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Final Fantasy XVI

FF16 - Typhon Main Quest Boss Strategy

Nathan Garvin
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The last boss you’ll encounter during the main quest The Crystal’s Curse, the fight with "Typhon" iconTyphon is a multi-phase affair where you’ll have to battle as both Clive and "Ifrit" iconIfrit. This page will provide strategies and tips for defeating Typhon in Final Fantasy XVI, including the undead mobs Typhon summons at the start of the fight and the two boss phases against Typhon and Typhon the Transgressor.

(1 of 2) While fighting as Clive you’ll need to be wary o the various energy attacks !Typhon scatters across the battlefield.

While fighting as Clive you’ll need to be wary o the various energy attacks !Typhon scatters across the battlefield. (left), !Ignition is a great ability for quickly clearing out mobs, especially the Wraiths in wave three. (right)

How to Defeat Typhon’s Mobs - FF16 Typhon Boss Fight Guide

After defeating the Akashic Dragon, you’ll advance to the Mother Crystal, with little in between these fights besides a bit of loot to pick up. You don’t need to make many preparations for this fight, as you’ll only play as Clive during its initial phases, but having some good crowd control Eikonic Abilities (like "Ignition" iconIgnition) will make these fights as Clive easier. After some scenes you’ll have to defeat three waves of enemies, as follows:

  • The first wave consists of several Revenants, which are largely unimpressive melee combatants, a single Ignition will remove them for you.

  • After the Revenants are exorcized you’ll be pit against half a dozen Specters, who are ranged nuisances, but not serious threats. To spice this phase of the fight up, however, Typhon will discharge blasts of energy, the areas of which are indicated by blue circles. Stay out of them to avoid damage - they will appear sporadically throughout the fight forcing you to engage in hit-and-run tactics against the Specters, or engage them at range.

  • Saving the best for last, this time you’re up against a veritable horde of Wraiths. Individually insignificant, their numbers give them legitimacy as potential threats. You’ll also have to dodge blue lasers (they appear as a blue line on the ground, but expand tremendously in size before dealing damage to the marked area) and the blue circles from the previous phase. The game is punishing you if you don’t have Ignition equipped here, as that Eikonic Ability can eradicate a significant number of the Wraiths in a single shot. Lacking that, prioritize staying safe and pick off what enemies you can when the opportunity presents itself.

Once this preliminary sparring is done, Typhon will extricate itself and Clive will unleash the power of Ifrit.

(1 of 2) At the start of the fight you’ll be informed of !Ifrit’s expanded moveset, which mostly apes Clive’s.

At the start of the fight you’ll be informed of !Ifrit’s expanded moveset, which mostly apes Clive’s. (left), For example, !Magic Burst is replaced with Fireball Burst, both being damage adds performed by pressing the ranged attack button immediately after landing a physical attack. (right)

How to Defeat Typhon - FF16 Typhon Boss Fight Guide

The last time you had control of Ifrit, your options were somewhat limited. The fight against "Garuda" iconGaruda was more of an interactive cutscene than a full battle, but those restrictions have been removed for this fight. This time Ifrit will have roughly the same attacks and combos as Clive, albeit with different animations and names and significantly scaled up in terms of effect and utility. Clive’s "Magic Burst" iconMagic Burst sees a parallel with Ifrit’s Fireball Burst, Heatrush replaces Lunge, Pyrosault will be used in place of Downthrust… the names and animations are somewhat different, but the core functionality of each attack is different.

While just about every one of Clive’s general abilities on the outer ring of the Phoenix ability cluster has an Ifrit analog, the Eikonic Abilities Clive had equipped have no such equivalency. Eikonic Abilities largely won’t be a factor in this battle. Also, note that Ifrit’s dodge ability is significantly superior to Clive’s; now named Wildfire, you can simply hold the DualSense-ButtonCircle button to glide over extended distances - you’ll need this to avoid numerous attacks during the boss fight, so don’t neglect it!

It may take some adjustment to get used to the particular differences between Clive’s moveset and Ifrit’s, and fortunately the first phase of the fight with Typhon serves as something of a warmup. Typhon’s attacks during this phase are relatively simple and methodical, giving you plenty of time to react. We suggest not immediately going for the kill, as getting used to Typhon’s attacks in this phase will help out in the next phase, where the attacks are more or less the same, but faster, with more projectiles, wider areas of effect, etc. Being more familiar with Typhon’s attacks and Ifrit’s moveset will make the second phase much easier.

(1 of 3) !Typhon will use a variety of melee attacks, including a slamming chop,

Typhon All Attacks - FF16 Typhon Boss Fight Guide

Typhon’s attacks during the first phase of battle as as follows:

  • Chop: Typhon’s forearm will be engulfed in his signature bluish energy and he’ll chop the ground. Super predictable, he’s just begging you to dodge and counter this, so oblige him. Typhon can perform this as part of a charge attack as well as while staying stationary.

  • Slap: Similar to chop, Typhon’s hand will glow and he’ll perform an exaggerated slap. He can also perform a double-handed variant of this attack.

  • Dive Charge: Typhon will rear back with one arm before extending that arm and letting it lead a spinning charge. Just strafe or dodge to the side to avoid this.

(1 of 2) When a large reticle appears under your feet, Wildfire dodge to the side,

When a large reticle appears under your feet, Wildfire dodge to the side, (left), as a massive blast will soon follow. (right)

  • Unending Clamor: One of Typhon’s big energy attacks, he’ll conjure a huge reticle under you. Just hold DualSense-ButtonCircle and move DualSense-Stick-L in any direction to escape the radius before the attack lands.

  • Energy Barrage: Typhon will extend both hands and start shooting a barrage of blue fireballs off to both sides, gradually bringing both arms - and the fireballs they shoot - to face forward. This creates a field of blue fireballs for you to dodge. The further away you are, the easier this will be, and you should just back up and look for the abundant gaps between the fireballs. No fancy dodging is needed, just walk where the pain isn’t.

  • Laser Sweep: Typhon spreads his arms wide and down, shooting three lasers from each hand into the ground. He’ll then rake these lasers forward, striking a wide swath with them - immediately dodge (hold DualSense-ButtonCircle and DualSense-Stick-L-LR) to get around the attack. Also creates fissures on the ground in front of Typhon that shortly explode, but if you’re off to the side, that’s rather moot.

  • Laser Chop: Sweeping upwards with his arm, Typhon discharges a beam of energy that travels along the ground. Minor homing, but still incredibly easy to dodge.

  • Death Beam: Typhon points his finger and shoots a concentrated beam of energy forward. His tracking abilities leave much to be desired, however, as strafing to the side is enough to cause him to miss.

(1 of 3) After his first use of Unending Clamor, !Typhon will use energy attacks more frequently, including shooting barrages of blue fireballs,

Typhon is an odd foe, indeed. He’s got a good mix of ranged and melee attacks and a fair bit of AoE, although the chargeup time for everything up Laser Sweep makes it trivial to dodge, especially if you keep your distance. His melee attacks are somehow even more predictable, to the point where ever poor performers like yours truly will feel competent with the number of precision dodges they can chain together against Typhon’s lazily flailing onslaught. Typhon’s attacks are deliberate and easy to read, but hit-per-hit he outdamages you by a wide margin. His attacks during this phase are more designed to help you learn the general patterns and keep you honest than pose a legitimate threat.

This first phase of the fight is split into two distinct parts - before Typhon uses his first Unending Clamor, and after. Before this, Typhon will largely let his fists do the talking, and afterwards he’ll start to favor ranged/energy attacks. Typhon didn’t use Unending Clamor until his HP were reduced to around 60%, but your mileage may vary.

Despite his high damage output and constant offense, Typhon does have a brief window of vulnerability after almost every attack. If you focus on dodge, you can usually immediately respond with Heatrush (DualSense-ButtonSquare + DualSense-ButtonCircle) to close the distance and deal damage, after which you can let loose with your own melee combo. Ifrit’s attacks do more relative damage to Typhon then Clive’s do to just about any substantial enemy, so while Typhon’s hits are more powerful, you’re still doing fine damage with your standard offense. Whittle down Typhon’s HP bar until it’s depleted to trigger a scene, after which the second phase of this boss fight will begin.

After depleting his life bar, !Typhon will up the ante - and double his appendages - for phase two.

How to Defeat Typhon the Transgressor - FF16 Typhon Boss Fight Guide

Typhon’s got four arms and a bad attitude, and he’s keen on using both to ruin your day. Phase one was an introduction to Typhon, a way to break in Ifrit’s new abilities and get accustomed to what that Eikon can do. Phase two is the real fight. Most of Typhon’s attacks are the same, generally speaking, just… faster, more powerful, with more projectiles and sometimes altered effects. So… pretty different, actually, but you can see the phase one moves they were based off of, and familiarity with the former will help shave down the learning curve of the latter.

(1 of 3) Twice the arms, twice the pain, many of !Typhon’s phase one melee attacks return in altered form, including a flurry of double-armed slaps,

Typhon the Transgressor All Attacks - FF16 Typhon Boss Fight Guide

Typhon’s the Transgressor’s moveset is as follows:

  • Twin-Armed Chop: Same as in the first phase, except Typhon the Transgressor will chop with both hands. For some odd reason, Typhon will remain hunched over for a long time after this attack, giving you the opportunity to score some easy damage.

  • Double Slap: Pretty much the same as the slap attack from phase one, but now both hands on a side will perform an energy-charged slap. Typhon the Transgressor usually performs this as a three hit combo, alternating arms each slap. There is a slight delay between the second and third slaps.

  • Quadra Slam: Usually performed after a teleport, Typhon will swat the ground in front of him with all four hands, and he’ll usually follow up by an uplifting backhanded swat. He can charge before and during this combo, so get comfortable with dodging to the side instead of relying on distance to protect you. On the plus side, he pauses a moment after these attacks, allowing you to punish him.

  • Energy Waves: Typhon the Transgressor will spin in a circle, swinging his arms, loosing a nova of energy along the ground as he does so. Just time your dodge or jump over each wave as it approaches. Typhon will usually perform this in quick succession, and he’s not shy about using this attack immediately a melee combo, when it’s most difficult to dodge.

  • Triple Unending Clamor: Unending Clamor now summons three somewhat overlapping reticles. Your response is the same, hold DualSense-ButtonCircle and move DualSense-Stick-L in any direction to escape, but you absolutely cannot dawdle with these and there’s less room for error.

  • Homing Energy Barrage: A somewhat snappier version of the phase one attack, Typhon the Transgressor will manifest a field of dark purple energy orbs and after a brief pause, send them flying at you. These strike in succession and have slight homing capabilities, but they’re even easier to dodge this time around as they’re fairly slow and their tracking isn’t great - just keep moving to the side. On the downside, Typhon probably won’t leave himself open after this attack, making it kind of a net neutral for you.

  • Death Beam Barrage: Same as phase one, save Typhon the Transgressor will now perform multiple death beams in succession. If you can strafe away from one, you can strafe away from three, so nothing has really changed here. Just walk sideways and spam ranged attacks DualSense-ButtonTriangle until Typhon abandons this fruitless endeavor.

A series staple, in Final Fantasy XVI !Typhon’s Demon Wall attack sends waves of energy barriers at you - dodge between the gaps to avoid damage.

  • Demon Wall: One of Typhon the Transgressor’s new attacks for this phase and another oldschool Final Fantasy throwback, Typhon will, after a teleport to gain distance and a bit of conjuring, start shooting walls of force at you. These all conveniently have a gap in them, and you need to either walk, or Wildfire dodge over to the gap before the wall hits you. Sometimes you’ll have to cover a fair bit of distance between one gap and the next, and overshooting with Wildfire dodge is a distinct possibility. Between that and the number of walls summoned each cast can make it tricky not to take some damage during this assault.

(1 of 2) Catacecaumene will cause numerous fissures to appear on the ground and subsequently erupt, turning sections of the battlefield hazardous.

Catacecaumene will cause numerous fissures to appear on the ground and subsequently erupt, turning sections of the battlefield hazardous. (left), !Typhon can also use a Triple Unending Clamor attack, either on its own, or, later in the fight, immediately following (and partially overlapping) Catacecaumene. (right)

  • Catacecaumene: After teleporting away and conjuring (as is the norm for Typhon’s meatier attacks), Typhon the Transgressor will shoot four lasers into the ground - one from each hand. After a moment, fissures will appear on the ground before erupting. "Dodge" iconDodge the fissures, which will continue to erupt for several moments even after Typhon is done channeling. Be wary, as Typhon is not restricted from acting while these fissures continue to erupt and may launch other attacks, including Triple Unending Clamor, essentially filling the screen with damage spikes.

Typhon’s definitely more dangerous this time around, with longer combos and more sustained energy attacks. Getting hit will hurt, and while Typhon the Transgressor’s attacks still aren’t that difficult to dodge - especially if you got used to their tamer variants during the first phase - there’s just more of them coming at you now. That said, the strategy is largely the same, focus on dodging, passively punished with ranged attacks, and once Typhon ends an attack, close the distance and try to land as many hits as possible. Rinse, wash, repeat. Most of his attacks are three hit combos, and after many of them - especially the melee attacks - he’ll pause for a moment, which is the prime time to strike.

Once Typhon the Transgressor’s health is low (around 10%) the main course of the battle will end and you’ll be forced to settle things via QTEs, requiring the following inputs:

  • DualSense-R1
  • mash DualSense-ButtonSquare
  • DualSense-R1
  • mash DualSense-ButtonSquare

This will guide Ifrit through his iconic attack, which ends this long fight. After a great deal of scenes, the main questline will continue with Cid the Outlaw.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Square Enix
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    20 June 2023
  • Last Updated
    2 August 2023
    Version History
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This is the tale of Clive Rosfield, a warrior granted the title “First Shield of Rosaria” and sworn to protect his younger brother Joshua, the dominant of the Phoenix. This guide for Final Fantasy XVI contains the following:

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