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Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel

Veins of Helios

Jarrod Garripoli
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Cannibal Corpse

You will need to be on or have finished the optional mission, Eradicate! (it’s best to come back after finishing it). The final enemy you kill during the mission is named Eghood and will respawn even after being kill in the mission. The description says to kill Eghood while fully under the influence of the parasites.

Luckily, the same room that Eghood spawns in has green blobs that will give you said parasites, which are from a previous optional mission. Melee these and stand in the gloop where they were to get the disease. When you notice the things on your screen not increasing, kill Eghood to finish the challenge.

Catch a Ride

On the eastern side of the map, you should see some containers that follow a track that move north/south. If you make your way to the northeast corner, you should be able to see where they come from, so jump on the lowest set of tracks and wait.

As soon as you see a container coming out of the wall, jump on top of it and ride it to the top, where it will stop and you’ll complete the challenge. Note that there’s a single jump pad along the very bottom, to the west of where the container stops, on the flat surface underneath you, allowing you to get back to the regular areas.

Honorary Foreman

In the main area of Veins of Helios, there are five buttons you can push to activate idle working bots. Their locations are as follows:

  • Right outside of the first airlock you use to get to the main area.
  • Use the first jump pad you come across to get to an isolated platform, where you’ll find this one.
  • From the platform where the second is, look over the north ledge and you’ll see another platform below you. Boost jump to it to find the third bot.
  • Go back to the first jump pad and fall down the long chute near it. At the bottom, head back outside and you’ll find the fourth bot in this area.
  • Jump onto the western building surround Central Maintenance and go to the north side of it. You should see a platform in the distance with a green jump pad, so jump to it and you’ll find the last bot there.

Jump for Joy/Thrill Seeker

Jump for Joy and Thrill Seeker will require you to use all of the jump pads in the Veins of Helios area, which are separated into two different colors, green and blue. Instead of listing them one-by-one, a pseudo walkthrough of the area will be provided instead, hopefully making it easier to get all of them in one go.

From the airlock, drop down to the area immediately west of you and you’ll find your first jump pad here (Green 1), which will bring you back to the airlock. Go back down and continue west to the end to find another jump pad (Blue 1), which will bring you to a platform with the third (Blue 2). You should now be back on the platform with the first blue jump pad.

You should see a spot where you can drop down a huge shaft, but you don’t want to go all the way to the bottom yet. Make your way to the second level from the top (the first has a vault symbol) and out into the airless area. Jump to the platform being moved by one of the drones, then look to the north to spot a ledge with another jump pad (Blue 3).

Before using it, look down to see another area with a green jump pad (Green 2), which will take you to the same platform as the blue down, so use the blue one and boost jump to the area below to get the green one. This will bring you to a platform with another green one (Green 3), then a platform overlooking Central Maintenance, which has two more jump pads.

The green one (Green 4) will bring you back to the beginning area, while the blue one faces west (Blue 4). Before using the blue one, though, look down over the west edge of the platform to spot another green jump pad (Green 5). Now, go use the blue one to jump straight up, then fall down to the Central Maintenance platform for another green pad (Green 6).

You should be back on the platform overlooking the Central Maintenance area, so jump and boost to the building on the western side, where you’ll find two more blue pads. Take the southern of the two (Blue 5), leading you to another blue one on the Remote Access platform (Blue 6). Go back now and take the northern of the two from before (Blue 7), then take the blue pad on the platform you get sent to (Blue 8).

Go back on top of the western building from before and look north of it to spot a green pad (Green 7). Now, jump over to the easternmost building, taking the blue pad there to eventually reach another two (Blue 9, 10 and 11). On the eastern building, look north and you should see a green pad slightly hidden away (Green 8). West of the previous pad is another green one, which is right out of the northern airlock (Green 9). You should land on a platform with two holes, so look over the eastern edge to spot the last green one below (Green 10).

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    2K Games
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS3, PS4, XB 360, XB One
  • Genre
    Action RPG, FPS
  • Guide Release
    13 October 2014
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author

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Taking place between the events of Borderlands 1 and Borderlands 2, The Pre-Sequel details the events of how Handsome Jack became what he was during the second game. You play as one of four new character classes as you explore the moon of Pandora, Elpis, jumping around in low gravity, collecting all new loot and just shooting everything and anything you find!

Inside you will find:

  • A complete walkthrough of all main story missions and all of the optional missions;
  • A guide to complete all of the location-based Challenges;
  • How to get every single Achievement and Trophy;
  • Maps, images and locations of all of the Vault Symbols.

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