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Fallout 4


Nathan Garvin
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Astoundingly Awesome Tales #9
U.S. Covert Operations Manual

Since you’ve found the Railroad, you might as well help them out a bit, get access to their organization (and some choice loot inside), and to do this you’ll need to talk to "Deacon" iconDeacon. Keep your "Charisma" iconCharisma gear on to pass some checks, which will get him to reveal he’s been scouting you out. Pass the checks, ask about his job, then agree to help him without much information and he’ll tell you to meet him under the "Lexington" iconLexington Highway, the highway that runs east/west through Lexington. He, however, will want you to meet up closer to "Walden Pond" iconWalden Pond, between "Rocky Narrows Park" iconRocky Narrows Park and the "Drumlin Diner" iconDrumlin Diner.

To get there efficiently, fast travel to Walden Pond, which is south of "Concord" iconConcord in the north-western corner of the map. Deacon will be just to the east, but beware of Gunners who may attack from the freeway, who certainly respawned by now. Once you meet up with Deacon you’ll… well… notice that he’s fond of his disguises. Well then, ask him what we are doing and he’ll inform you that you are heading to their old HQ to retrieve an item… after talking to a “Tourist” to get some intel. Go ahead and follow Deacon now and he’ll explain the Railroad’s codes to you, showing them to you as you go.

Continue to follow Deacon on the highway and you’ll be ambushed by some Ghouls. Help him take them out and continue. The bus up ahead has two more Ghouls in it, so enter it and take them out (one to the left, one to the right), then grab the Nuka Cola Quantum by the driver’s seat. You’ll find a camp further along the road, so raid it for supplies and head onward. Deacon will mention that no matter what the Tourist says, to reply with “Mine is in the Shop”. Head onward to meet the “Tourist”. Here you can use the “Railroad Password” or just… say whatever you want to have Deacon cover for us. Heh. Ricky will then give you some intel, mentioning that the front entrance is a minefield and heavily guarded, and tells you if you want any further help to ask.

At this point you can choose to ask Ricky for a few things, all of which require speech checks, so use that Charisma gear if you have it. If you can get a moderate speech check you can have Ricky either give you some extra supplies or provide sniper fire. If you can pass a hard speech check, you can have him make a distraction. Honestly the way you are going you may as well just ask Ricky for supplies, and even then just to get the speech check XP.

Head back the way you came and Deacon will soon stop us and ask you to decide whether or not to attempt a frontal assault or to go through the escape tunnel. Honestly, this is not very much of a decision. For what it is worth, you are going to explore both eventually, but for a tactical advantage you want to take the escape tunnel, so choose that option and keep following the guide (and yes, this means Ricky isn’t lying: the front is well guarded).

Decide to take the tunnel and you will have to head back off the freeway (you may be tempted to jump, but do not) and head north-west. If you convinced Ricky to snipe for you, he will follow as well. Head north-east along a railroad and keep an eye on the boxcars as you go. Just beyond an orange boxcar you’ll find a cage with some Power Armor inside. Alas, the door to the Power Armor cage is locked. If you search inside the orange boxcar, however, you can hack a Terminal [Average] to unlock the door and claim a fresh, full suit of Power Armor, ready to go with a "Fusion Core" iconFusion Core already inside. You can either take it back to a settlement and store it, or use to to make the next mission a breeze. Your call. Etiher way, continue on to the objective marker and you will come to a drainage tunnel (you will likely get attacked along the way). Enter the tunnel (which cleverly has heavy foliage to disguise it) and the door afterward.


Deacon will chat at you a bit and tell you your purpose for being here, after which, continue forward to find a locked door which can only be opened by hacking a Terminal [Master], a feat Deacon will manage for you if you wait too long. Head forward to a locked door. Once it’s open, head through the door to find more Railroad markings and the body of Roger, one of many, many named bodies you’ll find along the way. They weren’t exaggerating the extent of the catastrophe that befell the Railroad here.

Continue down some stairs where you’ll find several more Synths to destroy, after which you’ll find the body of Sly Nicholas and some Turrets to loot. Continue on past the body of Francis O’Dell and Deacon will point out another terminal, which you can use to turn on the turret up ahead to give the enemy a surprise, but it will get shot up in seconds. Still, it is a good diversion. Do it and join the attack to kill the Synths you find, then enter a pipe and travel inside of it until you reach another small chamber with a locked door. This one is opened by a Terminal [Novice] so go ahead and hack it and open up the way forward. This next room has multiple Synths in it, all of which can easily - and stealthily - be taken out.

Once the gunfire stops, go through some blue double doors to the south-east to find a small room with a Fusion Core and a bed in it, should you need a nappy-nap. The terminal in the lower, larger room also has some interesting notes about the war, but head up to the center room and check the middle desk up here for a U.S. Covert Operations Manual , which when picked up will give you a welcome boost to your sneakiness. The two computers up here are both [Expert] terminals, and the “Central Terminal” just has some flavor text while the one by the door can turn off the Laser Tripwires in the hallway beyond. Turn them off if you want, but if you leave them on you can get XP for disarming them, as well as components.

Do what you will with the tripwires, open the doors, and proceed south-west down the hallway to find two doors, one to the south-east and one to the north-west. In the former path you’ll find two Synths who should be promptly taken out. After they’re gone you can safely explore the north-western path, down when you’ll find two bathrooms (one with a Synth inside) and a door [Advanced], beyond which you can loot a Duffle Bag and a Toolbox. Not very interesting.

Take the south-eastern path, then, until you reach a hallway with a Synth. Take him out and go down a hallway to the north-east to reach a room with three Synths in it, one of which is a Leader. Take them all out and loot a Steamer Trunk, then head into a caged-off area to the north-east to find a table upon which rests a "Bottlecap Mine" iconBottlecap Mine and two "Hazmat Suit" iconHazmat Suits. While you’re busy looting, Deacon will use a terminal nearby and opens up a security door, beyond which you’ll find another dead Railroad member, but this one has a treat for you (thanks to Deacon anyways): the “Deliverer”, a suppressed pistol that “Improved VATS hit chance, 25% less Action Point cost”. Not too bad but by now, you’ve probably seen better. Loot the room now for a "Mini Nuke" iconMini Nuke, two "Stealth Boy" iconStealth Boys and what you came here for; “Carrington’s Prototype”.

Head back to the hallway and note (using VATS) the mines in the central path. Three "Cryo Mine" iconCryo Mines. Disarm them all, then head into a room to the south-west to find a “Research Terminal” on a desk which is worth a read. Afterward, hack a Terminal [Novice] on the wall to the south-west and use the terminal to open the door to the north-west, beyond which you’ll find a Bobby Pin Box and some chems.

Return north-east to the hallway and head up some stairs past where the Cyro Mines were to reach the entrance room, where two more Synths lurk. Take them out and pick the locked door [Advanced] near the stairs to find a Fusion Core and a Toolbox. Once looted, head up and interact with another Terminal to power up the elevator, then ride it on up. Move the bookcase you find yourself behind and head up the stairs to surface in an abandoned shop south-west of Super-Duper Mart.

Out here you should save your game then head up the stairs. There is an “employee only” area nearby (with junk) and more stairs heading up that you should leave alone for now. Out in the main dining area are three Synths and two turrets. Once you clear the front out, go up the stairs and take out the turret up there as well. Loot afterwards. And, just like Rusty said, there are mines all over in front of the store, so feel free to disarm and collect them.

After the fighting is over Deacon will tell you that he is heading back on his own, so once you are done with this area go ahead and fast travel back to the "Old North Church" iconOld North Church. Head down to the "Railroad HQ" iconRailroad HQ and you will hear Deacon telling Dez all about your exploits (and lying quite generously on your behalf, at that). If you wish, put on your Charisma gear and save, then talk to Dez. You can attempt to pass a moderate speech check with her to agree with Deacon, but no matter what you do she will be quite impressed and will offer you a place in the Railroad. Ah shucks… go ahead and accept to finish this quest. Dez will also have you pick out a codename, so pick whichever one you wish, but choose carefully! An agent is only as good as their codename!

Objective Reward
For joining the Railroad 354 XP
Trophy/Achievement Icon


Join The Railroad.

Trophy icon

Railroad HQ

Once you’ve joined the Railroad, follow Dez into the Railroad HQ. The quest "Boston After Dark" iconBoston After Dark will start,but like with most factions, right now you’ll just be joining them, scoring some choice loot, and returning to their questlines later on in the game. When you reach the Railroad HQ area head north to find a round stone table in the center of the chamber. From here, turn west to find a desk, upon which rests Astoundingly Awesome Tales #9 . South-west of this table you’ll find a nice supply of chems lying around on various furniture while to the south-east you’ll find a lot of valuable junk. There’s also First Aid Boxes and Ammo Boxes lying around. Consider it part of your reward for joining the Railroad.

After you’re done looting, you can talk to Glory and tell her about your mission and ask her about being a Synth. Drummer Boy will complain about his job, and if you talk to Deacon, you can get him to join you as a companion. If you find P.A.M. you can learn about the machine’s predictive capabilities, but she’s fairly uninteresting. A far more unique character is the chronically paranoid Tinker Tom, who will tell you the myriad crazy ways he thinks the Institute spies on people. Doctor Carrington will try to talk him out of his silliness, but he’ll persist, and try to peddle some dubious concoction on you… which will nearly kill you. Drink the concoction or decline, then pass a speech check. Either way, he’ll offer to sell you stuff once your encounter is done.

While you’re here, you might as well also talk to Doctor Carrington, who will take the “Carrington’s Prototype” device you recovered earlier. After this he’ll give you the specifics of your next quest: you need to help out a synth designated H2-22 at "Bunker Hill" iconBunker Hill. More details can be found by picking up a dead drop left by Old Man Stockton. It’ll be a bit before you get back to this, but it’s a good start to at least advance the quest to the point where it won’t require you to come back to the Railroad HQ. If you talk to Carrington again he’ll offer up his services as a doctor, as well as reveal some of Dez’s shortcomings if you pass a speech check. Once you’ve done all that, leave the Railroad HQ.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Bethesda Softworks
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, XB One
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    15 December 2015
  • Last Updated
    11 May 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author
    Nathan Garvin, Greg Wright

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It’s just another day. Having just been accepted into Vault 111, you spend the morning with your family going about your daily routine. That is until alarms blare out, signalling a nuclear attack. You and your family sprint towards the Vault along with everyone else in the neighborhood just as a bomb explodes nearby. After surviving the blast, you are lowered into the Vault and enter cryosleep. Two hundred years pass and you awake to a world ravaged by nuclear war. You are the Sole Survivor and what awaits you is a mystery as you set out to conquer the Wasteland.

Our guide will be a complete companion while you journey through the wilds of Fallout 4. You can find a plethora of information including the following:

  • A start to finish walkthrough with every area in between covered.
  • Combat details, SPECIAL explanation and general gameplay information.
  • VATS And You!: Getting to know your PIPBOY.
  • All faction quests explained including the consequences of favoring one over the others.
  • Information on Settlements and items for construction.
  • Bobblehead locations, collectibles and full Trophy/Achievement guide.
  • Settlement Guide complete with how to set up and manage settlements, what perks are beneficial etc.
  • Companion chapter detailing each companion character, where to acquire them and the pros/cons of each.
  • A detailed Character Creation guide fully examining the best builds and what each perk does.
  • Automatron and Wasteland Workshop DLC information provided, including a full walkthrough for Automatron.
  • A complete walkthrough of the “Far Harbor” DLC complete with information on every side quest.

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