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Icon Name Subcategory FP Cost Item Effect Attributes Required Str Dex Int Fai Arc
Item icon
Acid Spraymist Consumables
Uses FP to release acid mist from the mouth
Item icon
Baldachin's Blessing Consumables
Uses FP to temporarilty boost poise
Item icon
Bewitching Branch Consumables
Uses FP to charm pierced enemy
Item icon
Blood Grease Consumables
Coats armament, inflicting blood loss
Item icon
Bloodboil Aromatic Consumables
Uses FP to enter a temporary state of fervor.
Item icon
Boiled Crab Consumables
Greatly boosts physical damage negation for a short time
Item icon
Boiled Prawn Consumables
Boosts physical damage negation for a time
Item icon
Bone Dart Consumables
Throw at enemies to inflict damage
Item icon
Clarifying Boluses Consumables
Alleviates madness buildup
Item icon
Clarifying Cured Meat Consumables
Temporarily boosts focus
Item icon
Clarifying White Cured Meat Consumables
Temporarily boosts focus
Item icon
Crystal Dart Consumables
Uses FP. Throw to inflict magic damage.
Item icon
Cuckoo Glintstone Consumables
Uses FP to produce a magic bolt
Item icon
Dappled Cured Meat Consumables
Temporarily boosts Immunity, Robustness and Focus
Item icon
Dappled White Cured Meat Consumables
Temporarily boosts Immunity, Robustness and Focus
Item icon
Dragon Heart Consumables
Gain power of the dragon at the Dragon Communion altar.
Item icon
Dragonwound Grease Consumables
Coats armament, granting special dragon attacks
Item icon
Drawstring Blood Grease Consumables
Quickly coats armament, inflicting blood loss
Item icon
Drawstring Fire Grease Consumables
Quickly coats weapon, inflicting Fire Damage
Item icon
Drawstring Freezing Grease Consumables
Quickly coats weapon, inflicting frostbite
Item icon
Drawstring Holy Grease Consumables
Quickly coats armament, inflicting holy damage
Item icon
Drawstring Lightning Grease Consumables
Quickly coats armament, inflicting lightning damage.
Item icon
Drawstring Magic Grease Consumables
Quickly coats armament, inflicting magic damage
Item icon
Drawstring Poison Grease Consumables
Quickly coats armament, inflicting poison
Item icon
Drawstring Rot Grease Consumables
Quickly coats armament, inflicting scarlet rot, but with a brief effect, owing to its small size.
Item icon
Drawstring Soporific Grease Consumables
Quickly Coats armament, inflicting sleep
Item icon
Exalted Flesh Consumables
Temporarily boosts physical attack (30s)
Item icon
Explosive Stone Consumables
Explodes when thrown, inflicting Fire Damage
Str A Dex C
Item icon
Explosive Stone Clump Consumables
Explodes when thrown together, inflicting fire damage
Item icon
Fan Daggers Consumables
Thrown fanned-out knives at enemies to inflict damage
Str B Dex S
Item icon
Fire Grease Consumables
Coats weapon, inflicting Fire Damage
Item icon
Fire Grease Consumables
Coats weapon, inflicting Fire Damage
Item icon
Fireproof Dried Liver Consumables
Boosts Fire Damage Negation for a short time.
Item icon
Flask of Cerulean Tears Consumables
Restores FP
Item icon
Flask of Crimson Tears Consumables
Restores HP
Item icon
Flask of Wondrous Physick Consumables
Bestows various special effects
Item icon
Pickled Turtle Neck Consumables
Temporarily boosts Stamina recovery
Item icon
Freezing Grease Consumables
Coats armament, inflicting frost
Item icon
Frenzyflame Stone Consumables
Uses FP to continuously heal chaos followers
Item icon
Frozen Raisin Consumables
On horseback, feed to Torrent to vastly restore HP
Item icon
Glass Shard Consumables
Shard of filthy glass. Worthless rubbish.
Item icon
Glintstone Scrap Consumables
Break gem, using FP to produce a magic bolt.
Int A
Item icon
Glowstone Consumables
Emits a faint light from the location it is placed
Item icon
Gold-Pickled Fowl Foot Consumables
Boosts rune acquisition for a time (30%)
Item icon
Gravity Stone Chunk Consumables
Item icon
Gravity Stone Fan Consumables
Uses FP to emit fan-shaped gravitational shockwave
Str C Int B
Item icon
Holy Grease Consumables
Coats armament, adding holy damage to attacks
Item icon
Holyproof Dried Liver Consumables
Temporarily boosts holy damage negation
Item icon
Immunizing Cured Meat Consumables
Temporarily boosts Immunity
Item icon
Immunizing White Cured Meat Consumables
Temporarily boosts immunity
Item icon
Invigorating Cured Meat Consumables
Temporarily boosts Robustness
Item icon
Invigorating White Cured Meat Consumables
Temporarily boosts Robustness
Item icon
Ironjar Aromatic Consumables
Uses FP to temporarily turn wielder's body to steel
Item icon
Kukri Consumables
Throw at enemies to inflict damage and build up onset of blood loss
Str A Dex S
Item icon
Large Glintstone Scrap Consumables
Break gem and use FP to produce many magic bolts
Int A
Item icon
Lightning Grease Consumables
Coats armament, inflicting Lightning Damage.
Item icon
Lightningproof Dried Liver Consumables
Temporarily boosts lightning damage negation
Item icon
Magic Grease Consumables
Coats armament, inflicting magic damage
Item icon
Neutralizing Boluses Consumables
Alleviates poison buildup and cures poison
Item icon
Poison Grease Consumables
Coats armament, inflicting poison
Item icon
Poison Spraymist Consumables
Uses FP to release poison mist from the mouth.
Arc C
Item icon
Poisonbone Dart Consumables
Throw at enemies to inflict damage and build up poison
Str D Dex C
Item icon
Poisoned Stone Consumables
Throw at enemies to cause buildup of poison
Item icon
Poisoned Stone Clump Consumables
Throw together to cause buildup of poison
Item icon
Preserving Boluses Consumables
Alleviates scarlet rot buildup and cures rot.
Item icon
Radiant Baldachin's Blessing Consumables
Uses FP to temporarily raise poise
Item icon
Rainbow Stone Consumables
Shines with colored light when placed, serving as a guide
Item icon
Raw Meat Dumpling Consumables
Restores HP but causes poison buildup
Item icon
Rejuvenating Boluses Consumables
Alleviates death blight buildup
Item icon
Rot Grease Consumables
Coats armament, inflicting scarlet rot
Item icon
Rot Grease Consumables
Coats armament, inflicting scarlet rot
Item icon
Rowa Raisin Consumables
On horseback, feed to spectral steed to restore HP.
Item icon
Rune Arc Consumables
Grants the blessing of an equipped Great Rune upon use
Item icon
Shield Grease Consumables
Boosts guarding ability and all damage negation.
Item icon
Silver-Pickled Fowl Foot Consumables
Temporarily boosts item discovery (+50)
Item icon
Soap Consumables
Removes filth and accumulations on the body
Item icon
Soft Cotton Consumables
Temporarily reduces fall damage and sound
Item icon
Soporific Grease Consumables
Coats armament, inflicting sleep
Item icon
Spark Aromatic Consumables
Uses FP to broadly scatter sparks in a wide arc straight ahead
Str D Dex A
Item icon
Spellproof Dried Liver Consumables
Temporarily boosts magic damage negation
Item icon
Stanching Boluses Consumables
Alleviates impending blood loss.
Item icon
Starlight Shards Consumables
Use to gradually recover FP
Item icon
Stimulating Boluses Consumables
Alleviates buildup of sleep.
Item icon
Sweet Raisin Consumables
On horseback, feed to Torrent to greatly restore HP
Item icon
Throwing Dagger Consumables
Throw at enemies to inflict damage
Str B Dex A
Item icon
Uplifting Aromatic Consumables
Boosts ally attack power and reduces incoming damage once.
Item icon
Warming Stone Consumables
Uses FP to continuously heal nearby allies
Item icon
Thawfrost Boluses Consumables
Alleviates buildup of frost.
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