It is time for the final story mission in the game and it’s the same fight against Vergil, but with Nero in your control this time. Gone are the Devil Breakers, but you will have the Devil Bringer to replace it, with a Devil Trigger coming along with it. Nero’s Devil Trigger operates the exact same as Dante’s, and you can turn it off and on. Although it is the exact same fight, it seems a little easier, especially with your newfound power. However, don’t let this fool you into thinking Vergil will be a pushover, as he can still put a hurting on you. Attack him whenever you have the opportunity to do so.
One of the things that makes this fight a little easier is that Vergil can become staggered, which is when you will receive a short tutorial on using Buster with the R2/RT button. This does a crazy amount of damage to Vergil in a cinematic attack and will probably make the fight last a lot shorter than in the previous mission. You can match Vergil’s Devil Trigger with your own, but make sure you get rid of the clone first. Note that your movement options are kind of limited to the ordinary dodge and double jumping, since you don’t have Gerbera or Dante’s Trickster. There’s not much else to say besides what’s already been said, so keep at it and bring Vergil’s health down to nothing to finally finish the game.

Battle for the Ages
Clear Missions 19 and 20 without using continues (any difficulty except Heaven or Hell).

The main story may be complete, but there’s one more thing to do once the credits start rolling. After the scene with Nero and Nico in the van, you will actually have control of Nero. Here, you can fight a series of enemies (with no HUD, mind you), who don’t seem to have much health. This has no bearing on anything, except for a trophy/achievement. You will be fighting Empusas, Empusa Queens, Hell Cainas, Hell Antenoras and the “final” wave will be a single Hell Judecca. When the fights roll over to more Cainas and Antenoras, that means you did a good job and Nico will praise you by praising her work.
(1 of 2) Nico congratulating you is what you want from this little epilogue fight
Nico congratulating you is what you want from this little epilogue fight (left), The same holds true with Dante boasting his victory over Vergil (right)
A few more scenes will play out and you’ll be in a similar situation with Dante, although you’ll be directly competing with Vergil to see who can kill more enemies. There is no actual counter on the screen, so concentrate on doing moves and not worrying about being stylish. His enemies are a little tougher, including Riots, Chaos, Behemoths, Baphomets, Scudo Angelos and even a Proto Angelo. Of course, things are chaotic and the lack of a HUD makes it difficult to know when you can use your Devil Trigger. Should you do things right, then there will be an extra scene with Morrison, Lady and Trish in the Devil May Cry office, which will unlock the A New Job trophy/achievement.
Enjoy the ending and at the end, you will receive a bunch of prompts, telling you that you can use Nero’s Devil Trigger, in addition to the Devil Breakers, in any mission now. Plus, you will unlock some alternate costumes, Son of Sparda mode, Bloody Palace (if you have the latest patch), some new skills, and even the ability to switch out Dante’s Devil Sword Dante for the Rebellion and/or Sparda. It’s time for you to tackle the higher difficulties and show the demons who’s really the boss!
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