You will come across many different characters that can join your army in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes. Some of these will simply join you upon talking with them, while others might require you to do extra legwork. One of those characters that requires something extra is B’baba, who will first need you to start the recruitment process with Faye. This page will detail how to recruit B’baba, as well as the special service she provides for your army.
B’baba is someone you can recruit while trying to go for Faye.
B’baba Location¶
Once you arrive in Hishahn for the first time, you will be able to start working on recruiting B’baba. However, if you went straight to Daphan, where she is located, you won’t be able to do anything. You actually need to start the recruitment process for Faye, so head to your HQ and check the path just north of the Trading House in the town. If you are in the right spot, you should see a cutscene with a little girl running away from some guards. This is Faye and to continue on the path of getting her, you’ll need to get B’baba.
As mentioned above, B’baba is located in Daphan, in the Euchrisse region. Go to the building in the northwestern corner of town and head inside to find B’baba. Speak to her and she will automatically join your army, so there’s nothing else involved here.
(1 of 4) You can find B’baba in this house in Daphan.
B’baba Special Ability¶
B’baba is a recruit that resides in your HQ and runs the divination parlor there, once you build it. You will find her on the first floor of the castle, in the room on the far right side. Her service is two-fold, as you can pay her money to unlock lore for all of your characters. The other service she provides is paying her to reveal a rough location for characters you can recruit. This is great to have, provided you aren’t using a guide for the characters. It will cost 300 Baqua each time you use the location service, which isn’t too much. However, the hint given by B’baba isn’t going to pinpoint the character’s location exactly, so there might still be some guesswork there.
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