Commander's Chestplate Torso
In-game Description
Magnificent in its make and a sight feared by anyone that opposes the glory of the Aquilonian legions.
How to Obtain
The Commander’s Chestplate cannot be crafted.
It can be found in the Unnamed City biome, specifically by looting boss creatures in that area. The following bosses are known sources for this item:
So, to obtain the Commander’s Chestplate, venture into the Unnamed City biome, locate and defeat the mentioned boss creatures, and loot the Commander’s Chestplate from their remains. Be prepared for challenging battles as you explore the Unnamed City in search of this legendary armor piece.
Additional Information
Commander’s Chestplate cannot be dismantled.
- Legendary items like the Commander’s Chestplate cannot be repaired once they are damaged.
Armor Set

Armor Set Pieces

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