Items |
The Bann’s Backhouse Key |
Enemies | . |
Coterie Leader | Raider Assassin |
Coterie Thug | Raider Reaver |
Raider | Sharps Highwayman |
Raider Archer | Thug |
Codex Entries | . |
P: Kirkwall - Lowtown | L: A Study of the Fifth Blight, Vol 1 |
P: Kirkwall - The Elven Alienage | L: Chantry Heirarchy |
L: Heirarchy of the Circle | L: Elfroot |
L: The Llomerryn Accords | L: The Enigma of Kirkwall |
L: The Kirkwall City Guard | N: A Badly Copied Leaflet |
Available Side-Quests |
The Way It Should Be |
To your immediate right is a note on the Hierarchy of the Circle , grab it and head up the steps to the northern end. Through a door you will find a book about The Llomerryn Accords . Go through the western door to find a Bottled Scar 5:34 Exalted on the table, a painting labeled as The Enigma of Kirkwall and a chest - standard , the former starting a Side Quest. Head to the southern area now where Aveline is located, ignore her for the time being and scope out the room. Nearby is a shield detailing The Kirkwall City Guard . Open the door to find a book on A Study of the Fifth Blight, Vol. One on the table. In the western-most room is a chest - simple with basic loot. Speak with Aveline now that you have raided her area and agree to aid her to start the Companion Quest ‘The Way It Should Be’.
The Way It Should Be¶
Head east to find a book on the Chantry Hierarchy then leave the area, moving to the Sundermount Ambush Site. Head around the bend and then south, fighting off the small groups of Raiders as you make your way to a chest . Follow this path and you will find an elfroot as well as some Raiders. Go north up a small path to find some rubble then head back down and make your way west to a pile of bones . Further ahead is where the ambush will occur, be sure to focus on the Raider Assassin first and pick off the Raider Archers as they enter the fray. Be cautious of the trap - simple placed around the area.
Return to the Viscount’s Keep and let Aveline report in. Afterwards check the Duty Roster to trigger an event. Leave the area and head to Lowtown at night. Observe the Kirkwall - Lowtown monument and A Badly Copied Leaflet then check the sack to the south. This position will most likely trigger a swarm of Sharps Highwayman to attack. Sift your way through the group and defeat the enemies that strike. Make your way to the Elven Alienage in the northeast of Lowtown where you will find a large group waiting. Check the Kirkwall - The Elven Alienage monument, The Enigma of Kirkwall , and a sack in this area before heading back to the south.
Fight your way through Lowtown and rescue Guardsman Donnic when you locate him (right).
Around the corner to the south is a barrel and Samson should be within view. Nearby is the ambush point, head there and defeat the Coterie Thugs and their Leader to rescue Guardsman Donnic. Loot the Coterie Leader for The Bann’s Backhouse Door then check the two crates before heading back to the Keep. Upon returning, Aveline receives the good news and the quest is completed.
From here it is best to go to Lowtown and complete the quests there.
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