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Dragon Age: Inquisition


Claire Farnworth
Scott Peers
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The Legionnaire is the quintessential tank, what he lacks in damage he makes up for in utility and durability.

The Legion of the Dead is Orzammar’s most famous and dedicated troop of warriors. These dwarves declare themselves dead and venture into the Deep Roads to join the endless fight against the darkspawn pushing toward the gates of their city. Korbin is one of them. A highly decorated warrior from Orzammar, he volunteered for the Legion. As a result of an alliance between the dwarven king and the Inquisition, Korbin now fights on the surface against Thedas’s greatest threat.

Attribute Our Rating
Damage (AoE) 2.5/5
Damage (Single Target) 1/5
Durability 5/5
Buffs & Debuffs 4/5
Taunts / Aggro 5/5
Fun Factor 2/5

Unlock Order

Straight to Walking Fortress (level 4), then get War Cry and Unbowed. Upgrade all your abilities except Shield Wall (level 9). Get Bulwark and Untouchable Defense, then go for Bear Mauls the Wolves (level 14). Fill out the rest of the Guardian tree as you see fit (I go for the full defensive passives first).


You are a tank and you are a good one. The very best actually! On threatening you are practically invulnerable with this build. If you use shield wall as a parrying tool rather than a solid defensive ability, you can be mobile and aggressive as well as generating guard instead of losing health.

Charging into rooms on your own isn’t exactly recommended, but just make sure you get there first, use War Cry, then unbowed when your guard drops. You should now be swarmed with enemies. When your guard drops from the onslaught, use Walking Fortress, or War Cry again if its off cooldown. Walking Fortress should be used for getting otherwise dangerous revives and for keeping alive against large groups of archers, or when tanking a powerful group of melee units (Templar Commander/Knight, dual wielding rogues, Behemoth/Pride Demon/Brutes). Make sure you have this ready to pop when you need it. Do not spam it, or you will most likely find yourself needing it and not having it.

If you play correctly and practice your parrying, you will be unkillable, even on Perilous. One thing to remember though, do not turn your back. Ever. Even when you are staring death in the face, tank on. Use your abilities, health potions, everything you have to stay alive. Your DPS teammates will take care of the killing, you just need to be the little playtoy to distract them while they do it.

Recommended Abilities Description
Shield Wall Block attacks costing stamina, but generating Guard. Upgrade gives everyone in a 4m radius 30% armor.
Unbowed 10% guard per nearby enemy. 32s cooldown. Upgrade improves Guard generation by 100%
War Cry Taunt all nearby enemies. 4s duration, 20% guard per enemy taunted. 24s cooldown, 35 stamina cost. Upgrade enhances armor by 200% for 10s
Walking Fortress Invulnerable for 8s. 32s cooldown. Upgrade gives -1s to all cooldowns and 10% guard per hit taken
Recommended Passives Description
All in Guardian tree except Balanced Combat. It’ll Cost You, Deep Reserves and Bear Mauls the Wolves (can’t be flanked. Less likely to be staggered from the front) in the Combined Arms tree.
Crafting Requirements Rq Total Rq #1 Rq #2 Rq #3 Rq #4
Legionnaire’s Plate 0 0 0 0 0
# Top 5 Weapons Type Rarity Item Level DPS Damage
1 Firm Tournament Axe Axe Rare 22 248 170
2 Song of the Marshes Axe Unique 20 245 168
3 Thunderstrike Mace Unique 23 220 153
4 Caliban Sword Unique 23 220 197
5 Serpents Rage Axe Rare 19 216 148
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Electronic Arts
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS3, PS4, Steam, XB 360, XB One
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    17 December 2014
  • Last Updated
    24 January 2021
    Version History
  • Guide Author
    Greg Boccia, Greg Wright, Claire Farnworth

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This guide for Dragon Age: Inquisition offers a detailed walkthrough of the main story and all side quests associated with each region, detailing easily missed features and hidden lore secrets along the way. The guide also covers all three main DLC: Jaws of Hakkon, The Descent, and Trespasser, and all dialogue choices throughout the game.

Inside this guide you will find:

  • Coming Soon! A detailed Character Builds section with coverage of all classes, skill trees, recommended armor, weapons, consumables, and much more!

  • A Walkthrough for all main story quests, detailing the consequences of your choices along the way.

  • Walkthrough for all DLC content, covering Jaws of Hakkon, The Descent, and Trespasser.

  • Exploration sections for each region, including side quests, requisitions, collections and companion quests.

  • Comprehensive section on Dialogue Choices, covering both approval and romance options for companions.

  • Breakdown of Specialization Trainers, including where to find them and how to complete their missions.

  • Crafting section covering key locations for potions, tonics, grenades, and other materials.

  • An Equipment section, detailing where to find some of the best weapons and armor.

  • A Mounts section with descriptions of how to acquire them and when they become available.

  • Overview of Multiplayer including basic starting tips, coverage of characters, challenges, and loot.

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