Sabine Persons of Interest
In-game Description
First Encounter
Only daughter of the Duke of Oriflamme who escaped from the disaster at
Twinside and took refuge in
Northreach. Her extensive education in all matters spiritual and political, as well as her overbearing demeanor, rival that of her father. Her opinion on the duke’s plan to fortify
Northreach at the townspeople’s expense, however, differs from his greatly, and she attempts to enjoin
Isabelle’s help to rally the people against him.
Fighting for Northreach
Only daughter of the Duke of Oriflamme, who fomented revolt against her father’s plans to fortify
Northreach at the townspeople’s expense. After the duke is convinced of the error of his ways, the two are reconciled, and pledge to work together with the people of
Northreach to build a town for all her citizens.
Related Persons of Interest
Related Lay of the Land

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