Subdistrict | Prerequisite |
Rancho Coronado | Complete the Main Job “Playing For Time” |
Space Oddity is a Side Job that becomes available after completing the Main Job “Playing For Time.
Head to Rancho Coronado¶
Head Southeast of the Rancho Coronado South Fast Travel to find the building where this job begins.
Talk to the bums¶
Once you’ve arrived, speak with the three guys and you’ll find out that they possess a military briefcase. Here you can either purchase it off them or you can force them to give it to you if you have Body 20 or by playing the Street Kid Life Path.
(1 of 2) Force the bums to give you the briefcase via the following choices
Force the bums to give you the briefcase via the following choices (left), then collect the access shard from the body near the dumpster. (right)
Once you’ve acquired the case, go to the back of the building and scan the bodies near the dumpster until you find the owner of it. Collect the Access Key of him, then open the case and look at the file.
Go to the Drop Point¶
After you’ve gathered the necessary information, head to the location which is marked on your map to find seven enemies surrounding a package.
(1 of 2) Circle around the area and take down each of the enemies
Circle around the area and take down each of the enemies (left), then collect the package. (right)
Once the area is clear, open the package and speak with Johnny to complete the job. Here you’ll want to go in from the south and circle around the area whilst performing take downs on each of the enemies when they aren’t looking.
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