Boltdrake Talisman Talisman
Boosts lightning damage negation
Talisman depicting a yellow ancient dragon.
Boosts lightning damage negation.
The ancient dragons, who ruled in the prehistoric era before the Erdtree, would protect their lord as a wall of living rock.
And so it is that the shape of the dragon has become symbolic of all manner of protections.
Boltdrake Talisman is a Talisman that boosts lightning damage negation.
- Located at Stormveil Castle.
- When you reach the main castle grounds where you fight the
Lion Guardian, head inside the room with the armoured statues, and through the arch doorway to reach the Limgrave Tower Bridge Site of Grace.
- You’ll specifically find the item from a body that you can loot, just at the top of the first set of stairs. The body is resting against a pillar on the left side.
Notable Info
Reduces damage taken from Lightning attacks by:
- Base: 13%
- +1 Version: 17%
- +2 Version: 20%
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