Preserving Boluses Recovery
Scarlet boluses made of cave moss.
Craftable item.
Alleviates scarlet rot buildup and cures rot aliment.
Scarlet rot accumulates gradually, coming into effect once the threshold is reached. Scarlet rot ailment greatly lowers HP in steady increments for a period.
Preserving Boluses is a consumable item that alleviates scarlet rot buildup and cures rot.
- x5
Preserving Boluses can be found inside the Shack of the Rotting in north Caelid.
- Preserving Boluses can be obtained in Leyndell Royal Capital inside a next room after you get down the lift. Beware of lurking enemies.
- Preserving Boluses can be found in Siofra River Well in the second section after taking the lift again. Here there is a corpse inside a building structure that contains the item.
- x3 Preserving Boluses can be purchased from a Normadic Merchant in Caelid Highway North.
To craft Preserving Boluses you will require the Armorer’s Cookbook [6] and the following Crafting Materials:
- Dewkissed Herba x2
- Crystal Cave Moss x1
- Sacramental Bud x1
Notable Info
- Hold up to 99
Preserving Boluses.
- Store up to 600 Preserving Boluses.
Interactive Map Locations

1. Realm of Shadows Map
X: 6119 Y: 7179
Two boluses, held by a corpse on the rocks under the bridge.
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