Cameron Queens Blood Players
Cameron is a Queens Blood player located in Crow’s Nest in Junon.
Where to Find / Location
Unlock the Side Quest: The first step is to unlock the side quest When Words Won’t Do. This quest is likely accessible during Chapter 4 of the game.
Locate Crow’s Nest: The next task is to find the settlement of Crow’s Nest, which is situated in the eastern part of the Junon region. Junon region should be accessible by this point in the game.
Find Cameron’s Location: Once you arrive at Crow’s Nest, head to the southeast area. Look for a stone building within the settlement. Cameron is located inside this building.
Reach Queen’s Blood Rank 3: Before challenging Cameron for the 113 Midgardsormr card, ensure that your character has reached Queen’s Blood Rank 3. This is a prerequisite to engaging with Cameron in the card game.
Challenge Cameron: Once you meet the requirements, approach Cameron and initiate a card game challenge. Defeat him in the card game to win the 113 Midgardsormr card.
Queens Blood Cards

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