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Conan Exiles

Bonemeal Locations and Uses - Conan Exiles

Scott Peers
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There are countless resources that you can gather and hunt for in !Conan Exiles, some of which can only be found in specific locations, or have limited uses. "Bonemeal" iconBonemeal fits into the latter category since it can only be used to create certain food recipes or to enrich compost heaps. However, the process of obtaining it is very simple. All you need to do is find creatures that have bones and use a pick-axe or hatchet to harvest the bones after you’ve killed them. Still, some creatures yield more bones than others, such as humans and hyenas, so it helps to know where to look. On this page, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about how to create Bonemeal, and what it can be used for.

How to Make Bonemeal in Conan Exiles

The first thing you should know about Bonemeal in !Conan Exiles is that in most cases, you’ll need to make it from scratch rather than loot it from the world. There are exceptions to this, such as finding Bonemeal in storage containers within humanoid camps, or even in random chests scattered throughout the world. With that said, the most reliable way to obtain Bonemeal is to make it yourself, and to do that you’ll need to acquire some… you guessed it, "Bone" iconBone.

The most obvious source of bone comes from the resource itself, which specific creatures (some of which are listed below) will drop on a regular basis. Once you have the bone, you can place it in a grinder to produce Bonemeal. Using the default crafting settings, you’ll get four Bonemeal for every piece of bone that you place in the grinder. The same applies to any severed limbs that you place in the grinder, which are also a source of Bonemeal. So, if you kill a creature and it doesn’t yield the base component of bone but does yield severed limbs, you can still use it to produce Bonemeal.

(1 of 2) You can produce a lot of Bonemeal if you spend time farming bone, severed limbs, or other relevant materials.

You can produce a lot of Bonemeal if you spend time farming bone, severed limbs, or other relevant materials. (left), The grinder crafting menu will allow you to keep track of how much Bonemeal is being produced from a specific amount of bone. (right)

In addition to bone and severed limbs, you can also place other materials such as "Ivory" iconIvory, "Claws" iconClaws, "Chitin" iconChitin, "Fangs" iconFangs, "Horn" iconHorns, "Tusks" iconTusks, and Skulls in the grinder to produce Bonemeal. The process of finding these more specific resources can be more difficult since only some creatures yield them, so they’re slightly less reliable resources to convert into Bonemeal. Still, if you have them, you might as well grind them!

Best Places to Farm Bone for Bonemeal in Conan Exiles

You might think that bone can be acquired from pretty much any creature that has bones, and while that’s a good rule of thumb, it’s not the whole story in this game. You’ll often find that killing some creatures, such as deer, will yield no bone whatsoever. Although this doesn’t make much logical sense, it is a fact of the mechanics of the game. So, where are the best places to acquire bone, and how can you get it? Well, first of all, you need to make sure that you have a pick-axe or a hatchet. These are the main tools that you need to obtain bone, by hitting a dead creature with them.

(1 of 2) Human camps are an excellent source of Bonemeal, or materials that can be used to produce it.

Human camps are an excellent source of Bonemeal, or materials that can be used to produce it. (left), Be sure to use a pick-axe or hatchet when harvesting to acquire the bone. (right)

There are creatures roaming the world throughout Conan Exiles, and since most of them have the capacity to yield bone you shouldn’t have much trouble finding it, so long as you use a pick-axe or hatchet instead of a knife when you come to harvest them. Still, it’s a good idea to hunt specific creatures if you want a higher chance of harvesting bone from them, including humanoids. The list below details some of the creatures that we’ve confirmed yield the most amount of bone per kill:

Oddly, we didn’t have much success with creatures such as "Elk" iconElk, "Deer" iconDeer, Wolves, and Boar, but drop rates may vary for each player so you can try your luck. Humans, Hyenas, and Crocodiles yield the most amount of bone in our experience, which was shared between multiple playthroughs.

What Is Bonemeal Used for in Conan Exiles?

The uses for Bonemeal in Conan Exiles are fairly limited but still important. The main use for Bonemeal in terms of crafting relates to enriching compost heaps, which provide the materials necessary to ensure that your plants grow quickly and healthily. In this way, you can produce more food if you make good use of Bonemeal, but you can also make some food recipes with Bonemeal as a base component, such as Devil’s Bonemeal. Not the most appetizing dish, but useful in a pinch if you need to restore some health.

If you haven’t made compost before, it’s useful to know that to produce it you’ll need to combine Bonemeal with "Plant Fiber" iconPlant Fiber and "Putrid Meat" iconPutrid Meat. You can then put the compost into a Planter with some seeds to start growing things.

In addition to compost heaps and some limited food recipes, you’ll also find that Bonemeal is used as an alchemy ingredient to produce potions, and it’s sometimes required in summoning rituals, so it’s a handy component to have at least some of in your inventory at all times.

More Conan Exiles Resource Guides

If you’re interested in learning more about different types of resources, be sure to check the pages below for more information.

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  • Publisher
  • Genre
    Action Adventure, Survival
  • Guide Release
    17 April 2023
  • Last Updated
    11 January 2024
    Version History
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