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Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree

How to Find the Dragon Communion Priestess and Complete his Quest

Matt Chard
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The "Dragon Communion Priestess" iconDragon Communion Priestess is a unique NPC added with the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC of Elden Ring. The Priestess has a unique connection to another NPC, "Igon" iconIgon who both want to take down the fearsome dragon in "Jagged Peak" iconJagged Peak. Read on to find out where you can find the "Dragon" iconDragon Communion Priestess, how you can start her quest, and what choices you’ll need to make to get all the rewards.

Table of Contents

If you want to jump straight to a specific meeting, or perhaps see what rewards you get from finishing this Questline, check out the following table:

First Meeting - Grand Altar of Dragon Communion, Jagged Peak

To find the "Grand Altar of Dragon Communion" iconGrand Altar of Dragon Communion, you’ll need to find Jagged Peak and to reach Jagged Peak, you’ll need to head through the "Dragon's Pit" iconDragon’s Pit dungeon. From the Three-Path Cross site of Grace, cross the "Ellac Greatbridge" iconEllac Greatbridge to the northeast. At the intersection, follow the path south to find the Dragon’s Pit dungeon. Go through the dungeon, defeat the "Ancient Dragon-Man" iconAncient Dragon-Man, and exit the other side. Head east and then go south where the path splits (near the dragon), and you’ll soon find the Grand Altar of Dragon Communion alongside the Dragon Communion Priestess, who’ll be standing in front of the altar.

Speak to the Priestess who’ll give you an introduction to the Communion, where you’ll need to consume draconic essence. After doing this, the Priestess will tell you to follow the trail up the Jagged Peak and defeat "Bayle the Dread" iconBayle the Dread, which is no easy task. This will give you some dialogue options regarding Bayle as well as the Dragon Communion in general. Also this allows you to take an Ancient Dragon Blessing, although you can only have one at a time.

The quest now has two ways to complete it, the first is to defeat Bayle the Dread like she asked. Alternatively, you can give her "Thiollier's Concoction" iconThiollier’s Concoction which’ll change the course of the quest, thus giving you different rewards.

(1 of 2) Follow the route marked above to find the Dragon Communion. This involves going through the Dragon’s Pit dungeon.

Follow the route marked above to find the Dragon Communion. This involves going through the Dragon’s Pit dungeon. (left), At the Communion, you’ll find the Priestess standing in front of the Altar. Join the Communion to progress the quest. (right)

Second Meeting: Option 1 - Defeating Bayle the Dread

This option requires you to defeat Bayle the Dread without giving her the concoction. Getting to Bayle is a difficult trek as you’ll need to defeat multiple dragon bosses along the way while reaching the peak of the mountain by using the conveniently placed Spirit Spring Jumps along the way. You can find the Jagged Peak mountain to the north and east of the Communion. From here, you’ll have to defeat the "Jagged Peak Drake Duo" iconJagged Peak Drake Duo (let one defeat the other first). After doing so, you’ll meet an NPC who goes by "Drake Warrior Igon" iconDrake Warrior Igon. His quest is also to defeat Bayle the Dread, and you can do this while doing this quest. Simply exhaust his dialogue, and then summon him for the Bayle the Dread battle (his summon sign is in the arena, not outside). Continuing east from the Drake Duo, you’ll find the "Ancient Dragon Senessax" iconAncient Dragon Senessax (easier on horseback). After defeating both of them, you’ll be at the base of the mountain.

To get up the mountain, you’ll need to circle it while using the Spirit Spring Jumps to get higher. When you reach the summit, you’ll find the Jagged Peak Summit site of Grace. The battle with Bayle is in the nearby arena, and it is no pushover. Make sure you don’t forget to summon Igon while you’re in the arena, as he is a big help. Once Bayle is defeated, head back to the Grand Altar of Dragon Communion to find out that the Priestess has gone. However, she’ll leave behind the "Priestess Heart" iconPriestess Heart and the "Flowerstone Gavel" iconFlowerstone Gavel. This will conclude her quest. Note that you can trade the loot you got from Bayle to get either "Bayle's Flame Lightning" iconBayle’s Flame Lightning or "Bayle's Tyranny" iconBayle’s Tyranny Incantations.

(1 of 6) This is more or less the route you’ll take to reach Bayle from the Altar of Dragon Communion.

Second Meeting: Option 2 - Thiollier’s Concoction

To get "Thiollier" iconThiollier’s Concoction, you’ll need to go to the Pillar Path Cross site of Grace, where you’ll find Thiollier. Read our Thiollier Quest Guide if you want to know how to get there. After speaking to Thiollier, you’ll need to speak to "Moore" iconMoore who can be found outside Belurat, Tower of Settlement, at the Main Gate Cross site of Grace. Moore will give you a key ingredient for the concoction, "Black Syrup" iconBlack Syrup.

After you’ve obtained the syrup, head back to Thiollier and hand it over to him. He will give you Thiollier’s Concoction, which is as deadly as it sounds (don’t drink it!). Now head back to the Priestess and rest until the nighttime. When you head over to her, she’ll be speaking to Lord Placidusax, and you’ll be able to give her the concoction. This won’t kill her, but it will put her in a deep sleep. Note that doing this will stop you from being able to obtain Ancient Dragon Blessings.

(1 of 4) Moore is at Main Gate Cross, Thiollier is at Pillar Path Cross.

Wait again another day (may have to wait multiple days if the quest doesn’t trigger the first time), and speak to her again, where she will be extremely disappointed that she succumbed to slumber. Now, all you need to do is defeat Bayle the Dread and return to her to receive the "Dragonbolt of Florissax" iconDragonbolt of Florissax incantation. Speak to her again and confess to her that you gave her the concoction that put her to sleep, and she’ll give you the "Ancient Dragon Florissax" iconAncient Dragon Florissax Spirit Ashes for your honesty. This will conclude the quest.

If you’re looking for more NPC quest walkthroughs, why not check out our other NPC quest guides below?

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Namco Bandai Games
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action, Adventure, RPG
  • Guide Release
    16 June 2024
  • Last Updated
    12 August 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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