Stormwing Bone Arrow Arrow
Bone arrow fletched with stormhawk feathers
Arrow whittled from animal bones fletched with stormhawk feathers. Craftable item.
Flies enshrouded in storm winds, breaking enemy stances and guards with ease.
Stormwing Bone Arrow is a craftable
Arrow ammo that knocks enemies away with a gust of wind.
- To craft
Stormwing Bone Arrow (x10) you must posses the
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook [10] as well as the following materials:
- Thin Beast Bones x3
- Stormhawk Feather x1
Notable Info
- Pierces enemy armor
- Deals Ranged Damage.
- Deals 150% more Poise Damage (5 Poise Damage vs 2 for a Regular
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