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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth

World Intel Data Points & Rewards

Nathan Garvin
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A short ways into Chapter 2 you’ll be reunited with a familiar face - Chadley, the cyborg who inundated you with VR challenges and requests for battle intel in Final Fantasy VII Remake has returned, and worse, he’s tracked you down and has more busywork for you. The scope of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth has changed, and thus so has Chadley’s tasks, which are now decidedly of the open world variety. To appease Chadley’s insatiable curiosity you’ll need to seek out various categories of World Intel, including Activation Intel, Chocobo Intel, Moogle Intel, Expedition Intel, Fiend Intel and more. Collectively all these mysteries of the open world account for a great deal of the content in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, and completing World Intel objectives for Chadley will earn you Data Points, which you can redeem for rare and powerful materia. This page will cover all the types of World Intel in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth and the rewards you can gain for completing them.

(1 of 3) Defeat any enemies outside of a tower,

Activation Intel - Remnawave Towers

Perhaps the most reviled open world content in gaming - the dreaded tower! If you’ve played almost any open world AAA game in the past fifteen years or so, you know how this works already: find a tower on the map and activate a panel somewhere on it. Once activated other World Intel in the vicinity will be revealed. While you don’t always have to climb, there’s usually some monsters lurking around that tower that need to be defeated, first. All in all, it’s a good way to earn some easy Data Points and expedite the process of finding other World Intel. As a bonus you can usually find some Shinra boxes to smash on the tower, too.

(1 of 2) During Chocobo Intel events (Chocobo Wrangling) you’ll need to sneak past wary chocobos,

During Chocobo Intel events (Chocobo Wrangling) you’ll need to sneak past wary chocobos, (left), and catch the region’s unique chocobo unawares. The actual mechanics of each Chocobo Wrangling minigame will vary, but stealth is a mainstay. (right)

Chocobo Intel: Chocobo Wrangling

Each region has its own chocobo variant, and hence its own Chocobo Intel event. The first one, in the "Grasslands" iconGrasslands, is mandatory, and while it may be ill-advised, you can skip some later Chocobo Intel events. Not only does completing this brand of World Intel get you the typical Party XP and Data Points, but it allows you to ride chocobos in that region and fast travel to a wider range of locations, including completed World Intel events and Chocobo Stops. The exact nature of each chocobo wrangling minigame will change depending on the region, but the core concept of needing to sneak up onto the target chocobo and mount it without being detected by it or its fellows remains constant.

(1 of 2) Complete Expedition Intel events until you uncover the location of some legendary beast.

Complete Expedition Intel events until you uncover the location of some legendary beast. (left), To complete a region’s Classified Intel, you must defeat this legendary creature. (right)

Classified Intel: Classified Foes

Scan a sufficient number of Lifesprings (see Expedition Intel, below) and the location of some legendary beast will be revealed to you. Its lair will be marked as a Classified Intel location on your map, and if you head over there and hold DualSense-ButtonTriangle you can challenge the beast to a fight. Not only will you gain rare materials from this (often materials found nowhere else) but you need to scan and defeat this beast as part of completing that region’s bestiary and unlocking more VR battles. You will, of course, also earn Party XP and Data Points for defeating the beast, as well.

(1 of 4) Find Guidestones near Sanctuaries,

Divine Intel: Sanctuaries

There’s a summon unique to each region and the only way you can obtain it is via the totally lore-friendly approach of engaging in a VR battle and having Chadley use the battle intel gained to synthesize the materia that summons these almighty beings. You don’t technically need to do any Divine Intel to acquire these summons - you can fight any full strength version by talking to Chadley in the summon’s native location. These fights are significantly more difficult, however, and each Divine Intel you complete will lower the difficulty. They’ll also empower the summon materia you get, so even if you’re hardcore enough to defeat these full-strength summons, you’re incentivized to complete their related Divine Intel.

As for the World Intel itself, they’re basically scavenger hunts with a timing/memorization minigame at the end. Find the location of the sanctuary, either on your own or by destroying Guidestones (glowing pillars that can be found in the vicinity) and following a mote of light to the sanctuary. Once you locate the sanctuary, scan it and you’ll be shown a series of timed button prompts on a ring, which you must then emulate without the benefit of seeing the prompts. Do this and you’ll complete that Divine Intel. Every Divine Intel you complete will allow you to choose to fight a weaker variant of that region’s summon via VR, will boost the potency of the resulting summon materia by one star and will earn you the standard Party XP and Data Points.

(1 of 3) Complete Expedition Intel until you uncover Excavation Intel events, then head to the area and search around until you chocobo picks up the scent of buried treasure.

Excavation Intel: Buried Transmuter Chips

Scan Lifesprings (see [Expedition Intel](https://www.gamerguides.com/final-fantasy-vii-rebirth/guide/world-intel/overview/world-intel-data-points-and-rewards-final-fantasy-vii-rebirth#expedition-intel-lifesprings, below) and you may discover the location of buried treasure. Why the planet knows or cares enough about these relics is anybody’s guess, but it sure does know what we’re after - in this case, the treasure you can dig up from Excavation Sites tends to include [Transmuter Chips], which will increase the number of items you can craft via the Item Transmuter, which may include key items for side quests and/or enhanced variants of armor. To find these buried treasures, use a Chocobo to sniff out their locations, just like you do with Hidden Treasure.

(1 of 5) Follow Springseeker Owls and they’ll lead you to Lifesprings.

Expedition Intel: Lifesprings

As you explore you may find your tranquility broken by a hooting flying hooligan - a springseeker owl, whose sole purpose is to guide you to a nearby Lifespring. These fonts of crystalized life force may yield regional intel when scanned (pending a perfunctory ring minigame) leading you to other World Intel sites (typically Excavation Intel and, when enough Lifesprings are found, Classified Intel), and earning you more easy Data Points. You can also usually find an abundance of materials nearby, making them good spots to hit for rare materials… although they don’t respawn, so enjoy the windfall while it lasts.

(1 of 3) Fiend Intel will lead you to rare variants of local enemies.

Fiend Intel

At Fiend Intel sites you’ll find more powerful variants of standard enemies, which you’re tasked with defeating. Not only this, you’ll usually have several objectives you can complete during the fight. You don’t need to complete all the objectives to “finish” the Fiend Intel, but you may get more Party XP and Data Points if you do. Fortunately you can retry these battles as many times as you wish, and the combat objectives are cumulative between all attempts, so you don’t need to do everything perfectly the first time around - it’s much easier if you focus on learning the enemy (including using "Assess Materia" iconAssess Materia) the first time, then go for the objectives on subsequent attempts.

(1 of 4) Find a Mogstool and a Moogle Merchant will beg you to help wrangle some wastrel Mooglets.

Moogle Intel: Moogle Mischief

In every region there’s a Mogstool you can find, which is home to an unruly pack of Mooglets and a Moogle Merchant. The misbehavior of the latter is confounding the former and preventing the Moogle Merchant from opening its famed Moogle Emporium, where you can trade "Moogle Medal" iconMoogle Medals (generally found in Shinra crates) for rare goods - including [Manuscripts]. To complete these World Intel events, find the Mogstool, enter it, and complete a round of Moogle Mischief, a minigame where you need to wrangle the Mooglets without falling victim to their tricks three times. In addition to the standard Party XP and Data Points, you’ll also open or expand the Moogle Emporium every time you complete a Moogle Intel event. The Moogle Emporium’s wares are as follows:

Moogle Emporium Wares

Item Merchant Rank "Moogle Medal" iconMoogle Medals Stock
"Emerald" iconEmerald 1 10 unlimited
"Ether" iconEther 1 1 unlimited
"HP Up Materia Earrings" iconHP Up Materia Earrings 1 6 1
Manuscript: The Art of Swordplay Vol. I (Cloud) 1 6 1
Manuscript: Way of the Fist Vol. I (Tifa) 1 6 1
"Precision Defense Focus Materia Earrings" iconPrecision Defense Focus Materia Earrings 2 6 1
"Ruby" iconRuby 1 10 unlimited
Tale of the Red Warrior Vol. I 2 6 1
Telluric Scriptures Vol. II 2 6 1

Phenomenon Intel revolves around a region’s Protorelic, which plays out more as a series of side quests than normal World Intel events. They vary greatly from region to region.

Phenomenon Intel: Protorelic Quests

Each region has its own World Intel questline revolving around a “Protorelic”. These are unique to each region and often consist of four interrelated “Phenomenon Intel” areas that have to be completed sequentially. You’ll earn the standard Party XP and Data Points for each one, but your objectives vary depending on which exact stage of which region’s Protorelic questline you’re doing. Functionally you might as well consider them interrelated side quests where you’re subjected to more of Chadley blather instead of some other, marginally less annoying NPC.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Square Enix
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    14 February 2024
  • Last Updated
    31 August 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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The second in a trio of games, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth continues with the epic retelling of the original Final Fantasy VII story. Follow Cloud Strife and company, as they chase Sephiroth, after the events that unfolded in the city of Midgar. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth will contain the same action-based combat system introduced in Remake, with additions to keep it fresh. To help you along the way, this guide plans to contain the following content:

  • Breakdown of gameplay elements and combat mechanics
  • Detailed guides on how to play every playable character
  • Boss strategies for those who might be struggling
  • Walkthroughs for the harder-to-complete Side Quests
  • Locations of any and all Collectibles
  • Extensive list of all Minigames, with thorough guides on all of them
  • Roadmap and guide on how to unlock the coveted Platinum Trophy

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