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Updated Title
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Icon Color Key
Icon Title How to Obtain Description Effects Companion Maximum Rarity Associated Faction Class Exclusive
Item icon
A Pale Reflection

“She saw their weak hearts, and struck them down.”

+20% damage vs. enemies with Low Health Standard enemies are…

Item icon
All-Mother's Copse

This pendant represents the deep roots that grow within every…

+20% Tool Ability damage +25% Tool Ability damage vs. enemies…


Icon for <span>Veil Jumpers</span> Veil Jumpers

Item icon
Amaranthine Loop

Sold by a merchant in the Treviso Market for 590 Gold.

Favored by Crows, the uniform rows of stones add balance and…

+25% Stagger +25% Staggered duration +25% Takedown damage Takedowns…


Icon for <span>Antivan Crows</span> Antivan Crows

Item icon
Andraste's Will

Andraste was tied to a stake and burned while her earthly husband…

+50% Burning duration +1 maximum Burning stacks All Afflictions…


Icon for <span>Shadow Dragons</span> Shadow Dragons

Item icon

Icon for <span>Lucanis</span> Lucanis

Antivan Blade Kit

The unusual design of this whetstone requires a technique that…

Each Affliction on an enemy also reduces their Defense by 10%…

Icon for <span>Lucanis</span> Lucanis


Icon for <span>Antivan Crows</span> Antivan Crows

Item icon

Icon for <span>Taash</span> Taash

Arlathan Herbs

A fine pouch of Dalish origin containing rare herbs that only…

+1 Revival Charges Reviving reduces Taash’s cooldowns by 50%…

Icon for <span>Taash</span> Taash


Icon for <span>Lords of Fortune</span> Lords of Fortune

Item icon
Band of Smoke

A cold, menacing band. The dark stone is taken from the cobbles…

+15% Cold damage +25% Cold resistance +20% Cold Ability damage…


Icon for <span>Shadow Dragons</span> Shadow Dragons

Item icon

Icon for <span>Harding</span> Harding

Bianca's Bolt

This distinctive bolt could only be fired by Varric’s beloved…

+1 Revival Charges Reviving reduces Harding’s cooldowns by 50%…

Icon for <span>Harding</span> Harding

Item icon
Biting Thumb

A loop of gold, bristling with Tevene enchantments that empower…

+10% Weapon damage +10% Final, Agile, and Charged attack damage…


Icon for <span>Shadow Dragons</span> Shadow Dragons

Item icon
Bleeding Corvus

A crow’s head fashioned from poisonous resin.

+15% Physical damage +15% Physical Resistance +20% Physical…


Icon for <span>Antivan Crows</span> Antivan Crows

Item icon
Bleeding Shard

Worn by Tevinter magisters and Venatori alike, the shard that…

+20% Bleeding damage +20% damage vs. Bleeding enemies +25% Bleeding…


Icon for <span>Shadow Dragons</span> Shadow Dragons

Item icon
Brass Bandage

Crafted by a roadside merchant of questionable character, this…

+100 health +15% health +20% damage while at Low Health Deal…

Item icon
Brass Root

Each line inlaid on the ring is a thread of lyrium intended to…

+20% Shocked damage +20% damage vs. Shocked enemies 25% Shocked…


Icon for <span>Veil Jumpers</span> Veil Jumpers

Item icon

Icon for <span>Bellara</span> Bellara

Calibration Crystal

A common crystal with reliable vibrations used to calibrate various…

+1 Revival Charges Reviving reduces Bellara’s cooldowns by 50%…

Icon for <span>Bellara</span> Bellara


Icon for <span>Veil Jumpers</span> Veil Jumpers

Item icon
Call of the Hall

When you face down the Hall of Valor, only the strongest emerge.…

+50% Takedown damage +50% Stagger Gain a random Advantage on…


Icon for <span>Lords of Fortune</span> Lords of Fortune

Item icon

Icon for <span>Emmrich</span> Emmrich

Chittering Signet

The gold scarab on this emerald ring signifies the Mourn Watch’s…

Applying Weakened also applies Vulnerability to Necrotic damage…

Icon for <span>Emmrich</span> Emmrich

Item icon

Icon for <span>Davrin</span> Davrin

Creator's Chisel

A woodworking tool used to work large sections at a time. It…

+1 Revival Charges Reviving reduces Davrin’s cooldowns by 50%…

Icon for <span>Davrin</span> Davrin


Icon for <span>Grey Wardens</span> Grey Wardens

Item icon

Icon for <span>Emmrich</span> Emmrich

Crested Focus

A focus of unparalleled power, granted only to those who have…

Your Critical Ability hits leech a portion of damage Heal an…

Icon for <span>Emmrich</span> Emmrich


Icon for <span>The Mourn Watch</span> The Mourn Watch

Item icon
Crookytail's Crest

In tribute to a beloved, once-thought-extinct friend: Fire, and…

While Flaming Weapons is active, Charged attacks deal Fire damage…


Icon for <span>Grey Wardens</span> Grey Wardens


Item icon
Crow's Bandolier

Sold by a merchant in the Treviso Market for 740 Gold.

Fragile balls of glass shatter when thrown, to release biting…

Grants Bleeding to nearby enemies on Potion use +10% Physical…


Icon for <span>Antivan Crows</span> Antivan Crows

Item icon
Crow's Perch Medallion

A show of strength for any Antivan Crow, ensuring their targets…

+20% Strike Ability damage +25% health damage from Strike Abilities…


Icon for <span>Antivan Crows</span> Antivan Crows

Item icon

Icon for <span>Emmrich</span> Emmrich

Crowned Focus

A powerful focus bestowed to Mourn Watchers who have “made discoveries…

Your Critical Ability hits apply Necrosis Apply Necrosis to…

Icon for <span>Emmrich</span> Emmrich


Icon for <span>The Mourn Watch</span> The Mourn Watch

Item icon
Deathworn Wraps

Sold by a merchant in the Treviso Market for 740 Gold.

Vestments worn by Mourn Watchers become ragged over time. These…

Applies Siphoned to nearby enemies on Potion use +30% Siphoned…


Icon for <span>The Mourn Watch</span> The Mourn Watch

Item icon
Dragon's Brace

This girdle’s design helps prolong the effects of healing potions,…

Grants Rejuvenation on Potion use +25 Defense +50% Healing When…


Icon for <span>Shadow Dragons</span> Shadow Dragons

Item icon

Icon for <span>Harding</span> Harding

Dwarven Key

A key of intricate Dwarven design. Gifted by family on a rare…

Every time you use a Potion, you have a 10% chance to gain it…

Icon for <span>Harding</span> Harding

Item icon
Essence Vortex

Somehow you find yourself feeling better, despite the added burdens…

Abilities now cost +50 Rage to activate +30% Ability damage…


Icon for <span>The Mourn Watch</span> The Mourn Watch


Item icon
Exacting Shard

Wisps of pale green are visible within the stone, which inflicts…

+25% Necrotic Weapons duration +15% Necrotic Weapons damage…


Icon for <span>Veil Jumpers</span> Veil Jumpers


Item icon

Icon for <span>Neve</span> Neve

Exhaustive Notes

A notebook containing breakdowns of complex theories. Extremely…

+50% Frozen duration Enemies have -25% to all their Resistances…

Icon for <span>Neve</span> Neve


Icon for <span>Shadow Dragons</span> Shadow Dragons

Item icon

Icon for <span>Lucanis</span> Lucanis

Fine Oil and Whetstone

Purchased from a merchant in the Treviso Market for 530 Gold.…

Blade oil and a solid whetstone to efficiently sharpen most weapons…

Lucanis deals an additional 200 Physical damage each time he…

Icon for <span>Lucanis</span> Lucanis


Icon for <span>Antivan Crows</span> Antivan Crows

Item icon

Icon for <span>Emmrich</span> Emmrich

Flawless Veil Quartz

This ring’s flawless, polished quartz, mined from the Fade, allows…

Gain Enhanced Damage when you reach Low Health (30-second cooldown)…

Icon for <span>Emmrich</span> Emmrich


Icon for <span>The Mourn Watch</span> The Mourn Watch

Item icon
Focus of the Veil

This carefully-crafted Veil Jumper band and setting helps to…

+15% Electric damage +25% Electric Resistance +20% Electric…


Icon for <span>Veil Jumpers</span> Veil Jumpers

Item icon

Icon for <span>Bellara</span> Bellara

Focusing Contraption

A simple device to focus magic, reconstructed from relics found…

Bellara’s Ability cooldowns are reduced by 10% Your other companion’s…

Icon for <span>Bellara</span> Bellara


Icon for <span>Veil Jumpers</span> Veil Jumpers

Item icon
Glacial Loop

An intricately engraved band. The metal never warms when worn.…

+20% Chilled damage +20% damage vs. Chilled enemies +25% Chilled…


Icon for <span>Shadow Dragons</span> Shadow Dragons

Item icon
Glacial Talus

Engraved with old Tevene runes, the enchantments roughly translate…

+6 Mana on kill +15% Mana generation +50 maximum Mana Damage…



Item icon
Glorious Ultimatum

“For gold and glory!” they yelled, failing to mention that this…

+25% Ultimate charge rate Using a Potion no longer grants health…


Icon for <span>Lords of Fortune</span> Lords of Fortune

Item icon
Golden Halla Sash

While simple on the surface, many small crystals are sewn into…

Grants Invulnerable on Potion use +100 health Grants Deflect…


Icon for <span>Veil Jumpers</span> Veil Jumpers

Item icon
Graven Opal (Mage)

It seems to want to be left or dropped, to find its way between…

+20% Ranged attack damage +15% Weakpoint damage +25% Ranged…

Item icon
Graven Opal (Rogue)

It seems to want to be left or dropped, to find its way between…

+20% Ranged attack damage +15% Weakpoint damage +25% Ranged…

Item icon
Graven Opal (Warrior)

It seems to want to be left or dropped, to find its way between…

+20% Ranged attack damage +15% Weakpoint damage +25% Ranged…

Item icon
Grey Emblem

One can be found inside a chest in the Castle Grounds area, found…

The shield and griffons are the symbols uniting Grey Wardens…

+25% Precision duration +10% Precision effectiveness Gain Precision…


Icon for <span>Grey Wardens</span> Grey Wardens

Item icon
Halla's Grace

The Dalish believe this charm grants the bearer a boon from the…

+20% Quickened duration +10% Quickened effectiveness Gain Quickened…


Icon for <span>Veil Jumpers</span> Veil Jumpers

Item icon
Hardbitten Belt

Each pouch contains a powder that, when combined, will emit a…

Applies high Stagger in an area on Potion use. +25% Takedown…


Icon for <span>Lords of Fortune</span> Lords of Fortune

Item icon
Heart of Andraste

A charm given to newly anointed Fathers of the Imperial Chantry,…

+20% Enhanced Damage duration +10% Enhanced Damage effectiveness…


Icon for <span>Lords of Fortune</span> Lords of Fortune

Item icon
Helping Hand

Be careful for those who wish to help, for they may have other…

You always have maximum Arrows Your Ranged attacks can no longer…



Item icon

Icon for <span>Bellara</span> Bellara

Humming Curiosity

An exquisite gemstone extracted from a powerful relic. It sits…

The first instance of damage from Shocked deals +200% Electric…

Icon for <span>Bellara</span> Bellara


Icon for <span>Veil Jumpers</span> Veil Jumpers

Item icon
Igneous Fist

Carved from a mysterious crystal that is warm to the touch, with…

+25% Flaming Weapons duration +15% Flaming Weapon damage +25%…


Icon for <span>Veil Jumpers</span> Veil Jumpers

Item icon
Jenny's Belt

Go on, use a potion! You can’t spell “belt” without “bee.” Or…

Using a Potion applies Bees! to nearby enemies

Item icon
Jumper's Binding

Volatile crystals can charge the air around them, creating lightning…

Applies Shocked to nearby enemies on Potion use +15% Electric…


Icon for <span>Veil Jumpers</span> Veil Jumpers

Item icon

Icon for <span>Bellara</span> Bellara

Jumper's Compass

A one-of-a-kind tool designed to navigate the twisting world…

Your Critical Ability hits apply Shocked Apply Shocked to all…

Icon for <span>Bellara</span> Bellara


Icon for <span>Veil Jumpers</span> Veil Jumpers

Item icon

Icon for <span>Neve</span> Neve

Leatherbound Notebook

A notebook wrapped in tough leather to protect its pages against…

When Neve applies Chilled, apply Shocked instead Also apply…

Icon for <span>Neve</span> Neve

Item icon

Icon for <span>Harding</span> Harding

Letters of Inquiry

A memento from a friend gifted before parting ways. The style…

Harding’s Abilities also apply Bleeding Harding deals +50% damage…

Icon for <span>Harding</span> Harding

Item icon
Light of Starkhaven

A symbol of beauty in sacrifice, touched by both blood of an…

When at maximum Mana, gain +25% Weapon damage When at 50 Mana…



Item icon
Magister's Bargain

A reminder to any mage that the energy they put into their spells…

+20% Duration Ability +25% Stagger from Duration Abilities Gain…


Icon for <span>Shadow Dragons</span> Shadow Dragons

Item icon
Maw of the Black City

Your talents take a toll, but they take far more from your enemies.…

Your Ability damage is always a Critical hit Using an Ability…

Item icon

Icon for <span>Emmrich</span> Emmrich

Metal-Plated Focus

A necromantic focus given to members of the Mourn Watch upon…

Emmrich’s Ability cooldowns are reduced by 10% Your other companion’s…

Icon for <span>Emmrich</span> Emmrich


Icon for <span>The Mourn Watch</span> The Mourn Watch

Item icon
Miner's Talisman

Sold by a merchant in the Treviso Market for 890 Gold.

The crystal mined from Deep Roads’ rock sparks brightly when…

+20% Area Ability damage +25% Armor damage from Area Abilities…

Item icon

Icon for <span>Emmrich</span> Emmrich

Mournful Band

The unmistakable crest of the Mourn Watch frames a striking peridot…

+1 Revival Charges Reviving reduces Emmrich’s cooldowns by 50%…

Icon for <span>Emmrich</span> Emmrich


Icon for <span>The Mourn Watch</span> The Mourn Watch

Item icon
Necrotic Jade

Inlaid with jade recovered from deep within the Necropolis’ shifting…

+20% Necrosis damage +20% damage vs. enemies suffering from…


Icon for <span>The Mourn Watch</span> The Mourn Watch

Item icon

Icon for <span>Neve</span> Neve

New Casebook

A brand new notebook with an embossed cover, finely detailed.…

+1 Revival Charges Reviving reduces Neve’s cooldowns by 50%…

Icon for <span>Neve</span> Neve

Item icon

Icon for <span>Taash</span> Taash

Numbing Herbs

A pouch of Qunari herbs used to numb pain and ease discomfort,…

All of Taash’s Abilities apply Burning Burning applied by Taash…

Icon for <span>Taash</span> Taash


Icon for <span>Lords of Fortune</span> Lords of Fortune

Item icon

Icon for <span>Neve</span> Neve

Old News Clipping

A faded page from a Minrathous news scroll. It details a series…

Neve’s Ability cooldowns are reduced by 10% Your other companions’…

Icon for <span>Neve</span> Neve


Icon for <span>Shadow Dragons</span> Shadow Dragons

Item icon

Icon for <span>Harding</span> Harding

Orlesian Sovereign

A weighty Orlesian coin kept as a reminder of a life-changing…

Gain Precision the first time Harding uses an Ability during…

Icon for <span>Harding</span> Harding

Item icon

Icon for <span>Neve</span> Neve

Ornate Lockpicks

An unused and ornate lockpick set kept for sentimental value.…

Your Critical Ability hits apply Chilled When you kill an enemy…

Icon for <span>Neve</span> Neve


Icon for <span>Shadow Dragons</span> Shadow Dragons

Item icon
Paragon's Knuckle

Hewn from some of the sturdiest stone in the Deep Roads.

+30 Defense +10% Defense +20% Resistances while at Low Health…

Item icon
Precious Decay

The three emerald eyes of this Mourn Watcher’s ring seem to gaze…

+15% Necrotic damage +25% Necrotic Resistance +20% Necrotic…


Icon for <span>The Mourn Watch</span> The Mourn Watch

Item icon
Reinforced Binding

Providing more support than many belts, this binding allows the…

Grants Resistant on Potion use +10% Resistances Grants Immovable…


Icon for <span>Grey Wardens</span> Grey Wardens

Item icon

Icon for <span>Harding</span> Harding

Secrets and Memories

A memento from a friend gifted before parting ways. The pin is…

+20% Critical damage Critical hits vs. Bleeding enemies add…

Icon for <span>Harding</span> Harding

Item icon
Serpent's Kiss

It hisses death.

While Necrotic Weapons is active, Charged attacks deal Necrotic…


Icon for <span>Shadow Dragons</span> Shadow Dragons


Item icon
Shadow's Grasp

Enchanted orbs conjure a magical frost that chills enemies nearby.…

Applies Chilled to nearby enemies on Potion use +15% Cold damage…


Icon for <span>Shadow Dragons</span> Shadow Dragons

Item icon
Shard of the Void

You are a conductor on the battlefield. Your performance is electric.…

While Shocking Weapons is active, Charged attacks deal Electric…



Item icon

Icon for <span>Davrin</span> Davrin

Sharpened Hook Knife

A wood-carving tool ideal for sweeping upward strokes. Its sharp…

+25% damage vs. Taunted enemies +25% Taunt duration

Icon for <span>Davrin</span> Davrin


Icon for <span>Grey Wardens</span> Grey Wardens

Item icon
Shimmering Sight Charm

Lords of Fortune spin tales of old magic trapped within these…

+25% Rally Party duration +10% Rally Party effectiveness Gain…


Icon for <span>Lords of Fortune</span> Lords of Fortune

Item icon
Sightless Skull

Death comes for us all. Mourn Watchers carry it with them.

+20% Control Ability damage +25% Stagger from Control Abilities…


Icon for <span>The Mourn Watch</span> The Mourn Watch

Item icon

Icon for <span>Lucanis</span> Lucanis

Simple Oil and Stone

This carefully-selected river rock and cheap cooking oil can…

+1 Revival Charges Reviving reduces Lucanis’s cooldowns by 50%…

Icon for <span>Lucanis</span> Lucanis


Icon for <span>Antivan Crows</span> Antivan Crows

Item icon

Icon for <span>Taash</span> Taash

Soothing Spices

Rivaini spices with medicinal properties to ease inflammation…

+25% Burning damage Taash receives 50% of your Burning damage…

Icon for <span>Taash</span> Taash


Icon for <span>Lords of Fortune</span> Lords of Fortune

Item icon

Icon for <span>Bellara</span> Bellara

Sunspoked Spectrometer

A delicate instrument used to analyze shifts in the very fabric…

+25% Critical damage per stack of Shocked on an enemy +2 Shocked…

Icon for <span>Bellara</span> Bellara


Icon for <span>Veil Jumpers</span> Veil Jumpers

Item icon
The Burden

Surprisingly heavy. It weighs you down, then picks you up.

+20% damage while at Low Health Low Health triggers 10% earlier…

Item icon
The Last Resort

This ring is not for those who are careful: It is for those who…

Each time you use an Ability that hits an enemy, gain +20% damage…

Item icon
Thrumming Rock

Wearing this makes the skin prickle. A bright arc occasionally…

+25% Shocking Weapons duration +15% Shocking Weapons damage…



Item icon
Tincture Kit

Specifically designed to allow easy access to larger and more…

+20% healing received +1 Revival Charges -30% duration of companion…

Item icon
Token of True Flight

Many archers have talismans like this to help them feel grounded…

+20% Projectile Ability damage +25% Barrier damage from Projectile…


Icon for <span>Shadow Dragons</span> Shadow Dragons

Item icon
Twin Buckle Binding

Sold by a merchant in the Treviso Market for 630 Gold.

The pouches on this belt are used by Crows to hold fast-acting…

Grants Quickened on Potion use +10% Ability damage Grants Enhanced…


Icon for <span>Antivan Crows</span> Antivan Crows

Item icon
Twin Palladium (Rogue)

Engraved with old Tevene runes, the enchantments roughly translate…

+4 Momentum on kill +15% Momentum generation +50 maximum Momentum…


Icon for <span>Lords of Fortune</span> Lords of Fortune

Item icon
Twin Palladium (Warrior)

Engraved with old Tevene runes, the enchantments roughly translate…

+4 Rage on kill +15% Rage generation +50 maximum Rage Damage…


Icon for <span>Lords of Fortune</span> Lords of Fortune

Item icon
Unburnable Band

Forged under intense heat and enchanted by Warden mages, these…

+20% Burning damage +20% damage vs. Burning enemies +25% Burning…


Icon for <span>Grey Wardens</span> Grey Wardens

Item icon
Unyielding Stone

Never stop. Do not flinch. There is no other way but through.…

+300% Immovable duration You cannot Dodge while Immovable is…

Item icon

Icon for <span>Bellara</span> Bellara

Veil Quartz Sample

A rare sample of Veil Quartz, a mysterious mineral touched by…

When Bellara applies Shocked, apply Chilled instead. Also apply…

Icon for <span>Bellara</span> Bellara


Icon for <span>Veil Jumpers</span> Veil Jumpers

Item icon
Warden's Key

The griffon gives its wearer strength, while allowing them to…

+10% Resistant duration +10% Resistant effectiveness Gain Resistant…


Icon for <span>Grey Wardens</span> Grey Wardens

Item icon
Warden's Signet

A champion’s ring gifted to Wardens who survived the Fifth Blight.…

+15% Fire damage +25% Fire Resistance +20% Fire Ability damage…


Icon for <span>Grey Wardens</span> Grey Wardens

Item icon
Warden's Straps

The straps hold space for several siege bombs capable of burning…

Applies Burning to nearby enemies on Potion use +15% Fire damage…


Icon for <span>Grey Wardens</span> Grey Wardens

Item icon
Warping Wrap

A thick leather belt fashioned from Arlathan halla skin. Those…

Grants Time Dilation on Potion use +15% Rage generation Grants…


Icon for <span>Veil Jumpers</span> Veil Jumpers

Item icon
Watcher's Hold

Sold by a merchant in the Treviso Market for 850 Gold.

Crystals from the Grand Necropolis can draw directly on the mystical…

Applies Necrosis to nearby enemies on Potion use +15% Necrotic…


Icon for <span>The Mourn Watch</span> The Mourn Watch

Item icon

Icon for <span>Harding</span> Harding

Wax-Sealed Papers

A memento from a friend gifted before parting ways. The distinctive…

Harding’s Weapon attacks are Critical while you have Precision…

Icon for <span>Harding</span> Harding

Item icon

Icon for <span>Neve</span> Neve

Wicked Calling Card

Taken from the game Wicked Grace, this instead serves as a calling…

The entire party’s Chilled applications instead deal 300 Cold…

Icon for <span>Neve</span> Neve


Icon for <span>Shadow Dragons</span> Shadow Dragons

Item icon
Wings of Retribution

On griffon wings we glide, through the eternal strikes of our…

+3 Deflect maximum stacks Deflect now absorbs only 40% of the…


Icon for <span>Grey Wardens</span> Grey Wardens

Item icon
Worn Sash

It’s seen better days.


Item icon

Icon for <span>Davrin</span> Davrin

Worn Whittler

A whittling knife that has been worn down and resharpened countless…

Davrin’s Weapon damage is converted to Fire damage Davrin deals…

Icon for <span>Davrin</span> Davrin


Icon for <span>Grey Wardens</span> Grey Wardens

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