjacent foe. Effective: Corrupted. [Cavalry] Ephraim deals +50% damage.
"Twin Strike" iconTwin Strike Use to make a sword attack followed by a lance attack from Ephraim on adjacent foe. Effective: Corrupted. [Dragon] +20% damage.
Unbreakable Prevents unit from being broken.
Unholy Stance If a non-Corrupted foe attacks unit, deals 50% of damage taken back to foe.
Unwavering Negates damage from effectiveness.
"Unyielding++" iconUnyielding++ At start of player phase, if HP is 40% or less, restores 40% of unit’s max HP.
"Unyielding+" iconUnyielding+ At start of player phase, if HP is 30% or less, restores 30% of unit’s max HP.
"Unyielding" iconUnyielding At start of player phase, if HP is 20% or less, restores 20% of unit’s max HP.
"Vantage++" iconVantage++ If unit’s HP is 75% or less and foe initiates combat, unit can counter before foe’s first attack.
"Vantage+" iconVantage+ If unit’s HP is 50% or less and foe initiates combat, unit can counter before foe’s first attack.
"Vantage" iconVantage If unit’s HP is 25% or less and foe initiates combat, unit can counter before foe’s first attack.
"Verdant Faith" iconVerdant Faith If unit is adjacent to the "Divine Dragon" iconDivine Dragon, grants Hit+10 during combat to both of them.
Veteran+ Prevents unit from being broken. Negates damage from effectiveness.
Veteran Prevents unit from being broken. Reduces damage from effectiveness.
Void Curse Foes do not earn EXP fighting this unit.
Warding Blow When unit initiates combat, unit takes 20 less magical damage during combat.
Warding Stance If foe initiates combat, grants Res+6 during combat.
"Warp Ragnarok" iconWarp Ragnarok Use to warp up to 10 spaces and make a powerful magic attack.
"Warp Ragnarok" iconWarp Ragnarok Use to warp up to 10 spaces and make a powerful magic attack. [Cavalry] "Warp" iconWarp distance +2.
"Warp Ragnarok" iconWarp Ragnarok Use to warp up to 10 spaces and make a powerful magic attack. [Dragon] Attack range +1.
"Warp Ragnarok" iconWarp Ragnarok Use to warp up to 10 spaces and make a powerful magic attack. [Flying] "Warp" iconWarp distance +5.
"Warp Ragnarok" iconWarp Ragnarok Use to warp up to 10 spaces and make a powerful magic attack. [Mystical] +20% damage.
"Weapon Insight" iconWeapon Insight If unit is equipped with a weapon of lower level than foe’s, grants Crit+20 during combat.
"Will to Win" iconWill to Win If unit’s HP is 50% or less at start of combat, grants Hit/Avo+20 during combat.
"Wind" iconWind Adept If unit initiates combat with "Wind" iconWind equipped, unit may attack twice. Trigger %=Dex. (Excludes "Elwind" iconElwind and "Excalibur" iconExcalibur.)
"Wind" iconWind God If unit’s HP=100%, grants range +1 with bows.
Windsweep If unit initiates combat with a sword, foe may not counterattack. Trigger %=Lck.
"World Tree" iconWorld Tree When unit uses a staff, may not consume a use. Trigger %=Dex.
"Wrath" iconWrath At start of combat, for each HP the unit has lost, grants Crit+1 during combat. (Max +30)
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  • Publisher
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  • Genre
    Adventure, Tactical RPG
  • Guide Release
    11 January 2023
  • Last Updated
    7 February 2023
    Version History
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