Yellow Lotus Blossom Plants
Yellow Lotus Blossom is a crafting material in Conan Exiles. It is primarily used for creating
Yellow Lotus Potions, which can be consumed to reset attribute and feat points. Yellow Lotus Blossoms can be harvested from Yellow Lotus plants found throughout the Exiled Lands.
How To Obtain Item
To harvest Yellow Lotus Blossoms, players can simply approach a Yellow Lotus plant and interact with it using the default interaction key (E on PC). Using a tool, such as a Sickle, can improve the harvesting efficiency, yielding more Yellow Lotus Blossoms per plant.
Crafting Recipes:
Yellow Lotus Blossoms are used as a component in the following crafting recipe:
| Yellow Lotus Potion | 10x Yellow Lotus Blossom, 1x Water-filled
Glass Flask |
Detailed Location(s)
Yellow Lotus Blossoms can be found in various biomes, but they are most commonly found in jungle, river, and oasis areas. The plants appear as small yellow flowers with green leaves.
Interactive Map Locations

2. Conan Exiles Map - The Exiled Lands
You’ll find these plants along the shore here.

4. Conan Exiles Map - The Exiled Lands
You’ll find some Yellow Lotus Blossom plants here.
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