Tears of Xanarus Ruins
Tears of Xanarus is a set of ruins situated on the beach of the Isle of Siptah. These ruins are characterized by their proximity to a set of falls that lead up to the
Ruins of X’chotl. To find the Tears of Xanarus, consult the map grid C/9 on the Isle of Siptah. You can utilize precise coordinates for teleportation: TeleportPlayer -359047 51888 -20448.
Map Coordinates
TeleportPlayer -359047 51888 -20448
Additional Notes
Upon reaching the top of the falls, adventurers may encounter formidable challenges including The Hunger, a fearsome three-skull
Komodo, and a variety of
Crocodiles. These adversaries often serve as a prelude to the Elder Vault known as the
Sanctuary of the Serpent.
Near the top of the falls at Tears of Xanarus, you will encounter
The Hunger, a formidable threeskull

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