Black Flame Incantations
Throws a ball of raging black fire
A black flame incantation of the Godskin Apostles.
Throws a ball of raging black fire.
Charging enhances potency and causes the fireball to explode.
Black flame is weighty. After dealing damage it continues to sap foes’ HP for a very short time.
Black Flame spell throws a fireball of black flame that can be charged to deal additional damage and explode on impact. It also does damage over time after hitting a target.
This incantation is unlocked for purchase after giving a Godskin Prayerbook to
Brother Corhyn.
- Godskin Prayerbook Location:
- Location: Stormveil Castle
- Nearest Site of Grace:
Liftside Chamber
- Exit into the courtyard and head due South across it until you see a set of stairs that goes underground. You’ll find a room that is guarded by three
Rats, and ahead, is a doorway that is blocked by a white fog. To dispel this, you will need to use a
Stonesword Key on the Imp Statue. You’ll find a stock room upon unlocking the doorway, the room has a treasure chest where the book is.
Notable Info
- Stamina Cost: 25
- This potency of this incantation is enhanced by the
Godslayer’s Seal
- The DoT applied after impact is enhanced by faith (both duration and damage).
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