Objective: Follow Gideon
4 years have passed since the events of the previous mission. Not much to do as we start but to take a look at what the city has become. At the end we get to ride a bike but its on autopilot though so you don’t get to ride it haha. Once we get off we separate in two groups. Gideon will go into the school so follow him.
The things done in here are horrible. Open the door when prompted and start heading upstairs. Move across the gap with Gideon and like always, your character falls. We’ve separated from Gideon so its time to stay hidden.
Objective: Regroup with Gideon
Note: Stay crouched at all times and try to stay hidden. Use your Melee attack since you don’t have weapons.
As you move forward you’ll see an enemy pass by. Kill him, take his weapon and look left to find Enemy Intel #01 [13/45] .
Go to the other side this time and you’ll find another enemy. Melee him if you can and start going up. At the top go through the hallway to see another enemy walk by. Follow him, melee him to death and continue until an enemy grabs you and you end up stabbing him to death. Another enemy appears so shoot him quickly and move to the objective. Now go down the ladder to find Gideon.
Objective: Reach the Hospital
Enter the little cubicle here to find Enemy Intel #02 [14/45] but be careful because enemies will start appearing from outside.
Go to the end of this cubicle to find the Intel.
There’s going to be a new enemy here, the Dogs. Shoot these ASAP. Take your time and shoot all the enemies inside the bar. Go upstairs once inside the bar and toss a Threat Grenade in the room here to locate most of the enemies. Take them out shooting them through the walls and you’ll find more in the next room. Take them out and soon enough Gideon jumps down to an open area.
Instead of following him, stay up here and grab the MORS Thermal Sight and snipe down all the enemies. Once you’ve done it and Gideon starts talking, quickly switch weapons, jump down and go to the right side before the turret starts shooting at you because it can deal some massive damage.
Time to push the ambulance though so start doing so and shoot down any enemies that are shooting at you because your team is too stupid to do it for you.
Once you finish pushing the ambulance go inside the Hospital.
Objective: Capture the Doctor
Go up to the second floor and as soon as you enter the room the enemies will throw a Flash Grenade and quickly pop out of everywhere and start shooting. Dispose of them quickly and from the entrance of the room enter the door on the left side to find Enemy Intel #03 [15/45] .
Make sure to search the rooms thoroughly to find this Intel.
Continue moving forward whilst killing the enemies. When you get to the door, bust the door open and quickly press R3 to defend yourself. Shoot the other two guys and its time to return home.
Objective: Escape with the Doctor
Follow Gideon and we get stunned, but we are saved by some unknown guys that can make themselves invisible. Awesome. Move forward and time to get on the bikes.

Finish the hoverbike sequence without hitting any walls or obstacles or taking damage in "Aftermath".

This one is actually really simple. Make sure to stay alert. You can see all the obstacles coming from a distance so evade. If you get hit, restart from the last checkpoint so you don’t have to do the whole mission again.
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