Stimulating Boluses Recovery
Light-purple boluses made from cave moss.
Craftable item.
Alleviates buildup of sleep.
Sleep accumulates gradually, causing sudden fogginess and loss of FP once the threshold is reached, even if it does not force the afflicted into true slumber.
Take one of these in timely fashion to avoid such an event.
Stimulating Boluses is a craftable consumable item that can be used to alleviate the buildup of the sleep status effect.
- Can be purchased from the Nomadic Merchant for 600 Runes. The Nomadic Merchant is located south-east of
Coastal Cave.
- Can be purchased from
Twin Maiden Husks at the
Roundtable Hold after offering
Medicine Peddler’s Bell Bearing.
Notable Info
- Hold up to 99
Stimulating Boluses
- Store up to 600 Stimulating Boluses
Interactive Map Locations

1. Realm of Shadows Map
X: 5692 Y: 8392
Stimulating Boluses can be found on a corpse to the right of the
Belurat, Tower Settlement Site of Grace.
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