Cyclops Ogres
Monstrously strong one-eyed giants. They wield huge weapons with ease and won’t back down from a fight. Strike their lone eye with ranged attacks, or test your bravery by climbing and attacking the eye directly.
Interactive Map Locations

7. World Map
Appears near the river in the dark. If you break the rocks damming up the river, you can reduce its health by almost 50%.

11. World Map
Coming out from the Bandit’s hideout you will find a cyclops between you and the campsite.

12. World Map
As you exit the cavern containing the Bitters chest , you will find the Cyclops infront of you .

28. Unmoored World (Post Game) Map
A large and brutish Cyclops blocking the bridge South.

34. Unmoored World (Post Game) Map
A Cyclops can be found on the broken bridge here. This is a great spot to knock the Cyclops over and use it as a bridge for the “Cyclops Abridged” tropy/achievement.

36. Dungeon & Town Maps
Perched on top of the outer wall, ready to ambush unsuspecting prey.
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