A Merciful Fate Season 1
Meet Cormond at his wagon outside of Velkhova.
Speak with Cormond.
Detailed Location
Immediately after defeating Varshan at the end of the The Cold Hard Truth quest. If you’re still in the dungeon, leave via the action wheel and head west toward the wagon, but if you’re coming back to it, teleport to
Kyovashad, leave via the eastern exit and follow the road northeast. When you get to the wagon, speak to Cormond one last time for some harsh truths before completing the quest line.
In-Game Description
- Varshan’s corruption is captured. His life is ended, but will the Malignant die with him? I should find Cormond by his wagon.
Interactive Map Locations

1. Sanctuary Map
X: 15276 Y: 9266
Season 1 only
This quest will appear here after finishing The Cold Hard Truth. quest.
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