Chive Wildlife
The most dangerous of the “Mandragora” class of enemies, this is perhaps the most lethal plant in the game not named “
Malboro”. You’ll encounter these monsters on Missions 9-5-6 and 9-6-1, where they’ll can cause confusion and drain SP with their Hysteric Voices attack and dish out damage with
Energy - a high level spell. Their most dangerous attack, however, is their spinning melee attack that can inflict
Death, which is unfortunately not uncommon among late-game enemies. A
Safety Bit,
Super Ribbon or the
Genji Shield will make fighting these enemies much safe. Despite having nearly 100,000 HP,
Chives aren’t particularly hard to kill, due to their terrible VIT and SPR scores, and their vulnerability to fire. You can steal
Wall materia from them (rare).
Mission(s) / Location(s)
M9-5-6, M9-6-1
Related Species Enemies

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