G Purgatorio G Clones
A mid-tier variant of the Makonoid family of enemies, you’ll encounter it on Missions 3-4-6 and 8-6-6. It possesses most of the attacks typical to this line of enemies, including
Drain Claw, which deals a small amount of damage and rewards it to the
G Purgatorio, Rip, a 5-hit combo which can cumulatively deal over 10,000 damage (255 VIT) and Tracking Missile, which shoots out three orbs that seek you out and each deal minor damage. In addition it can use a powerful Dive
Bomb attack, which will reduce your HP to 1/4 of its current value, which can be dangerous if followed up by Rip. Lastly, it can use the high-tier spell,
Energy. Like most Makonoids, it has a high amount of HP - around 100,000, in this case - which makes it a tedious foe to fight.
Mission(s) / Location(s)
M3-4-6, M8-6-6


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