Lockbox Loot
Lockboxes need keys to open, generally found in the vicinity on one of the walking dead.
Interactive Map Locations

1. Halperin Hotel Map
Name: Military Supplies Case
Requires the Military Supplies Key from the Crusher enemy that spawns near the military checkpoint close to the Bel-Air entrance of Hotel Halperin.
You must first defeat the boss in the Hotel.

2. Halperin Hotel Map
Halperin Security Safe. Requires the
Security Guard’s Safe Key.
The Security Guard drops this, he will spawn in the car park after you head back to Bel-Air.

3. Bel Air Map
Eddie’s Toolbox can be found sitting in the back of the Pickup Truck. It requires Landscaper’s Keys to open. You get the keys from
Eddie Greenthumbs, who spawns at the rear of Colt Swansong’s mansion.

5. Halperin Hotel Map
Laundry Room Locker.
Laundry Room Locker Key.
When you reach the next floor of the hotel (the 200’s floor), go through the first white door you see.

6. Halperin Hotel Map

7. Halperin Hotel Map
Fancy Leather Trunk.
Requires the
Fancy Leather Trunk Key.
Drops from the
Mutated Guest, which spawns after completing the Search for Truth Quest.

8. Beverly Hills Map
Name: Family Garage Safe
Key: Garage Safe Key
The lockbox can be found in the garage of the house, the Nosy Neighbor drops the key.

9. Bel Air Map
The Cable Van Trunk can be found on Alpine Dr. Requires the Cable Guy’s Van Key. Contains Random Weapon.

10. Brentwood Sewers Map
Name: BWRP Maintenance Toolbox
Key: Maintenance Toolbox Key
This is dropped by the Maintenance Worker Zombie in the Main Septic Tank during the It’s Not Your Fault Side Quest.

13. Ocean Avenue
Name: Officer Wilson’s Luggage
Requirement: Mall’s Cops’s Luggage Key.

24. Beverly Hills Map
Name: Brentwood Waste Bin
Key: Brentwood Waste Key
The key is dropped by the Brentwood Staff Zombie located outside the water treatment plant.

25. Beverly Hills Map
Nikki’s Bounty Reward.
In the walk in closet in Nikki’s bedroom, on the floor.
Nikki’s Prize Key.
Nikki’s Prize Key can be found by defeating the Named Zombie “Target Practice” who appears during the day to the northeast of the house.

26. Beverly Hills Map
Name: Secure Biohazard Container
The Key can be found on the body of SSG. Hernandez, located around the corner outside.

27. Venice Beach Map
Burger ’66 Staff Locker
- Requires the Burger ’66 Locker Key
Inside the Burger 66 shop. Head through the red door next to the till to find it.

28. Venice Beach Map
- Requires Jo’s Secret Stash Key.
On top of Marla’s Tapas roof, through the chain linked gate, underneath the graffiti.
You can reach the roof by climbing up the pallets next to the metal container where the toxic chemicals were. This is behind Marla’s shop.
Once you reach the roof, follow the balcony around from the southwest.

29. Venice Beach Map
Name: Tasty Donut Store Safe
Key: Tasty Donut Safe Key
Dropped by the Tasty Donut Boss to the north.

30. Venice Beach Map
Venice Lifeguard’s Safe.
Lifeguard Hut Safe Key.
Safe is inside the hut, use the nearby crates to avoid the electricity then turn off the generator. Key can be found on Brody the Lifeguard to the southwest.

33. Venice Beach Map
Name: Skate Things Store Safe
You must enter this shop from the back, via the parking lot.

34. Venice Beach Map
LT. Lands Case
- Requires LT. Land’s Case Key.
This lockbox can be found in the tent to the northeast, to the right of the door.

36. Venice Beach Map
Name: Rose’s Storage Box
Key: Rose’s Storage Key
You will need to be on the Missing Person: Palbo Quest to enter this area.

37. Venice Beach Map
Delgado’s Supply Case
-Requires Delgado’s Supply Case Key.
On the second floor of the building, next to the stairs.

38. Santa Monica Pier Map
Name: Buried Safe
Key: R-J-B-D’S Secret Code
This will unlock during the Fool’s Gold Lost and Found Quest.

41. Santa Monica Pier Map
Name: Famiglia Storage Box
Key: Luigi’s Famiglia Key
Dropped by Luigi Jr. found on the center of the pier.

43. Beverly Hills Map
Party Contraband Case
Party Bouncer Key.
Found in the closet inside Rikky’s room on the second floor. Next to Chopper which is a guitar needed for The Ballad of Rikky Rex quest.
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