Remembrance of the Blood Lord Remembrance
Remembrance of Mohg, Lord of Blood, hewn into the Erdtree.
The power of its namesake can be unlocked by the Finger Reader.
Alternatively, it can be used to gain a great bounty of runes.
Wishing to raise Miquella to full godhood, Mohg wished to become his consort, taking the role of monarch. But no matter how much of his bloody bedchamber he tried to share, he received no response from the young Empyrean.
- Dropped by Mohg, Lord of Blood found in Mohgwyn Palace inside Siofra River.
Notable Info
Remembrance of the Blood Lord can either be sold or consumed for 30,000 Runes, or handed to Enia in
Roundtable Hold to unlock its power.
- If the second alternative is chosen, Remembrance of the Blood Lord will supply the player with
Bloodboon Incantation or
Mohgwyn’s Sacred Spear.
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