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The main enemies you’ll face here are the Lindeldt Clerics (who use Halberds to attack), Lizardmen that hang around in the water - usually with their backs floating up in the water (who look a lot like the Lickers from Resident Evil 2) and the magic-tastic Amana Shrine Maids who fling Homing Soul Arrows at you like they’re going out of fashion.

Then there’s the Acid Horn Beetles who will emit armor, weapon and ring destroying acid clouds if you get too close. So even medium range attacks (such as Pyromancy) will work nicely.

Lizardmen can usually be spotted floating in the distance (at least early on they can); so snipe them with a bow to make them come to you. Snipe the Shrine Maids too as they can be really irritating and finally try and snipe the Clerics too (unless they get close, leaving them open to parrying and ripostes).

Once the lift has stopped, exit, run down the corridor and hack the branches away on your right for a [Green Blossom] . Now continue down the tunnel until you reach the first Bonfire.

Run down the stairwell and then head through the door on your left. Attack the branch with the item on it (causing it to fall into the water below - we’ll pick it up soon) and then run across the ledge to the alcove with the Acid Horn Beetle and a chest containing [2 x Wilted Dusk Herbs + Skeptic’s Spice] .

Watch the water carefully and lure all Clerics to you with ranged attacks.

Run back to the spiralling stairwell and head down to the water. Pick up the [Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier] from underneath the stairs and as you head outside watch out for the Cleric in the water to your right and the three Lizardmen hanging around near the stone path that leads to the hut in front of you.

If you go right - and stick close to the pointy rocks - you can pick up the items you chopped down from up above and you’ll get a [Twinkling Titanite + Flame Butterfly] .

When you reach the hut you can either enter and chat to the Milfanito inside or you can run around the left (killing the Lizardman here) and grabbing the [3 x Crimson Water] from the chest by the side of the hut.

Towards the Second Bonfire

The next area up ahead is littered with Lizardmen hiding at the side of the path (in the water) and with multiple Clerics on the pathway itself. We strongly advise luring the Clerics to you with a long-ranged shot to their body (forcing them to come at you one-at-a-time).

Be slow and methodical as you inch your way up this area and past all of the enemies. You’ll find a few items here making it worth your time to be thorough including: [Soul of a Lost Undead +Torch] , [Sul of a Lost Undead + Skeptic’s Spice] and a [Large Soul of a Proud Knight] .

In the upper left-hand corner (just before the tunnel) you can find a [Dragon Charm] in a chest to your left (just be very careful of the deep water and the Lizardman guarding it).

In the tunnel you should see a sprinkling of dust floating around. This is the tell-tale sign that there’s some Lizardmen nearby as they use this dust to try and conceal their whereabouts. You can still manually lock on to them (in the opening on the left); so pick them off and open the chest for a [Twinkling Titanite + 3 x Smooth and Silky Stone] .

Probably one of the trickest parts of this area. It’s packed with items but also packed with enemies.

The next area up ahead is littered with Lizardmen hiding at the side of the path (in the water) and with multiple Clerics on the pathway itself. We strongly advise luring the Clerics to you with a long-ranged shot to their body (forcing them to come at you one-at-a-time).

Be slow and methodical as you inch your way up this area and past all of the enemies. You’ll find a few items here making it worth your time to be thorough including: [Soul of a Lost Undead +Torch] , [Sul of a Lost Undead + Skeptic’s Spice] and a [Large Soul of a Proud Knight] .

In the upper left-hand corner (just before the tunnel) you can find a [Dragon Charm] in a chest to your left (just be very careful of the deep water and the Lizardman guarding it).

In the tunnel you should see a sprinkling of dust floating around. This is the tell-tale sign that there’s some Lizardmen nearby as they use this dust to try and conceal their whereabouts. You can still manually lock on to them (in the opening on the left); so pick them off and open the chest for a [Twinkling Titanite + 3 x Smooth and Silky Stone] .

Be careful as you enter the next area as it’s packed with magic-firing enemies (usually standing on a rocky path). If you’re on PC or 360 versions then their attacks are easy to dodge (PS3 users may still need to pick them off from long range and be near to solid cover).

The next bonfire is in the broken building on your right; but be careful of the Lizardman who’s hanging outside the entrance to it in the water…

On Our Way to Bonfire Number Three

This area is pretty big and wide with loads of enemies and precarious ledges in the water for you to fall down to your death in. So using the bonfire here to light your torch is highly recommended for finding the Lizardmen and also for spotting where the ledges are (usually on your way to the hidden items). The Bonfire is surrounded by five Lizardmen and three Magicians .

If you’ve got a Pharros Lockstone then there’s also a Pharros Lock in the water half-way up the left-hand wall that reveals a [Helix Halberd] weapon.

A bit further up you’ll find a [Fire Seed] in the stone ruins but watch out for the multiple Magicians and Lizardmen here (pick the Magicians off from a distance where possible).

On the right of the ruins you’ll find an Ogre and if you follow the stone pillars up you’ll encounter more Magicians and some very narrow ledges (so use a torch or stick very close to the pillars as you move upwards).

Your reward at the top is an [Estus Flask Shard] and the [Sunlight Blade] hidden in a metal chest (just watch out for the sheer drops either side of the chest’s location).

The building a bit further on down houses a summon sign for Felicia the Brave alongside a [Large Soul of a Proud Knight + Old Radiant Lifegem] . A bit further down (in the corner of the area) there’s also a chest holding the [Fire Tempest] spell.

Opposite from this spell chest is a passageway (surrounded by deep water) that leads to an Ogre and a [Singer’s Dress + Life Ring +2] .

Heading near the fog gate reveals a few more Maidens, Lizardmen and Clerics , so approach with caution! On the left-side of the fog gate (up on the ledge you’ll find [3 x Alluring Skulls] and tucked away in a corner on the right you’ll find a [Divine Blessing + Soul of a Hero] .

Once you’re ready; step through the fog gate and then save at the Bonfire (watch out for the Acid Horn Beetles nearby).

Onwards to the Boss

If you un-equip all of your armor, weapons and rings then you can simply punch these nuisances to death as they can’t hurt you directly (just ruin all your gear).

You need to be super careful when you approach the next open area and there’s two ways to approach it.

1.Ignore all the items and enemy and make a quick dash for the next safe zone.

2.Proceed slowly and cautiously and reap all of the plentiful items to be had.

If you wish to dash past everything speedrunner-style then you should light a torch for added help and then run to the left of the left-hand pillars. You need to be careful as you’ll be right near a sheer-drop ledge in the water, but this route (and sticking left) allows you to run past everything; making it quicker and relatively painless.

Using a torch here WON’T get you swarmed (allowing you to get easy lock-ons). Also lure the Dark Spirit back out of the water to make it easier to move around.

Option two means you should use the pillars for picking off the Magicians with long-ranged weapons and then watch out as you enter the open area further as you’ll soon summon a Dark Spirit !

This spirit is a magic user so you can either try to push him off a ledge and into the deep water for an insta-kill or you can pull back into the cave and lure him in with you. Now get up close and stunlock him (thanks to his rubbish shield and lack of poise).

Once he’s dead you can go back into the open area and you should notice lots of that glitter in the air. This is the tell-tale sign that there’s plenty of Lizardmen here. You can’t see them through the dust, but what you can do is light a torch and use this to find them hiding in the water!

Once you can see them you can lock on to them and take them out your preferred way. Clear the whole area of lizards and then watch out for the Magician on your left (towards the exit). With that all done it’s time to reap your rewards!

Here you’ll find (in no particular order): [Large Soul of a Proud Knight + Green Blossom}, [Soul of a Brave Warrior + Petrified Dragon Bone], [Homing Crystal Soulmass] (spell), [Red Iron Twinblade + Soul of a Proud Knight] and finally a [Skeptic’s Spice] .

Trundle on though the ruined passageway and before entering the building on your left; look right and pick up the [Large Soul of a Proud Knight + Green Blossom] .

Inside the building speak to the Injured Milfanito (it’ll open up a blocked off area later on) and then it’s on to the boss fog gate!

Boss Fight - Demon of Song

Stay reasonably close to bait its hand attacks and then run in for an easy two-three hits.

Frankly; this boss is insultingly easy. The only thing you need to remember is that only its face can be damaged (except when it pulls its skin over it - yuck!). It’s also pretty slow so simply bait it into attacking, quickly roll back and if it uses its arms wait for them to finish before running in for a few easy hits.

If it jumps upwards, it’ll do so really slowly giving you loads of time to dodge away (unless you’re over 70.1% equip load). Just remember to face it head-on at all times and magic users need to take a bit more care when timing their shots (so they don’t bounce off the impervious skin).

Towards the Undead Crypt

With that weak excuse for a boss out of the way it’s time to press onwards. Continue up the passageway until you see the ruined stone pathway.

If you process straight on for now then you’ll find a chest with [20 x Magic Arrows] and a stairwell leading to a Bonfire . The door at the top of these stairs will only open if you’re hollow!

Inside you’ll find a few items such as a [Bonfire Ascetic] , [Manslayer] and [Fire Seed] . You’ll also find the Shrine of the Living and another Milfanito .

Once you’ve exhausted everything in this area, it’s time to go back into the water and take the other path that leads to the next main area on our search for the all-important King’s Ring - the Undead Crypt .

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Bandai Namco Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS3, PS4, XB 360, XB One
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    4 May 2014
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Andrew Mills

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