Stout Undead Undead
Large, bloated corpses that arise from the ground . Be aware that they’re tougher than expected.
Interactive Map Locations

1. World Map
X: 4721 Y: 7317
Found inside the tomb, will raise from the floor upon entry to their chamber

3. Unmoored World (Post Game) Map
X: 2679 Y: 4029
Stout Undead and
Skeletons can appear on this path.

6. Unmoored World (Post Game) Map
X: 3420 Y: 4748
Stout Undead and regular
Undead can appear in the general location.

10. Unmoored World (Post Game) Map
X: 3699 Y: 4794
Stout Undead and regular
Undead can be found on the seabed here.

14. Unmoored World (Post Game) Map
X: 3526 Y: 4879
Stout Undead and Regular
Undead can appear in this location.

16. Dungeon & Town Maps
X: 7588 Y: 6502
3x Stout Undead standing behind the locked doors. Get their attention with ranged attacks, and they’ll break the door blockers for you.
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