Hobgoblin Goblins
A higher class of goblin with a more developed stature. They are experts at hunting prey with flawless movements, and also skilled at handling weapons. Beware not to underestimate them and approach with caution.
Interactive Map Locations

1. World Map
X: 8891 Y: 5331
If taking an oxcart to Vern , chances are you’ll be raided by a collection of Hobgoblins,
Skeletons and

27. Unmoored World (Post Game) Map
X: 4070 Y: 4764
Hobgoblins can be found in this general location.

33. Unmoored World (Post Game) Map
X: 4148 Y: 2525
Hobgoblins and other variants can appear in this location.

34. Unmoored World (Post Game) Map
X: 3448 Y: 2562
Hobgoblins and other variants can appear in this location.

35. Unmoored World (Post Game) Map
X: 3156 Y: 2678
Hobgoblins and other variants can be found in this location.

41. Dungeon & Town Maps
X: 11819 Y: 2384
Being a general nuisance on the upper outskirts of the room.
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