Ember of Messmer Crafting
Serpentine, cord-like ember. Material used for crafting items. Mainly found in Scadu Altus. A remnant of Messmer’s flame, the symbol of the crusade, it continues to smolder as if crawling across the ground.
Can Craft
Interactive Map Locations

2. Realm of Shadows Map
X: 7669 Y: 6802
On a corpse on the rooftop. Use the rocky ledges to the northeast to gain access to it. Contains x3 Embers of Messmer.

3. Realm of Shadows Map
X: 7573 Y: 6885
On a corpse leaning against the wall as you head around the corridor. Contains x2 Embers of Messmer.

4. Realm of Shadows Map
X: 7261 Y: 8100
The Ember of Messmer can be found sitting at the edge of a pool of water to the southwest of the
Moorth Ruins Site of Grace.

6. Realm of Shadows Map
X: 7889 Y: 7274
Five embers held by a corpse at the top of some stairs in the Ruins of Unte.
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