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**Collectibles** #
Voxophones 8
Kinetoscopes 0
Telescopes 1
Infusion Upgrades 3
Equippable Gear 4

Memorial Gardens

As soon as you are past the gate, look to the left for a Telescope [1/1] . Use this to make sure it counts towards your collectible totals.

Head through the gate (left) and keep an eye out for the telescope (right) just beyond.

Follow the street and you will see an open door to the left. Inside you can find a lock pick, more lootable stuff and a safe Elizabeth can open for a tidy sum of cash (requires 3 lock picks). Return to the street and enter the gate further along to the right for the ‘Memorial Gardens’.

Follow the path to the right and climb the stairs here. Go through the first crypt and you will reach the graveyard proper. Elizabeth will point out the ‘Our Lady’ tomb. As we head over to it, you will see a few tears around and that means fighting is bound to occur. So keep that in mind!

When you reach the tomb of interest, turn around to face the courtyard. We will be fighting as soon as we get back out out of here, so we should familiarise ourselves with their locations now. Here is where you will find the tears.

**Tears in this Location**
Shotgun and ammo on the raised walkway opposite the entrance to the ‘Our Lady’ tomb. Crate of medical kits in a small tunnel beneath the walkway jutting out into the graveyard opposite the entrance to the tomb. Crank gun on the wall next to the raised walkway to the left. Crate of medical kits in an open tomb to the right.

When you are ready to progress, enter the lady’s tomb and have Elizabeth interact with the lock on the door. Open the door when prompted to do so. After an exchange of words, walk around to the back of the coffin and interact with the lock for a scene. To continue, you need to open the gate back out to the graveyard. Here you will encounter a new enemy – the Siren.

Enter the ‘Our Lady’ crypt (left) and then head outside to fight a new enemy - the Siren (right).

New Enemy: Siren
The siren is probably the toughest enemy you will encounter in the game. Shes a ghosts with a number of annoying abilities. They have a shockwave they will use if you get too close. Secondly, and most annoyingly, sirens have the ability to resurrect dead people…with guns. She won’t just stop at one or two zombies either; she will continue to spawn them until she has a veritable army defending her. Additionally they can use short range teleportation like Crows so she can escape and spawn enemies elsewhere. When she dies, all of the spawned enemies will die as well, however she usually stays at the back of the battlefield or teleports from place to place, making shooting her difficult without being shot to pieces by her thralls.

For those favoring a frontal attack, the Return to Sender vigor is useful in protecting you from damage whilst you attack her directly, whilst the sniper rifle from cover is a good way to dish out damage from a distance. Additionally, tossing Devil’s Kiss or Shock Jockey traps at her whilst she is reviving enemies is a very useful tactic as when the enemies touch the ground they will activate the trap and damage both themselves and the Siren as well.

After destroying the siren, a pair of familiar faces will show up at some open graves to the right of the lady’s tomb. Go and chat with them. Once they disappear, go up to the tomb at the top of the hill behind them.

See the pair of torches on either side of the gate? Hit each of them with a Devil’s Kiss and they will light up. After which the gate will open. Inside against the back wall you will find a gift containing a new piece of Equippable Gear [1/4] . Now go over to the crank gun tear and look near the flames to the left for a lock pick kit.

Backtrack to the entrance to the area for another short conversation sequence. This will update our objectives. When the scene is done, exit the Memorial Gardens. You will notice some ghostly footprints. These will lead you where you need to go.

When we are back on the street, turn right and follow the crumbling ledge here. Once you reach the far side of the narrow ledge and are back on the street, turn around to see an open door to a building floating behind us. Jump over to this. Approach the red tear to hear another bout of contemporary music. Also in the room you will find a Voxophone [1/8] and on the ground nearby a lock picking bag.

Follow the crumbling path (left) and enter the floating building on the left for a Voxophone (right).

Return to the street and continue along it. Near the end of the street, go down the stairs to your right to enter the Market District.

Market District

As soon as you reach the base of the stairs, there is a Dollar Bill machine to your left if you need to replenish supplies of ammo/health/salts. Continue along the road to the next left and head down the path here. Below in a square with a fountain in the centre, you will see a group of 6-7 Vox soldiers out in front of a building on the left.

Work your way down the path and kill them all. Have Elizabeth unlock the door to the building that they were guarding. Head on in the door when able.

Laboratory Lutece

Enter the door directly in front of you and then go up the stairs to your right. At the top enter the open door to a bedroom. On the left side of this room you will find an Infusion Upgrade [1/3] on a table. On the right side of

the room, on the floor between the bed and the left hand bedside table you will find a Voxophone [2/8] . Return downstairs and enter the room at the end of the hall.

Upstairs inside Laboratory Lutece you will find an Infusion Upgrade (left) and a Voxophone (right).

Return downstairs and enter the room at the end of the hall. Ignore the tear here for a moment and enter the open door to the right. Here on a table at the back of the room is a Voxophone [3/8] . Loot the rest of the area and head back out to the tear.

Interact with the tear for a short scene. After the tear disappears, look on the floor below where it had been as it will leave behind a Voxophone [4/8] .

On the ground floor of Laboratory Lutece is another Voxophone (left). After interacting with the tear, another Voxophone (right) will appear.

Now that we are done here, do any final looting you require before heading back out of the house.

Market District

As you exit, you’ll notice an open shop across the square to the right. In here there is a bit of ammo and a lock picking kit behind the counter if you are interested. Exit to the street and look behind the green and white tent for another door. This one Elizabeth can unlock (requires 3 lock picks). Inside find the back room, here there is a gift containing a new piece of Equippable Gear [2/4] .

Exit to the street again and continue down the stairs. There is an open shop here that is on fire. Inside there is one of each vending machine if you feel like upgrading or buying some salts/health/ammo. There is a lock pick on the wall to the right of the Minuteman’s Armory vending machine.

When ready exit the shop and continue down the next few sets of stairs. You will reach another street. Follow this to the left and as you reach the corner a firemen will appear. Once you have dealt with him turn around and look for a sign saying ‘Wilson Bros. & Company’. This building has a door we can unlock (requires 3 lock picks). There is an Infusion Upgrade [2/3] inside.

Return to where the fireman we just killed came from and follow this path. When you reach the bottom of the stairs, enter the door to the right marked ‘Hudson’s’. Behind the bookshelf at the top of the stairs is a lock pick.

Downstairs you will find a lock pick bag and a safe we can open (requires 3 lock picks) for some money. In the small side-room near the safe, there is also a CODE BOOK on a shelf that we can grab that will start an optional task.

Enter the ‘Wilson Bros. & Company’ building for an Infusion Upgrade (left). Enter the door to the right at the base of the stairs (right) to find a codebook inside.

Return back to the main street and follow the path to the end until you reach a locked gate. Have Elizabeth open it for you. Once you go through, we’ll be back in the Thoroughfare again.


After going through the gate, turn right and follow the walkway. See the white set of stairs nearby? That’s the entrance to the bank and our next destination.

The same tears are still in effect from our previous visit to the area.

**Tears in this Location**
A barrel of salts on the lower platform below the elevator. There is a Mosquito patrolling around the central area. An Oil spill on the central platform beneath the winged statue. Crank gun on the wooden walkway at the bottom of the central platform. Crate of medical kits on the street to the right of the central platform. Water puddle on the street right of the central platform. Decoy on the street to the left of the central platform. Crate of medical kits on the street right of the central platform. RPG and ammo on the balcony on the far side of the area. Volley Gun and ammo on the balcony on the far side of the area.

Have Elizabeth activate the auto-turret and plant a vigor trap or two on the stairs as well. As we set up the stairs to the bank, a pair of crows will emerge from the door at the top. An additional 8-10 Vox soldiers will pour out after them. Once they are all dead a fireman will show up, so use the sky-lines and tears as you deem appropriate to sort them all out.

When all the bad guys are dead, climb the stairs to the bank and enter the door at the top.

The Bank of the Prophet

As you enter, grab the lock pick sitting on the pillar at the back right and follow the path to the left. In the next room are three Kintetoscopes against the far wall and they are all repeats of Kinetoscopes we have looked at previously so as long as you have been following the guide, you will have picked these ones up previously. Even so, feel free to use them again just to ensure that you have them.

When ready, enter the nearby elevator and hit the button to ride it down to the next area.

The Bank of the Prophet Main Hall

As you exit the lift, turn left to see a Dollar Bill vending machine. Use it if you wish.

The main hall here is occupied by 10-12 Vox soldiers and we will need to kill them all. Deal with them as you wish. Once the hall is clear, you will note that there are two teller areas on the lower level on either side of the room with a good deal of loot in each. Of particular note is that the room on the left has a safe inside that can be opened by Elizabeth (requires 1 lock pick) for a nice sum of money. The right hand room has a lock pick on a table.

Go up to the large vault door at the back of the room. Enter the door to the left. Follow the path here and on the second desk on the left you will find a lock pick kit. Continue along the hallway here until you reach a corner. There will be a door in front so head on in here. On the ground on the right hand side of the room is a gift containing a new piece of Equippable Gear [3/4] .

Exit this room via the other door and follow this corridor until you enter the small office room at the end. Look on the desk here for a lock picking kit and another Vox code. This will start an optional task.

Optional Mission: Find the Vox Code

**Optional Mission: Find the Vox Code**
**Rewards: 1 x Infusion Upgrade, 1 x Voxophone**
If you picked the Codebook up as I told you to earlier, you are good to go. If you didn’t pick it up earlier, you will need to backtrack out of the bank and grab it (see the previous image for location)! Once you have the Code Book, head around behind the desk and after Elizabeth tells you what to do, interact with the type writer. This will unlock a secret room nearby that contains an **Infusion Upgrade [3/3]** , a lock pick bag and a **Voxophone [5/8]** . There are also a few gold bars and coins lying around near the safe.

Find the Vox Code on the desk (left). Use the Codebook on it for an Infusion Upgrade and Voxophone (right).

Now that we are all looted out, it’s time to get back to business, return to the main hall with the vault door. This time around we want to take the right exit. Follow the hallway until you reach the room at the end. Go through the left hand door. Kill the 4-5 Vox soldiers in here and the sniper through the doorway at the end of the hall. Loot the room (there’s a fair bit of loot to be had!).

Head through the room with the sniper and enter the left hand door. At the end of this hallway you will see an hole inthe wall to the left. Ignore this for now and continue past it to the dead end. Here you will find a corpse next to a twisted metal grill on a door. Behind him you will find a gift containing a new piece of Equippable Gear [4/4] . Go back and enter the opening we ignored a second ago.

You will see another tear in the centre of the room in front of you. Ignore this for now and enter the room to the left. There is a safe in here Elizabeth can unlock (requires 3 lock picks) for some additional money and behind this is a Voxophone [6/8] .

Return to the tear and as you approach, the crow that we have been seeing around will attack you. Kill him off and then head over to the tear again and interact with it. After the tear disappears, look on the floor below where it had been as it will leave behind a Voxophone [7/8] .

On the left side of the vault is a Voxophone (left). Once you have dealt with the tear in the vault another Voxophone will appear (right).

Run around behind the statue in the middle of the room and approach the vault door. It will open for you.

As soon as the door is open you will see a siren resurrecting some enemies. Goody! During the fight with the siren, feel free to use the cover provided by the pillars on the lower level and the pair of offices on either side as well.The siren will hang out mostly in the middle, but will also spend a bit of time on the upper levels as well. Just remember to throw traps at her whilst she is reviving to make her and her thralls a little easier to handle.

When she is dead, return to the far end of the main hall and ride the elevator back up to the bank. Backtrack out of the bank and exit to the thoroughfare. Follow the path around to the right and enter the gate to Harmony Lane once again.

Harmony Lane

Continue through the street where we fought the snipers earlier and climb the stairs at the far end. At the top you will see a lock appear on the door directly across the street (‘Columbia’s finest Photography’ is written on the window). Have Elizabeth pick the lock and go on inside.

Interact with the tear in here for a scene. After the tear disappears, look on the table behind where it had been as it will leave behind a Voxophone [8/8] .

The final tear is inside ‘Columbia’s finest Photography’ (left). Interact with it and a Voxophone will appear (right).

Loot the rest of the shop and when you are ready to get going, exit and turn left.

Follow the road towards the large winged statue in the distance. This place was a little tricky earlier, but this time around it is much more sparsely populated. There is a pair of Vox rocketeers on balconies overlooking the street and a regular Vox soldier to deal with. Kill them and proceed up the stairs on the left at the end.

Z.H. Comstock Victory Square

We are back at the gate to Comstock house again. Note that this time around there is a tear for a sniper rifle and some ammo over on the right side of the area below a raised platform. Approach the female statue in front of the building and a conversation with Elizabeth will play out.

Once the conversation is done, a siren will appear and resurrect a bunch of enemies on the steps here. Remember to hit her with traps when she pauses to resurrect so that she and her underlings will take damage. Other than that, do your usual siren tactics to take her down. Note that there is plenty of cover available and if you are the standoffish type the tear with the sniper rifle will give you the option to take her down from afar.

Once the siren has been defeated, return up to the statue and another scene will play out.

After the scene, enter the now opened gate and through the door inside.

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A Real Pistol

Killed 25 enemies with the Broadsider Pistol.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    2K Games
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS3, PS4, XB 360, XB One
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    27 April 2013
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Paul Williams

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Indebted to the wrong people, with his life on the line, veteran of the U.S. Cavalry and now hired gun, Booker De-Witt has only one opportunity to wipe his slate clean. He must rescue Elizabeth, a mysterious girl imprisoned since childhood and locked up in the flying city of Columbia. Forced to trust one another, Booker and Elizabeth form a powerful bond during their daring escape. Together, they learn to harness an expanding arsenal of weapons and abilities, as they fight on zeppelins in the clouds, along high-speed Sky-Lines, and down in the streets of Columbia, all while surviving the threats of the air-city and uncovering its dark secret.

Inside this guide you will find:

  • The location of every Voxophone, Kinetoscope and Telescope; Learn all of Columbia’s secrets.
  • The location of every Infusion Upgrade and piece of extra Gear - Be the best Booker you can be.
  • Detailed information on every type of enemy and advice on how to defeat them.
  • Information on how to beat the game at 1999 difficulty.
  • Enjoy the journey of Bioshock Infinite, finding everything along the way.

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