The Ornate Box Side Quests
Amidst the bustle and clamor of Vernworth’s marketplace, you espy a young man arguing with the proprietor of one of the shops.
- Find out what’s going on.
It seems an argument has broken out between a merchant and his customer. Perhaps you should see what all the fuss is about.
Additional Information
- Note: If you approach Auriol and you had helped his granddaughter in
Melve, you will automatically receive a 20% discount for his store. This makes the
Ornate Box item much cheaper.
- You can simply purchase the box for Sven and give it to him. You must then wait a few days and return for your reward.
Interactive Map Locations

1. World Map
X: 9298 Y: 5794
Approach the stalls and you will see a conversation with a trader and a boy. This will start the quest.
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