This mission consists of nothing more than a boss fight against the Rakshasa, who is the large bird-like creature you’ve been seeing at the end of the Shangri-La missions. It only has two attacks, one of which is to put its wings and spread them apart, causing a lightning bolt to flash and some demons to spawn.
In fact, that will be its only attack in the first phase of the battle (there’s three phases). So, how do we go about defeating this thing? You will notice that before the above attack, it will open its mouth for a few seconds. That’ll be your cue to shoot the inside of its mouth with some arrows. You’ll know it hit because of the small explosion.
Shoot the mouth when you see it open, doing this three times to send the creature to the ground. Send the tiger after it to pry its mouth open and shoot an arrow to finish each of the three rounds.
Do this three times and the Rakshasa will fall to the ground, which is your cue to now send the tiger after it. The tiger will jump into its mouth, forcing it to stay open for a few seconds. Shoot it and the second phase of the battle will start, where the Rakshasa will gain a new attack. It will suck in air and then start spewing fireballs at you.
As long as you keep moving, you shouldn’t be hurt at all or very little. It will still summon demons in the same manner as before, but the second round will have bow ones, while there will be the demon hounds included in the third round. Apart from that, you will still shoot the mouth three times and then do the tiger/arrow combo to finish the fight and the mission.
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