The Fruits of Her Labors side quest in Final Fantasy 16 can be acquired in The Hideaway once you reach The Gathering Storm main quest. Here you’ll find a person named Cormac and he wants you to deliver some Apples. We’ll take you through the necessary steps to completion and where to deliver the apples.
Speak with Cormac to begin this quest.
The apples growing on one of Martelles’s old trees are ripe and by all accounts, delicious. Backyard botanist Cormac wants everyone to know just how good they are, and has asked Clive to deliver a basket to the hideaway’s hungry Cursebreakers.
How to Start The Fruits of Her Labors in Final Fantasy 16¶
First things first, you’ll need to have completed the main story mission Home, Sweet Home, and be on The Gathering Storm. When those requirements have been met, head over to Cormac who can be found in The Backyard. Speak with him and you’ll find out that he took on growing one of Martelle Tree after she died and finally the Apples are finally ready to be eaten, so he has requested that you deliver them to the Cursebreakers.
Deliver the Apples to The Hideaway’s Cursebreakers¶
Once you’ve finished speaking with Cormac you’ll want to head over to The Mess Area of The Hideaway and speak with Fabian and Corentin to hand over the Apples. Here everyone will discuss the memories of Cid and Martelle, such as when she ran into the hideaway whilst it was being destroyed by Titan so she could save her precious trees or how Cid was the only one who could enjoy the apples.
(1 of 2) Head over to the Cursebreakers
Head over to the Cursebreakers (left), and hand over the apples. (right)
After everyone has had their share of the freshly grown apples, make your way over to The Backyard. However, along the way be sure to check out the Blacksmith and craft any new weapons that may be available, as this will make any future Main/Side Quests easier to tackle. When you arrive, inform Cormac that everyone enjoyed the apples, then the quest will come to a close and you’ll be rewarded with a Martelle Apple.
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