Rada Fruit Crafting
Berry-like fruit that grows into spiritgrave grass. Material used for crafting items. Easily found everywhere in the realm of shadow, though its bitter taste makes it unsuitable for consumption by humans.
Can Craft

Interactive Map Locations

14. Realm of Shadows Map
X: 7715 Y: 6872
On a corpse on the ground level after the water has been drained. It’s put here to bait you into starting the battle with the nearby Ulcerated Tree Spirit that will ambush you.

16. Realm of Shadows Map
X: 7380 Y: 6927
Bait item. A corpse near the burning boat will have an item. As you pick it up, you’ll be ambushed by three enemies.

28. Realm of Shadows Map
X: 7474 Y: 6976
Held by a corpse resting against a burning boat. Approaching it will trigger an ambush.
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