Locked Door Map Navigation
A door that will open open with one of the many keys throughout the game, many of which are dropped by specific named zombies.
Interactive Map Locations

2. Bel Air Map
Requires the Swanson Mansion Keycard that can be found inside the panic room

3. Bel Air Map
This is a Maglock Door that’ll require you to destroy a nearby panel to unlock.

5. Bel Air Map
Requires the Back Gate Code which can be found in the Kitchen of the Mansion.

7. Halperin Hotel Map
A locked door of a small security office. This is a Maglock door where you’ll need to destroy two Maglocks to open it.
First destroy the alarm above, and to the right of the door. Next head behind the office to destroy the first Maglock.
Now go to the side of the office, and look through the window. Throw a weapon at the maglock to the left of the door to open it.

8. Halperin Hotel Map
This is a shortcut door. It can only be unlocked from the other side.

9. Halperin Hotel Map
A locked door of a small security office. This is a Maglock door where you’ll need to destroy two Maglocks to open it.
First destroy the alarm above, and to the right of the door. Next head behind the office to destroy the first Maglock.
Now go to the side of the office, and look through the window. Throw a weapon at the maglock to the left of the door to open it.

10. Halperin Hotel Map
This is gate is a shortcut. It can only be unlocked from the other side.

13. Halperin Hotel Map
This is a shortcut door, you need to unlock it from the other side.

14. Halperin Hotel Map
This is a shortcut door, and can only be opened from the other side.

24. Bel Air Map
Located inside the main floor of the Goat Pen. Requires Goat Pen master keys.

25. Beverly Hills Map
This is a shortcut door, you must open it from the other side.

27. Beverly Hills Map
This door can be opened by placing a Battery in the nearby Battery Generator. The Battery can be found near the pool.

28. Beverly Hills Map
This is a shortcut door, it must be opened from the other side.

29. Beverly Hills Map
This is a shortcut door and can only be opened from the opposite side.

30. Beverly Hills Map
This is a shortcut door and can only be opened from the opposite side.

33. Ocean Avenue
This is a Maglock Door that’ll require you to destroy three nearby panels to unlock.
- The first is located behind some crates in the back left corner.
- The second is located inside the small office.
- The third is located near the entrance.

37. Hollywood Boulevard Map
Need Re-Aging Clinic Keycard which can be found in the same room

38. Hollywood Boulevard Map
This is a Maglock Door that’ll require you to destroy three nearby panels to unlock.
- The First Panel can be found in the top left corner of the entrance.
- The Second Panel can be found on sitting beside the map on the left side wall.
- The Third Panel can be found behind the locked door.

44. Beverly Hills Map
You will open this door when you return from Monarch Studios, as part of the main story.

53. Brentwood Sewers Map
This is a shortcut door, you must open it from the other side.

56. Brentwood Sewers Map
This is a shortcut door, you need to open it from the other side.

59. Venice Beach Map
This is a shortcut door and can only be opened from the other side.
You enter the building by smashing the windows next to the door, but make sure you destroy the alarm above it first.

60. Venice Beach Map
This is a shortcut door and can only be opened from the other side.

64. Venice Beach Map
Requires Lenny’s Parking Lot Key, dropped by
Dillon in the Main Story.

65. Venice Beach Map
Requires Lenny’s Parking Lot Key, dropped by
Dillon in the Main Story.

66. Venice Beach Map
Underneath the construction yard. Accessed by jumping off the bridge and heading south.

69. Venice Beach Map
This is a Maglock door, you must smash the nearby panels to open.
The blue panel can be found in the toilet next door, while the green one can be seen through the window of the waiting area.

74. Ocean Avenue
Requires the Silver & Steel Keycard that can be found in the Main Quest:
Plumbing The Depths

78. Ocean Avenue
Locked Door underneath the Silver & Steel Store. Requires
Lotusville Janitor’s Key that can be obtained in the
Plumbing The Depths Main Quest.

79. Venice Beach Map
You can climb over the fence to the left of the door to enter the area.

82. Venice Beach Map
On the bottom floor of the trap-filled room.
- Requires the Lifeguard Tower Key.

83. Venice Beach Map
Locked Door on Green Container 66. It can be found opposite the toilets outside.

87. Santa Monica Pier Map
Requires the Bucket O’ Fish Door Key, obtained during the Message in a Bottle Side quest.

89. Santa Monica Pier Map
This is a Shortcut door, you must open it from the other side.

93. Hollywood Metro Map
You need to provide power via the Breakers to open this door.

95. Beverly Hills Map
Requires Rikky’s Kitchen Key that drops from
Misha the Singer.
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