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Fallout: New Vegas

For Auld Lang Syne

Nathan Garvin
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Important Items in This Area
Gannon Family Tesla Armor
Gannon Family Tesla Helmet
Remnants Power Armor
Remnants Power Helmet

Arcade Gannon’s quest will trigger when he trusts you enough, much like many other companion quests. To earn Arcade Gannon’s trust you can:

  • Take him to the Crashed Vertibird.
  • Visit REPCONN Headquarters with him in your party.
  • Go to the Silver Rush in Freeside, even if it’s already been cleared out following Heartache by the Number .
  • Entering The Fort with him and responding to him by saying “Let’s just listen to him, figure out what he’s up to, and get out.
  • After talking to Caesar, respond to Arcade Gannon by passing an [Intelligence 8] check or by saying {He’s a madman, what do you expect?“
  • Take Arcade Gannon along with you during the quest The White Wash and either let Anderson go and keep Westside’s secret, or kill Anderson and pass an [Intelligence 7] check, followed by saying “It’s cleaner this way…”.

Earn Arcade Gannon’s trust and he’ll ask you to help gather the remnants (left). Talk to the remnants, tell them of the reunion, then listen to Arcade aftewards for some backstory (right).

You’ll need to do most of these things to get Arcade talking to you about this quest, but if you wait until the later stages of the quests For the Republic, Part 2 , The House Always Wins , or Wild Card: Change in Management , he’ll offer you this quest with fewer requirements.

Hear him out and he’ll tell you about his past and the Enclave, and more importantly, how those two go together. Simply put, the NCR and Caesar’s Legion are about to rumble, and Arcade Gannon favors the former, and would call on his father’s aging Enclave buddies to help out. Of course, he can’t convince them by himself, so you’ll need to travel with him through the Mojave and go give these old Enclave bums a good talking-to. They are, as follows:

  • Daisy Whitman in Novac. She’ll give you the word “Dear”.
  • Cannibal Johnson in Cannibal Johnson’s Cave. His word is “Old”.
  • Doctor Henry at Jacobstown. He’ll give you the word “Friends”.
  • Orion Moreno, who has an (unmarked) house south-east of the Gun Runners. He possesses the word “Remember”.
  • Judah Kreger, who can be found playing chess in Westside. His word is “Navarro”.

After you talk to each person Arcade will tell you about them afterwards. Wait around for him to talk to you and respond by either saying something positive about their attachment to the past, or say something negative about their failure to move on. These responses will influence Arcade’s attitude at the end of the quest, but with a high Speech score, you can change his mind.

Once all five have been convinced to help out, fast-travel to the Remnants Bunker east of Jacobstown, north-west of Ranger Station Foxtrot. Inside you’ll find a terminal which opens the nearby door if you enter the password “Dear old friends, remember Navarro.” Go through the door, down some stairs and through another door to reach a hangar with a functional Vertibird inside. Pass through and enter the Remnants’ Bunker to find the gathered old remnants.

Talk to Judah Kreger and tell him who you want the remnants to side with, either Caesar’s Legion or the NCR. If you want to keep New Vegas independent (either under your own rule or Mr. House’s, choose the NCR). There will be defections, depending on who you choose; pick Caesar’s Legion and Cannibal Johnson will refuse to join in the fighting, and Arcade Gannon will throw a tantrum and storm off. In this case you’ll get Cannibal Johnson’s armor and Orion Moreno will show you how to use it, giving you the Power Armor Training perk, if you don’t already have it. When you leave the bunker, the quest will end.

If you tell the remnants to side with the NCR, Orion Moreno will take offense (left) after which you’ll have to put him down if you can’t pass a [Speech 80] check (right).

If you tell them to side with the NCR, Orion Moreno will stomp off and you’ll need to go talk some sense into him. Meet him in the hangar and, unless you pass a [Speech 80] check he’ll attack you. After you deal with Moreno Arcade Gannon will speak with you again and, if you spoke positively about the remnants being stuck in the past he’ll be leaning towards joining them in the battle of Hoover Dam. If you were negative about their inability to move on, he’s more inclined to stay at Freeside with the Followers. You can try to get him to join the remnants at the battle or remain behind at Freeside with the Followers contrary to how you responded to the remnants earlier, but this will requires a [Speech 80] check. A lot of those going around lately. Either way, Arcade Gannon will run off to go get something. If you killed Moreno, loot him for some Remnants Power Armor and a Remnants Power Helmet, as well as his key back to the bunker. If you talked Moreno out of a fight return to the bunker and you’ll get Whitman’s Remnants Power Armor, as she’ll be staying in the Vertibird. In this case, talking to Daisy Whitman will get you the Power Armor Training perk.

Leave the bunker and - if you convince Arcade Gannon to stay in Freeside - he’ll show up when you leave and give you his father armors; the Gannon Family Tesla Armor and Gannon Family Tesla Helmet. Either way, whether you angered Gannon by siding with Caesar, convinced him to fight, or made him realize his place was in Freeside, he’ll be too busy to accompany you as a companion for the rest of the game.

Objective Reward
For reuniting the Remnants 500 XP
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Bethesda Softworks
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS3, XB 360
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    31 October 2015
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Nathan Garvin

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The year is 2281 - two hundred years after the old world was eradicated by nuclear fire - and now the New California Republic has become powerful along the western coast of what used to be the United State of America. They’ve expanded east into Nevada, but across the Colorado river to the east a united army of tribals - Caesar’s Legion - have been organized under the guise of ancient Rome. War never changes, and impending conflict looms between the two sides, the prize being the Hoover Dam and control over the Mojave. Stuck in the middle are the residents of Nevada and the jewel in the desert; the city of New Vegas. But the mysterious overlord of New Vegas has his own plans for the future of the Mojave…

You are Courier six, an employee of the Mojave Express who has been entrusted with delivering a mysterious Platinum Chip. The delivery goes horribly awry, however, and after you are robbed and nearly killed for the package you were carrying, you must set out in pursuit of your attackers. Along the way you’ll have to navigate the political struggles between factions both large and small, making friends and enemies between the various groups as your actions in the Mojave influence your reputation. Ultimately, a new overlord of the Mojave will be crowned… but will you place that crown upon the brow of Caesar, the New California Republic, the mysterious ruler of New Vegas… or yourself?

  • Character creation strategies including a run-down of SPECIAL attributes, Skills and Perks.
  • An ideal chronological order of events walkthrough that will take you through the entire Mojave.
  • Complete walkthrough of all the main quests and side quests, including faction quests and endings.
  • A power-gamey New Vegas Medical Center run, for those gamers who want to get off to a great start.
  • Information about factions and reputation.
  • The locations of stat-boosting Skill Books, unique weapons and armor and collectible Snowglobes.
  • A Trophy Guide including detailed information (when necessary) about how to obtain all the game’s trophies.
  • Old World Blues DLC.

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