As you make your way through Chapter 2 - Intensive Care in the Dead Space 2023 remake, you’ll encounter a room called Imaging Diagnostics where you need to supply power to a Circuit Breaker before you can proceed with the elevator and nearby doors. We’ll show you exactly how to do that on this page.
Chapter 2 - Intensive Care - How to Use the Elevator in Imaging Diagnostics¶
One of the first small puzzles that you’ll encounter during Chapter 2 of the Dead Space 2023 remake occurs in the Imaging Diagnostics room. You’ll need to move an imaging chamber aside using the Kinesis Module to access the other part of this room initially. You will then see a locked door in front of you leading to the Chemical and Cryogenics Labs. A Necromorph bursts out of the wall to your right, so you’ll need to deal with that first, but this is the only enemy that you’ll encounter in this part of the room for now, so you can focus on powering the nearby Circuit Breaker.
How to Power the Circuit Breaker¶
Now that you have some time to look around, check directly opposite the elevator to find a large battery with an icon indicating power on it (shown in the screenshot below). You need to pick this up using the Kinesis Module, then place it in the hole in the wall just to the right of the circuit breaker. You’ll notice that the power lines turn from red to blue, indicating that it is now being powered properly. You can now choose to feed power to the elevator or the nearby door.
(1 of 4) You need to move the imaging chamber using the Kinesis Module to enter the room with the circuit breaker.
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